Valentina Bellè

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Love Gets a Room

Love Gets a Room

Nov 26, 2021
January 1942, in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. Thousands of Jews have been confined to the Warsaw ghetto for more than a year. Outside, life goes on; inside, they struggle to survive another day. Still, on a cold winter night, a group of Jewish actors manage to stage a lively musical comedy.


Dec 14, 2023
Au cours de l'été 1957, Enzo Ferrari, ancien pilote automobile, est en crise. La faillite guette l'entreprise que lui et sa femme, Laura, ont créée à partir de rien dix ans plus tôt. Leur mariage tumultueux doit faire face au deuil d'un fils et à la reconnaissance d'un autre. Pour tenter d'assurer leur survie, il jette les dés sur une course — 1 000 miles à travers l'Italie, l'emblématique Mille Miglia.
L’ultimo spegne la luce
Returning from a dinner party with friends, a young couple finds themselves locked outside their house, and have to deal with the remains of their relationship.
Sei Fratelli

Sei Fratelli

May 01, 2024
Marco, Guido, Leo, Luisa, Gaelle and Mattia have different mothers, they are not all biological children of the same father but they have a single true father figure of reference: Manfredi Alicante. When the latter passes away, they all find themselves together for the first time in their father's house in Bordeaux, living the illusion of being able to become a united family. But now each of them brings with them a story, an identity and going back won't be easy.
Miranda's Mind

Miranda's Mind

Mar 25, 2023
Miranda, a twenty-nine years old melancholic character, is struggling to find her place in the world. After having her book proposal rejected, Miranda is trying to find peace with the fact that she might never achieve her purpose. Thanks to encounters with various characters and multiple daydreams, Miranda will bring the audience with her on a journey to find something that was right in front of her all along: herself.


Nov 09, 2023
Suisse, hiver 1939. Le jeune yéniche, Lubo, est appelé pour rejoindre l'armée suisse pour protéger la frontière. Il est bientôt rejoint par son cousin qui lui apprend que la police a emmené ses enfants, au motif qu'ils sont des enfants de gitans, conformément au programme national de rééducation, les " Kinder der Landstrasse". Il les recherche sans relâche et entreprend de se venger à sa manière...
Il permesso: 48 ore fuori
The story of four inmates during their 48 hours furlough, of their reality and how it has brought them behind bars. The characters are described with realism, with their contradictions, their desperation, the temptation of an escape, but the cornerstone of the movie is the sincerity of the positive feelings of each and everyone of them: the love of a father for his son, the love for a woman, for friends, and most of all the pursuit of a lost (if ever had) personal dignity and pride. Four characters of different ages and extractions, three man and a woman: Luigi, Donato, Rossana and Angelo.
La vita accanto

La vita accanto

Aug 22, 2024
In Vicenza, a beautiful Italian art city, a young wealthy couple joyfully welcomes the birth of a long-awaited daughter in the early 1980s. But the child’s face is disfigured by a red birthmark that covers half her face. This spot haunts the mother to the point that she rejects her responsibilities as a mother. The child’s aunt, a famous concert pianist, takes over her education, thus discovering her exceptional musical talent.
Amori che non sanno stare al mondo
Claudia and Flavio were once passionately in love, but all of that is over. Now, in their fifties, they must venture anew into the world of love and dating once more but for Claudia confronting the end and accepting a new beginning isn’t so easy. Claudia is unwilling to let go and forget the life she’s built with Flavio, while Flavio, eager to move on, soon finds himself in a relationship with a much younger woman. Claudia soon reconnects with Nina, a student from her days as a professor.
La vita oscena

La vita oscena

Apr 28, 2014
The tragic coming-of-age story of a boy who takes his experiences to the point of seeking death, only to be reborn. His favourite poet chose death, but he finds the strength to survive and tell about his “obscene life”.
Una questione privata

Una questione privata

Nov 01, 2017
Eté 43, Piémont. Milton aime Fulvia qui joue avec son amour : elle aime surtout la profondeur de sa pensée et les lettres qu’il lui écrit. Un an plus tard, Milton est entré dans la Résistance et se bat aux côtés d’autres partisans. Au détour d’une conversation, il apprend que Fulvia aimait en secret son ami Giorgio, partisan lui aussi. Milton se lance alors à la recherche de Giorgio, dans les collines des Langhes enveloppées de brouillard… Mais Giorgio vient d’être arrêté par les Fascistes.
La buca

La buca

Sep 25, 2014
Ambulance-chasing lawyers takes on the case of a convicted murderer who, just being released after doing 27 years in jail, claims he was innocent.
L'Homme du labyrinthe

L'Homme du labyrinthe

Oct 30, 2019
Un détective privé sur le point de mourir revient sur une affaire classée après que la victime se soit présentée vivante. Une poursuite terriblement sombre, où personne ne sait qui est le chasseur et qui est la proie.


Apr 04, 2019
Andrea Serrano is a young aspiring writer who, to make ends meet, is forced to wash corpses in a mortuary, while struggling to finish his first novel, a story about the Camorra. Having become discouraged by his struggling career, he is waiting for the chance of a lifetime. And finally, it arrives - a major film producer decides to adapt his novel and make it into a movie.
La Napoli di mio padre
Giuseppe looked at the horizon as one observes a desire, as something to be reached in order to try to be free. Since childhood, his daughter Alessia, the director, often saw him looking out the window, wondering what was able to attract his attention in such an intense way. Several years later, during a return trip to Naples, her father's hometown, Alessia finds herself observing her father again. Also this time Giuseppe is always in profile and, while the landscape flows framed in the window of a train, his gaze tries to capture every moment, to stop those moments and save them from the fast passage of time.
Les bonnes mères

Les bonnes mères

Apr 05, 2023
Alessandra Cerreti, jeune procureure fraîchement nommée, s’est vue confier la tâche colossale de mettre les membres de la ‘Ndrangheta, la mafia calabraise, sous les verrous. Pour ce faire, elle a l’idée de monter leurs femmes et leurs filles contre eux. La série raconte la quête de justice d’Alessandra qui s’efforce, au péril de sa vie et de celle des femmes qu’elle tente de sauver, de miner la ‘Ndrangheta de l’intérieur.
Grand Hotel

Grand Hotel

Oct 06, 2015
Afin d'enquêter sur la disparition inquiétante de sa sœur mais aussi femme de chambre, un homme se fait passer pour un serveur de l'hôtel.
Les Médicis : Les Maîtres de Florence
La mort du patriarche est un coup terrible pour le clan Médicis. Lorsque son héritier et successeur, Cosimo, découvre que son père a été empoisonné, il décide de garder l’information pour lui et charge son fidèle ami Marco Bello de remonter la piste de l’assassin. Cosimo, qui a depuis longtemps fait son deuil de son rêve d'être artiste, reprend alors la tête de la banque familiale et le siège de son père à l’assemblée florentine, la Seigneurie, où il doit faire face à l’hostilité des familles nobles menées par Rinaldo Degli Ablizzi. Lorsque le Duc de Milan annexe la ville de Lucques jusqu'ici sous contrôle florentin, Cosimo doit faire un choix: soutiendra-t-il Albizzi et les nobles sur le chemin de la guerre, comme Giovanni l’aurait fait, ou s’affranchira-t-il de l'ombre de son père?


Nov 11, 2022
Trois destinées, celles de deux hommes et d'une femme, vont participer à la fondation de la ville de Rome.


May 17, 2019
Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le capitaine John Yossarian, pilote de bombardier, est envoyé en Italie et cherche à se soustraire à ses missions.


Feb 22, 2024
A chaque saison, son histoire. Genius nous fait découvrir les grands innovateurs.
Volevo fare la rockstar
Olivia is a 27-year-old girl in an existential crisis who finds herself quickly becoming an adult and responsible to raise her twin girls alone and keep a slacker brother out of trouble. An accident opens her eyes to the fact that she has only one life and that, perhaps, it is worth trying to change it to realize some of the dreams that she has put aside.