Sabine Delouvrier

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Cent francs l'amour

Cent francs l'amour

Aug 20, 1986
Jérémy, photographe d'art, vit en partie de son métier, mais beaucoup plus des largesses de l'énigmatique Maurice qui lui verse une sorte de pension, presque sans raison. Jérémy tombe fou amoureux d'Otie, bête de scène dans un PeepShow.
Tête à claques

Tête à claques

Feb 17, 1982
Auteur de chansons sans éditeur, anar et poète, Alex vit seul avec son jeune fils, Bruno. Chauffeur de taxi, il ramène un jour dans un commissariat un sac oublié par une cliente: il se retrouve attaché par des menottes à une fille à papa. À partir de cet instant, le destin d'Alex sera lié à celui de cette miss catastrophe, qui va totalement chambouler sa vie...
Appelez-moi maître

Appelez-moi maître

May 26, 1977
Le professeur Robert Gonzales, célèbre anthropologue, touche un salaire qui n'est pas en rapport avec son savoir. Tamara, sa digne épouse, s'en plaint amèrement. Un jour, n'y tenant plus, elle entreprend de travailler pour améliorer l'ordinaire du couple et cela lui réussit fort bien puisqu'elle gagne trois fois plus que son époux...


Sep 05, 1984
Rémi Chauveau, dix ans, vit au sein d’une famille désunie. Il fait d’abord l’expérience d’un pensionnat austère puis celle d’une nounou autoritaire et abusive. Adolescent, il se retrouve commis-boucher à Paris. Le samedi, il fait des "petites bêtises" qui le conduisent parfois en prison. Un jour, il rencontre l’amour de sa vie.
Merci Docteur Rey

Merci Docteur Rey

Aug 20, 2004
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.
Les Enfants du siècle
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.
La Répétition

La Répétition

Aug 22, 2001
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.
Les Recettes du bonheur
A gay young man is recruited into an illicit love triangle to watch a much older man’s sexual liaison, but ends up witnessing what turns out to be his murder. The next day the young man's opera diva mother informs him that his estranged father has been in Paris... until the previous night when he was murdered. Seeking help with a psychiatrist, the young man comes across an eccentric actress who has come totally unhinged by the death of that psychiatrist, the infamous Docteur Rey. At first mistaking her for the doctor, the young man embarks on a madcap mystery, reminiscent of an Agatha Christie novel, with Paris as the backdrop.