Lucy Ainsworth-Taylor

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Oct 06, 2000
A young lawyer gets more than he bargains for while investigating his brother's mysterious death.
Pat and Margaret

Pat and Margaret

Sep 11, 1994
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.
Le Tour du monde en 80 jours
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.


Sep 01, 2016
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.
La Femme au tableau

La Femme au tableau

Mar 20, 2015
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.


Oct 26, 2000
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.
Sherlock Holmes : Jeu d'ombres
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.
With or Without You

With or Without You

Sep 10, 1999
Unexpected events occur when Pat, a glamorous British-born star of American soaps, returns home to plug her auto-biography on television and meets, for the first time since they were teenagers, Margaret her plain and frumpy younger sister. The meeting is painful for both women highlighting the vast differences in their lives and resurrecting painful memories of their unhappy childhood with an uncaring, errant mother. The tabloid press smell a juicy story and a race ensues to trace the whereabouts of the long lost parent.

Mar 09, 2022

En Angleterre, au IXème siècle, Uhtred, le fils d'un noble, kidnappé par les Vikings lorsqu'il était enfant, doit choisir entre son pays natal et le peuple qui l'a élevé.
Action & Adventure

Dec 29, 2011

Modeste villageois, Pip semble voué à une existence sans fortune. Quand la promesse d'un avenir plus radieux se fait jour, il se met à rêver d'une vie dorée susceptible de l'aider à conquérir l'élue de son cœur. Orphelin, le jeune Pip a été recueilli par sa soeur aînée, une matrone au coeur dur, acariâtre et bougonne, qui rudoie sans cesse son entourage, et le mari forgeron de celle-ci, Joe, un homme aimant et généreux, qui tente de le protéger des accès de mauvaise humeur de sa redoutable moitié. Pip grandit dans l'espoir de succéder un jour à son beau-père et de reprendre bravement la forge du village. Mais, un jour de Noël, une terrifiante rencontre avec un bagnard évadé et une invitation mystérieuse chez une dame qui vit hors du monde, miss Havisham, vont changer à jamais la vie sans joie du petit garçon... Grâce à un mystérieux bienfaiteur, Pip découvre la vie de gentleman à Londres. Son goût pour le luxe lui vaut bientôt d'accumuler les dettes. De plus en plus amoureux d'Estella, il se fait son chevalier servant dans le monde. Et alors que son 21e anniversaire approche, il attend avec impatience que lui soient révélées l'identité et les intentions de son protecteur... Horrifié par les offres de Magwitch, Pip se précipite à Satis House pour obtenir des explications de miss Havisham. Il y apprend qu'Estella est promise à un autre. De retour à Londres, il découvre que Magwitch risque la pendaison s'il remet les pieds en Angleterre. Il doit l'aider à s'échapper...