Helmut Schmidt

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Gazprom - L’arme parfaite
L’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie a brutalement mis en évidence les dangers que représentent la dépendance des pays européens aux importations de gaz russe. Une enquête dans les coulisses de Gazprom, qui fut, jusqu’aux sanctions internationales, le premier fournisseur de gaz de l’Union européenne.
Helmut Schmidt - Außer Dienst
For over four years, Sandra Maischberger and Jan Kerhart followed Helmut Schmidt on his travels to America and China, observed conversations with old companions such as Henry Kissinger and at the same time repeatedly captured quite intimate moments that would otherwise usually have been covered.
Radikal an der Basis: Das Nürnberger KOMM
The Nuremberg communication center, known as “KOMM” for short, was a nationwide pioneer. The social, youth and cultural policy experiences of that time can be found today in countless institutions throughout Germany - in the art/cultural education work of “high culture” as well as in the self-image of open district centers and cultural offerings for all social groups.


Jan 01, 2011
Essay film about Europe's financial crisis.
Pasaport de Germania

Pasaport de Germania

Jan 08, 2014
A first hand account of one of the biggest cases of human trafficking during the Cold War. A story of greed, courage, hope and remorse.
Max Frisch, Citoyen

Max Frisch, Citoyen

Mar 20, 2008
Max Frisch était le dernier grand intellectuel suisse dont la «voix» a été largement entendue et appréciée au-delà des frontières de son pays: un personnage comme on n'en trouve presque plus aujourd'hui. Sur fond de XXe siècle finissant, le film suit l'histoire de Frisch en tant que témoin de son temps et demande si nous avons encore besoin de telles «voix» – ou si nous ne pourrions pas nous en passer aujourd'hui.
1979, l'année qui a changé le monde
1979 est une année charnière : révolution islamique en Iran, accident nucléaire de Three Mile Island, visite du pape Jean Paul II en Pologne, Margaret Thatcher élue premier ministre au Royaume-Uni… Entremêlant archives et analyses de témoins de premier plan, ce documentaire captivant passe en revue les événements majeurs d'une année qui a façonné notre présent.


Mar 25, 2007
From the inner workings of the RAF. Former RAF-member Peter-Jürgen Boock reveal the many secrets and myths about the Baader-Meinhof gang a.k.a. RAF - Rote Armee Fraktion.
Perfumed Nightmare

Perfumed Nightmare

Jan 08, 1979
Les aventures d’un conducteur de Jeepney philippin qui rêve d’émigrer aux Etats-Unis et de devenir astronaute. Il fantasme un occident idéalisé tout en dressant un portrait affectueux de la culture populaire de sa province. Avec l’aide d’un américain il parvient à partir à Paris avec son Jeepney à la découverte de l’Ouest.
Ein Ehrenmann geht…

Ein Ehrenmann geht…

Feb 12, 1971
The film follows the career of Karl-Theodor Molinari from major in the Wehrmacht to general in the Bundeswehr. Authentic archive material and eyewitness testimonies are used to gather evidence of Molinari's guilt in the deaths of over a hundred French resistance fighters.
Bilder, die die Welt bewegten
Bilder, die die Welt bewegten is a German documentary series, broadcast between 1980 and 1984 on ZDF. The title translates as Images That Changed The World. The series presented film footage of major natural disasters, technological disasters, and accidents. The series was directed and narrated by journalist Peter von Zahn.


Nov 16, 2018
The Bambi, often called the Bambi Award and stylised as BAMBI, is a German award presented annually by Hubert Burda Media to recognize excellence in international media and television to personalities in the media, arts, culture, sports, and other fields "with vision and creativity who affected and inspired the German public that year", both domestic and foreign. First held in 1948, it is the oldest media award in Germany. The trophy is named after Felix Salten's book Bambi, A Life in the Woods and its statuettes are in the shape of the novel's titular fawn character. They were originally made of porcelain until 1958, when the organizers switched to using gold, with the casting done by the art casting workshop of Ernst Strassacker in Süßen.


Sep 25, 2014
Reinhold Beckmann hosts a weekly talk show.