Helena Garret

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Las últimas de Filipinas
Two women and a girl of about ten find themselves shipwrecked and living on a not-so-deserted island. After one of the inhabitants makes himself known, romance and passion result. Yet, what are the love-birds to do about a band of nasty pirates who decide to explore the area?
Viaje a Bangkok, ataúd incluido
The colonel Daniel Blimp, of the secret British service, travels to Bangkok to investigate the murder of the Brittish Ambassador happened during a holiday in his residence. Blimp receives the help of Keats, agent of the secret service. Both men discover that the man who shot against the Ambassador is blind, and it takes the black skin as a result of a strange phenomenon of mutation.
La chute de la maison Usher
L'atmosphère lugubre du promontoire rocheux où se dresse la masse imposante et sinistre du manoir des Usher, effraye toute la ville. Le dernier descendant des Usher sombre dans un abîme de démence.
La bestia y la espada mágica
Au XVIe siècle, le lycanthrope Waldemar Daninsky voyage de son Europe natale au Japon, à la recherche d'un moyen de se guérir du fait d'être un loup-garou. Seuls un sorcier japonais nommé Kian et une épée magique en argent peuvent le sauver.