Two brothers battle each other ferociously causing discord in the family after their father’s death. The older brother feels that his new role as the head of the family is being undermined by his sibling.
A popular on air personality who is constantly mobbed by admiring female fans yearns to find a women that he can settle down with however it is hard for women to see beyond the celebrity façade to his more vulnerable side.
When a man is financially incapacitated then it is assumed that the wife who is not satisfied ends up cheating, But what do we say of a man that provides all the needs of his family not leaving anything out of their demands, and his wife still end up not just only cheating on him but also commits…
Lost In The Jungle A horror game of Guma (Patience Ozokwor) who sacrifices and engages in human trafficking, in her land became over when youth corpers that are serving in their land revealed her secretes to the the villagers.
Lost In The Jungle A horror game of Guma (Patience Ozokwor) who sacrifices and engages in human trafficking, in her land became over when youth corpers that are serving in their land revealed her secretes to the the villagers.