It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing Rock were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class Caucasian neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation.
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing Rock were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class Caucasian neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation.
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing Rock were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class Caucasian neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation.
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing Rock were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class Caucasian neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation.
Dwight Manfredi, surnommé "Le Général", vient de sortir de prison où il a passé 25 ans. Cet ancien membre de la mafia new-yorkaise est cependant contraint de s'exiler à Tulsa dans l'Oklahoma. Il va y rassembler sa propre « famille » pour développer un empire criminel.
Un brillant scientifique, le professeur J. Allen Hynek, est recruté par l'armée de l'air américaine pour mener des enquêtes non résolues, de simples faits divers à des théories plus farfelues, comme l'existence d'extraterrestres.
Dwight Manfredi, surnommé "Le Général", vient de sortir de prison où il a passé 25 ans. Cet ancien membre de la mafia new-yorkaise est cependant contraint de s'exiler à Tulsa dans l'Oklahoma. Il va y rassembler sa propre « famille » pour développer un empire criminel.
Un criminel mystérieux vole une machine à voyager dans le temps top-secrète. Il veut détruire les États-Unis en modifiant le passé. Le seul espoir est dans une petite équipe formée d’un scientifique, d’un soldat, et d’une historienne. Ils doivent utiliser un prototype de la machine pour poursuivre le fugitif, mais faire attention à ne pas changer l’histoire à leur tour.