Gabrielle Galanter

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Jan 01, 2014
A seven year old boy travels in Mexico with his mother, an addict to pain-killers who is unable to care for him and is hoping to persuade his dead father's family to take him off her hands. Emotionally alienated, the boy wanders around a hotel, taking refuge in his haunted imagination.
Ceremony 666

Ceremony 666

Jun 04, 1994
En l'an 600 aprés J.C, un ange feminin est chassé du paradis et renvoyé sur terre. Profitant de sa faiblesse, le diable la soumet à sa volonté et l'envoie terroriser tous ceux qu'elle rencontre. Les prophètes de cette époque décident de s'unir pour conjurer cette menace, et créent un dispositif rituel pour neutraliser cet ange maléfioque et l'exposer a la colère de Dieu. De nos jours le dispositif est à nouveau en place. Sylvia Brindisi porte la lourde charge d'éxécuter la cérémonie qui renverra l'ange en déténtion pour toujours. Mais si elle échoue, l'ange pourra à nouveau servir Satan et propager le Mal sur la terre...
Things II

Things II

Jan 01, 1998
An author lures a pizza delivery girl into his house and then proceeds to tell her about two of his most recent scary stories.


Jan 01, 2014
A seven year old boy travels in Mexico with his mother, an addict to pain-killers who is unable to care for him and is hoping to persuade his dead father's family to take him off her hands. Emotionally alienated, the boy wanders around a hotel, taking refuge in his haunted imagination.