Ruth Rogers

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La Huitième Femme de Barbe-Bleue
C'est en souhaitant acquérir une veste de pyjama que Michael Brandon, un jeune milliardaire séjournant sur la Côte d'Azur, fait la connaissance de Nicole de Loiselle, la ravissante fille d'un noble désargenté. Les relations des deux jeunes gens commencent mal. Lui achète la veste, elle, le pantalon du pyjama. Mauvais présage qui ne décourage pas Michael dans ses tentatives de séduction. Nicole résiste tout d'abord, avant d'accepter d'épouser son riche prétendant, sur les conseils de son père. Apprenant peu de temps après la noce que Michael a déjà été marié à sept reprises, elle décide de se garantir financièrement contre lui…
The Man from Texas

The Man from Texas

Apr 19, 1939
Hall is after Dennison's land and hires the Shooting Kid to finish him off. The Marshal sends Tex to help Dennison, but the Kid has been helped by Tex in the past and changes sides.
Hidden Gold

Hidden Gold

Jun 07, 1940
Hoppy and Lucky have been called in to investigate a series of stage holdups. The robbers are taking gold from Colby's mine and Hoppy suspects it may be ex-outlaw Colby himself. When Speedy strikes gold, Hoppy borrows it and announces a gold shipment hoping to catch the gang and their leader.
Silver on the Sage

Silver on the Sage

Mar 31, 1939
Hoppy goes undercover as a gambler from the East when Bar 20 cattle are stolen by unknown rustlers. Brennan/Talbot are twin brothers (one a casino owner, the other a rancher) and Hoppy believes they provide alibis for each other while one is out committing crimes. Hoppy gets a job in the casino to learn more but is exposed when a gambling gunslinger notices him.
Illegal Traffic

Illegal Traffic

Nov 02, 1938
G-Man Charles Bent Martin is sent out to break up a nationwide racket. A transport company is aiding fugitives making a getaway in exchange for the lion's share of their loot. Through an old friend, whom he once barnstormed in an air circus, Martin joins the gang as a pilot. He becomes interested in Carol Butler, a beautiful girl involved with the gang through the activities of her ne'er-do-well father.
Boy Trouble

Boy Trouble

Jan 27, 1939
A fussy shopkeeper's life drastically changes when his wife takes in two homeless boys.
Men with Wings

Men with Wings

Jul 16, 1938
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
The Night Riders

The Night Riders

Apr 12, 1939
Talbot est un usurpateur qui a pris l'identité de Don Luis de Serrano, à l'aide de faux papiers. Se faisant passer pour cet héritier espagnol, il possède maintenant cinq millions d'hectares et fait régner la peur dans la région. Entre autres, il exige des taxes considérables de la part des petits exploitants agricoles. Stony, Tucson et Lullaby, les "Trois Mousquetaires" du Far-West sont envoyés rétablir l'ordre et démasquer le bandit. Ils se transforment en de véritables Zorros, et volent l'argent de Talbot pour le rende aux petits fermiers. A la suite d'une habile manoeuvre, ils parviendront à obtenir des aveux écrits de l'usurpateur...
The Light of Western Stars
Easterner Madeline Hammond buys a ranch not knowing Hayworth is using it to smuggle ammunition across the border. When trouble starts, she brings back Gene Stewart ex-foreman who left the country after fighting with the Sheriff.
Le Retour des Texas Rangers
Lorsque des milliers de têtes de bétail sont volées au ranch "White Sage" au début des années 1930, les Texas Rangers sont de nouveaux appelés à la rescousse. Grâce à l'un de leurs agents, les Texas Rangers vont infiltrer le gang de voleurs, et tenter de récupérer le trésor des fermiers.
The Mad Doctor

The Mad Doctor

Dec 20, 1940
A reporter sleuths the mystery behind an oft-married Viennese doctor whose wives met mysterious fates.
Cafe Society

Cafe Society

Mar 03, 1939
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Say It in French

Say It in French

Nov 25, 1938
An American golf pro falls in love with a woman while visiting France; before long they are married and in the US. Upon their arrival, they are dismayed to discover that the golfer's parents have arranged for him to marry a wealthy socialite so they can use her money to support their business....
Tropic Holiday

Tropic Holiday

Jun 29, 1938
A screenwriter falls in love with a Mexican woman while searching for a story line south of the border.
Le Roi des gueux

Le Roi des gueux

Sep 28, 1938
En 1463, la famine règne à Paris, alors que les Bourguignons assiègent la ville. Tandis que le roi Louis XI s'est rendu à la Cour des Miracles dans l'espoir de découvrir un espion, François Villon tue le Grand Connétable qui se trouve être le traître qui a vendu la capitale française aux Bourguignons. En remerciement, le roi Louis XI amnistie François Villon, recherché pour vol, et le nomme Grand Connétable mais il ne dispose que d'une semaine pour faire ses preuves.