Eddie Tang

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Aug 25, 2023
Donya, jeune réfu­giée afghane de 20 ans, tra­vaille pour une fabrique de for­tune cookies à San Fran­cis­co. Ancienne tra­duc­trice pour l’armée amé­ri­caine en Afgha­nis­tan, elle a du mal à dor­mir et se sent seule. Sa rou­tine est bou­le­ver­sée lorsque son patron lui confie la rédac­tion des mes­sages et pré­dic­tions. Son désir s’éveille et elle décide d’envoyer un mes­sage spé­cial dans un des bis­cuits en lais­sant le des­tin agir…
Three Sixty

Three Sixty

Jul 12, 2012
Two youths, eager to make a quick buck, accept a job to kidnap the girlfriend of a famous football player. The kidnapped girl, calling herself Sam, cunningly convinces our bemused boys that she is really the daughter of a New York Mafia family and, should they not release her pronto, her brother will track them down.
East West 101

East West 101

Jun 01, 2011
East West 101 était une série dramatique diffusée sur SBS . La série a été produite et créée par Steven Knapman et Kris Wyld, l'équipe derrière d'autres séries dramatiques telles que Wildside et White Collar Blue . Il s'est déroulé de 2007 à 2011, avec trois saisons Très réaliste, la série suit les interventions du service des Enquêtes Prioritaires à Sydney.


Mar 06, 2007
Dangerous is an Australian television drama series that first screened on 16 January 2007 on FOX8 and was shown in Ireland on RTÉ One. In mid-2008, it began running on The WB's online network in the US. It features a "Romeo and Juliet" story of forbidden love, set against the culturally diverse backgrounds of Sydney's western suburbs street crime and the affluence of Sydney’s eastern suburbs. It explores youth culture, including taboo subjects like party drug use and the underground world of drag racing and ramraiding. Dangerous is produced by John Edwards and Imogen Banks. Writers include Fiona Seres and Brendan Cowell, acclaimed for their work on Love My Way. It is directed by David Caesar and Shawn Seet. The series' theme song is "Set The Record Straight", performed by New Zealand hip hop group Fast Crew, although the lyrics "Auckland City, let's go" has been changed to "Sydney City, let's go" for use on the show.