Mariusz Kiljan

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Dec 04, 2005
A coal mine director invites Jacob, a TV series star, to add splendor to the celebration of St. Barbara's Day, the patroness of miners. Basia, a worker from the sorting department, is chosen to hand Jakub the welcoming loaf of bread. The two completely different worlds come together: flashy, success oriented strangers from Warsaw and traditional, modest and unwilling to change Silesians.
La Jeune fille et les paysans
Jagna incarne une jeune femme résolue à prendre son destin en main dans un village polonais de la fin du 19e siècle, un terreau fertile de rumeurs, de vieilles querelles, de solidarité, de richesse et de pauvreté, de fierté nationaliste et de respect des traditions et de l'autorité patriarcale enracinée. Piégée dans une situation amoureuse conflictuelle avec le fermier le plus fortuné du village, son fils ainé et d'autres notables, Jagna opte pour sa liberté, ce qui lui attire de graves ennuis avec les membres de sa communauté.


Sep 21, 2021
A storm causes damage to a bridge that connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. For this reason, the information about Maria’s own death reaches her with delay.
杉原千畝 スギハラチウネ
The story of a Japanese diplomat, sometimes called the Schindler of Japan, and his life lading up to and after his decision to issue over 2,000 visas to Jewish refugees in Kaunas, Lithuania resulting in saving the lives of over 6,000 people. This is the story of a man who believed in doing all he could do for the benefit of his beloved Japan, including trying to keep her from becoming embroiled in a worldwide conflict he saw as inevitable. Along the way, he came face to face with the plight of the European Jews as they tried to escape the onslaught of the Nazi's and the rapidly advancing German army. Caught between the unbending policies of his country now bound by treaty with Nazi Germany and his awakening moral responsibilities, we follow his life from his early days in Manchuria to his eventual posting in Lithuania and his appointment with destiny which would forever brand him a hero.
Marion du Faouët

Marion du Faouët

Mar 17, 1997
Marie Fromel habite la petite ville du Faouët avec sa mère, sa jeune soeur et son frère Corentin. Depuis la mort du père, la famille vit pauvrement et sans protection. Marie accusée de vol par un marchand qui lui a donné un ruban pour acheter ses faveurs et celles de sa soeur est sauvée par Henry Pesron un bandit de grand chemin avec qui elle s'enfuit en emmenant avec elle toute sa famille. Hébergée dans le repaire d'Henry Marie devient sa femme, lui jure fidélité et lui donne une première fille, Jeanne. Tous deux prennent la tête d'une compagnie de brigands et se livrent sur les routes au pillage des marchands. Mais un jour, Henri et ses hommes sont arrêtés par une troupe de gendarme dont le sergent, sensible au charme de Marie, offre à celle-ci la liberté. Elle obtient l'aide de son amour de jeunesse, Olivier.
Cudowne miejsce

Cudowne miejsce

Jan 01, 1994
A young, beautiful, ambitious, but professionally inexperienced priest Jakub comes to a small village. Even the initial contacts indicate that he finds himself in an environment that he not only does not know, but also does not understand.
Ikar. Legenda Mietka Kosza
Inspired by true events, a story of a blind grand piano genius. As a child Mietek loses his sight. His mother places him in the care of the nuns in Laski. At the centre for the blind the boy discovers that music may be his way of seeing the world again and of describing it. Mietek goes on to become a brilliant classical pianist. Once he discovers jazz music, though, he has only one goal left: to become the best jazz pianist in Poland. He is more and more successful, not only in Poland but around the world. He wins the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Unexpectedly, a charismatic vocalist, Zuza, walks into his life. This meeting will change it forever.
Je suis un tueur

Je suis un tueur

Nov 04, 2016
Au début des années 1970, une petite ville ouvrière du Sud de la Pologne est secouée par une série de meurtres dont les victimes sont uniquement des femmes. La presse n’en parle pas beaucoup jusqu’au moment où l’une d’entre elles s’avère être la nièce du premier secrétaire du parti communiste. Le jeune policier ambitieux chargé de l’enquête est alors prêt à tout pour arrêter le meurtrier, désormais surnommé « le vampire ».
Nie ma zmiłuj

Nie ma zmiłuj

Sep 01, 2000
The film's heroes work in a company that distributes branded French wines. They are a group of friends, but their feelings are exposed to new attempts. Because in the world of salesmen there is no room for sentiments. Only sales counts, and everything can be anything. Piotr accidentally meets Irek, his school friend. Thanks to him, he gets a salesman job in Vinneka. She moves from a dilapidated bicycle to a company car, begins to succeed and falls in love with Monica, an ambitious salesmate who makes an instant career from the hostess to the head of the sales department. Young people soon realize that it's not easy to reconcile love with a career ...
Deszczowy żołnierz

Deszczowy żołnierz

Mar 14, 1997
In this Polish-German fantasy thriller, Wroclaw lawyer Anna Bracka (Antonina Choroszy) is after top-level corruption when her lover Jerzy (Artur Zmijewski) suggests she take a bribe to lose the case. After her angry refusal, he rapes her, and she drives away into the rain, nearly hitting amnesiac Witek (Mariusz Bonaszewski) wandering in the road. She takes him to an abandoned housing project, and when his memory returns, he tells her his gun was once owned by retired military prosecutor Jan Szymanski (Jan Nowicki), Anna's father. Anna goes to her father, who remembers prosecuting and then befriending Witek during the 1949 communist takeover of Poland. Flashbacks link the idealistic young Witek, who refused to sign a false statement and betray his beliefs, to the equally idealistic Anna
Głęboka woda

Głęboka woda

Jun 09, 2013
A group of social welfare workers led by their new director tries to provide necessary aid to people struggling with various problems.


May 24, 2008
Kryminalni was a Polish crime drama television series that aired on TVN network from September 18, 2004 until May 24, 2008. It ran for 8 seasons and 101 episodes were broadcast in total. It was created by Polish director and screenwriter Piotr Wereśniak and produced by MTL Maxfilm studio. The series followed life and work of police officers from the elite Criminal Terror and Murders Division of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police; the title refers to police officers in the crime section. The three main characters were Adam Zawada, an experienced, tough cup, his younger colleague Marek Brodecki and Barbara Storosz, an ambitious female officer who in the first season joins the team just after graduating. Although none of the main actors had had star status before the series debuted, all three of them rose to prominence and popularity during the 5-year-long run. Many of Poland's best known actors guest starred, usually playing roles of people involved in just one particular investigation. The serial was one of the most popular in Poland: each week it had an audience of 4 million.


Dec 13, 2023
Dans cette comédie satirique, un noble farfelu se heurte à des querelles familiales et paysannes dans sa quête pour devenir la personnalité la plus célèbre de Pologne.
Le Gang du gant vert

Le Gang du gant vert

Jul 17, 2024
Pour échapper aux autorités après un casse qui a mal tourné, trois cambrioleuses âgées se cachent dans une maison de retraite qui renferme un bien sinistre secret.