A probation officer, Cathy Madden, is tasked with rehabilitating a notorious killer named 'Bloody' Mary Laidlaw back into society following a two-decade sentence.
An all-star cast heads up this intimate film about how author, P.G.Wodehouse, came to face a charge of treason during the Second World War and how this quintessential Englishman, creator of Jeeves and Wooster, became an exile from his own country and never set foot on English soil again.
Nina Regan, an established performance artist, launches her much-anticipated exhibition, the first since spending a decade in prison for the killing of her long-term collaborator Saul Olufsen.
A university drop-out living with her mum and making money as an unlicensed minicab driver picks up a budding stand-up comic whose marriage has recently broken up.
Un récent veuf et poète acclamé, l'inspecteur énigmatique Adam Dalgliesh utilise son empathie et sa perspicacité exceptionnelles pour sonder les profondeurs les plus sombres de la psyché humaine tout en enquêtant sur des crimes complexes dans l'Angleterre des années 1970.
Old enough to know better… Young enough to do it anyway. Conor, his older sister Bronagh, best friend Packy and Niamh have just moved from Ireland to London, ready to shake this drunken haze and start life afresh with a clear head. The days of forgotten nights out, regrettable bedfellows and alcohol fueled bad decisions are over. Cheers to the adult life! Which starts now… soon… just as soon as they shake this hangover.
Irlande du Nord, dans les années 1990. Tandis que le conflit politique local s'exacerbe, cinq amis de lycée doivent relever les défis universels de l'adolescence.
DCI Ellis, a tenacious cop, is parachuted into failing investigations alongside her partner DS Harper. Each case will bring her to a different police station where she'll have to not only immerse herself in the case, but also win over the local police.