David Sieveking

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Apr 15, 2018
Just like many other parents Jessica and David, the director of this movie, spend a lot of time researching vaccinations for children. Whilst David understands it as a matter of course, Jessica is more than alarmed about the side effects. They try to figure out the best option for their daughter. David actively investigates and speaks to scientists and doctors from different countries. A sudden outbreak of measles in their Berlin neighbourhood forces them to make a decision: Will they vaccinate their daughter or not?
3 pièces, cuisine, bains
A Berlin, Philippe aimerait faire des études de photo. Wiebke recherche un compagnon. Jessica souhaiterait que tout change et Maria que rien ne bouge. Swantje cherche la vérité, Michael ne sait pas ce qu'il veut et Thomas n'a envie de rien. Quand il faut de surcroît changer de lieu de vie, tout se complique. Des couples volent en éclats, d'autres se forment. Et chacun s'aperçoit que déplacer des meubles et des cartons n'est jamais tout à fait anodin. A chaque déménagement, chacun doit reprendre ses marques, s'adapter à une nouvelle vie. C'est l'occasion de comprendre qui sont ceux qui comptent vraiment dans l'entourage...
Heil - Une farce néonazie
Un écrivain métis frappé d'amnésie devient la figure de proue d'un mouvement d'extrême droite... Une farce drôle et déjantée, qui s’attaque dans un même souffle à l’extrême droite, mais aussi à la scène "antifa", aux autorités allemandes, aux médias et au politiquement correct.
David Wants to Fly

David Wants to Fly

May 06, 2010
Presque six millions de personnes dans le monde pratiquent aujourd'hui la méditation transcendantale (MT). David, un jeune cinéaste à la recherche de l'inspiration, veut aussi essayer la méditation. Car son grand modèle, le légendaire réalisateur David Lynch, lui assure en personne que la MT est une source de créativité et de réussite.
David Wants to Fly

David Wants to Fly

May 06, 2010
January 2003, on the eve of the American lead Iraq campaign, a young couple tries to improvise a protest-march heading to the American Embassy in Berlin under the motto "No blood for oil". As nobody shows the solidarity they were trying to gain, the couple starts an argument and the "movement" seems doomed to fail.
Ne m'oublie pas

Ne m'oublie pas

Jan 31, 2013
January 2003, on the eve of the American lead Iraq campaign, a young couple tries to improvise a protest-march heading to the American Embassy in Berlin under the motto "No blood for oil". As nobody shows the solidarity they were trying to gain, the couple starts an argument and the "movement" seems doomed to fail.
David Wants to Fly

David Wants to Fly

May 06, 2010
January 2003, on the eve of the American lead Iraq campaign, a young couple tries to improvise a protest-march heading to the American Embassy in Berlin under the motto "No blood for oil". As nobody shows the solidarity they were trying to gain, the couple starts an argument and the "movement" seems doomed to fail.


Apr 15, 2018
Just like many other parents Jessica and David, the director of this movie, spend a lot of time researching vaccinations for children. Whilst David understands it as a matter of course, Jessica is more than alarmed about the side effects. They try to figure out the best option for their daughter. David actively investigates and speaks to scientists and doctors from different countries. A sudden outbreak of measles in their Berlin neighbourhood forces them to make a decision: Will they vaccinate their daughter or not?


Jan 01, 2004
Documentary about refugees in Berlin


Nov 24, 2021