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Justice Armée

Justice Armée

Aug 30, 2015
James Webster, un membre des Forces Spéciales venant juste de retourner chez lui après une mission à l’étranger, est témoin du meurtre brutal de son frère. Webster a soif de vengeance et traque les responsables, mais alors qu’il s’enfonce dans un monde de corruption, il se trouve au centre d’une conspiration mortelle remontant jusqu’aux portes du gouvernement des États-Unis. Avec un assassin sur sa trace, Webster doit exposer au grand public les officiers corrompus avant de devenir l’une des victimes de leur conspiration infernale.
Les Flèches de l'amour
Comme tous les trois ans, Vénus envoie son fils Cupidon, âgé de 5000 ans - mais qui ne les paraît pas -, décocher ses flèches pour changer le destin d'un être bon, généreux et esseulé. Sa cible est cette fois-ci Emily Vale, une jeune dentiste, également bénévole d'une institution religieuse. La belle a le cœur brisé depuis que son ami l'a quittée. Mais Cupidon, qui a pris l'apparence d'un jeune homme, manque son tir. La flèche se retourne contre lui et il tombe amoureux d'Emily. Sa mission doit être accomplie avant le lever du soleil.
Enterré vivant 2

Enterré vivant 2

Oct 01, 1997
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
Animal Factory

Animal Factory

Oct 13, 2000
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
Mon beau-père, mes parents et moi
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
Le Chacal

Le Chacal

Nov 14, 1997
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
Un homme d'exception

Un homme d'exception

Dec 14, 2001
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
Mafia Blues

Mafia Blues

Mar 05, 1999
A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise
New York 911

New York 911

May 06, 2005
À New York, les unités de secours de la brigade 55 sont prêtes à intervenir dès la moindre alerte. Accidents, incendies, malaises, cambriolages ou encore agressions font partie du quotidien de cette équipe de pompiers, policiers et secouristes, qui travaille exclusivement de 15 à 23 heures. Chaque jour, ils assurent la protection de la population en circulant dans les rues de la ville et interviennent le plus rapidement possible.