Edvinas Goldsteinas

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Ramybė mūsų sapnuose
On a summer day, a man, his daughter and his companion arrive at their country house to spend the weekend. The daughter has just moved in with her father, whose attention she desires. The man is tired of his life, and does not know where to find the strength to carry on living. The woman, a violinist, is confused in her priorities - music, love or career. Despite the fact that the man and the woman love each other, their tense relationship is on the brink of collapse.
Meilė gydo

Meilė gydo

Sep 04, 2017
Pagrindiniai serialo herojai – medikai ir kiti ligoninės darbuotojai bei jų artimieji, kasdien kovojantys ne tik su mirtimi, bet ir su savo pačių problemomis, praeitimi, dėl savo meilės