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Jun 03, 2006
Au début du XVIIIe siècle, Aoki Souzaemon, un Samouraï, recherche l'homme qui a tué son père. Mais le jeune homme est bientôt rongé par le doute : doit-on à tout prix se venger ? N'est-il pas préférable de mener une vie tranquille auprès de ceux qu'on aime ?
Baffling serial killings unfold in which the victims are tied up and left to starve. Tone was just released from prison after finishing his sentence for another crime, and he surfaces as a suspect but detective Tomashiro can't nail down conclusive proof.


Oct 11, 2010
"A School Behind Bars" centers around Asahi Junior High School, which is located within Nagano Matsumoto Boy's prison in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture - the only public school in Japan that is located inside a prison. The school's students are all prisoners ranging in age from 20-70. The students are carefully selected after taking an entrance exam and being selected by the school's admission board.
ATARU: The First Love & The Last Kill
Un mystérieux incident a lieu dans un train au Japon. Au même moment, un local du FBI est détruit par une explosion. Les deux affaires semblent reliées par un virus informatique du nom de Wizard créé par Alessandro Carolina Madoka, une jeune femme dont les capacités ressemblent à celles d'Ataru. L'enquête japonaise menée par Hoshi Akiho, et dont fait notamment partie l'inspecteur Sawa, collabore alors avec une équipe du FBI dirigée par Larry Inoue. Celui-ci revient au Japon accompagné d'Ataru pour mettre la main sur Madoka. L'ancienne policière devenue détective privée Ebina Maiko tente également de se mêler de l'affaire. Si Madoka apparait au début comme la coupable idéale, des éléments troublants poussent les enquêteurs à suspecter de plus en plus Ataru.


Jul 31, 2004
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to teach again on a small island where his mother was born. The children there on the island quickly name him "Kikansha Sensei" (Teacher Locomotive) after learning he is mute. The parents on the island are mostly hostile to Seigo Yoshioka, believing he is incapable of teaching their children. But with Seigo Yoshioka's determination and kindness, a strong bond develops between the students and the mute teacher, which then changes the parents' opinions of Seigo Yoshioka. Suddenly, tragedy then strikes ...
Moon Child

Moon Child

Apr 19, 2003
Moon Child va suivre trois jeunes garçons orphelins vivant de leurs vols, mais ça tourne mal et les enfants, dont Sho, âgé de 8 ans, sont sauvés par Kei, un être immortel buveur de sang et venant de perdre son mentor. Malgré ses pouvoirs, Kei est limité par le Soleil qui le brûle et ne peut donc seulement vivre la nuit ou dans l'ombre. Des années plus tard, Sho et ce dernier sont devenus inséparables et vivent de divers pillages contre d'autres gangs. Au cours d'un coup qui a mal tourné, ils rencontrent Son qui finit par rejoindre leur bande et leur présente sa sœur Yi-Che dont ils tombent tous deux amoureux. Yi-che est devenue muette dans son enfance. Après une période insouciante, un drame va obliger Kei à quitter le groupe...
TAP 完全なる飼育
In Okinawa, a down-and-out middle-aged yakuza underling named Shidara kidnaps and confines a high school girl named Yui, the daughter of a fellow yakuza’s mistress.
The King of Jail Breakers
Au Japon, à la fin des années 1920, Masayuki Suzuki est un prisonnier qui s'échappe systématiquement de la prison dans laquelle il est incarcéré pour être sciemment repris et mis à nouveau en prison. Un de ses geôliers est très intrigué par ces évasions-incarcérations répétées et décide de percer le mystère entourant cet homme…
東京伝説 蠢く街の狂気
Sachiko Kokubu, the beautiful owner of a Tokyo design agency, finds her life disrupted when she receives paper scraps stitched together with piano wire with the message "I know you were meant to marry me." As further messages come she embarks on a nightmare investigation to uncover the identity of her tormentor.
11 Rebels

11 Rebels

Nov 01, 2024
Lorsque la brutale guerre de Boshin éclate au Japon, un groupe de condamnés à mort s'unit pour défendre une forteresse contre l'armée impériale.
喧嘩番長 劇場版〜全国制覇
Based on a delinquent battle-themed video game series - a high school senior named Takashi the toughest fighter at Rashin High School. When he travels to Tokyo during a class field trip, he’s almost immediately attacked by a local thug. Takashi dispatches his opponent with ease, but he soon discovers gang leaders from all over Japan have gathered for a massive battle to determine who the toughest badass fighter is. During battle scenes, various recognizable fight moves from the game are incorporated for comic relief.


Oct 08, 2005
On the surface, the Kyobashis appear to be a happy family. Despite a family agreement that they are all open with each other, the entire household knows the opposite is true.
COME & GO カム・アンド・ゴー
Tourists, foreigners and outcasts converge on the streets of Osaka in this sprawling ensemble drama by Japan-based, Malaysia-born filmmaker Lim Kah Wai. His eighth feature explores the lesser-known aspects of the Asian melting pot city through the eyes and experiences of a dozen characters who struggle to find their place in society: among them a Nepali refugee with dreams of opening a restaurant, a Burmese student struggling to make ends meet while working two jobs, and a Taiwanese sex tourist who travels to meet his favorite adult video actress.
20-year-old rookie police officer Kawai Mai works hard at a police box and feels both physically and mentally drained. She has never felt appreciated even though she supposedly works for the sake of the area’s residents. In addition, she does not find working at a police box rewarding. Mai is about to hand in her resignation when she meets 30-year-old Fuji Seiko, the former ace detective of the Criminal Investigations Division. Seiko is said to have been forced to transfer to the police box for harassing a subordinate at work but … … This encounter between Mai and Seiko will significantly change their lives as they are suddenly paired up. This odd pair struggle to help and support each other in cases, routine duties and romance?! And Seiko’s true reason for coming to the police box is revealed.


Jun 24, 2012
Ataru est un jeune homme autiste. Il possède des capacités de déduction extraordinaires. Une détective rencontre Ataru sur les lieux d'un crime et ils vont commencer à résoudre des affaires tous les deux.
HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents Documental
Produit par Matsumoto Hitoshi, Documental est une expérience qui a pour but de réunir 10 comédiens dans une pièce et de les faire s'affronter... par le rire. Peu importe les moyens et méthodes, ils doivent faire rire les autres afin de les éliminer, le dernier à rester dans la pièce remporte 10 millions de yens et le prix du comédien le plus drôle.
Everybody has theories that they personally cling blindly to regardless of proof or scientific validity. In this entertaining information program, a host of celebrities present their cases for pet theories to studio guests by any means be it academic argument or laughably “out there” logic. Can their theories gain acceptance? Or will they be discarded as pop science that only adds confusion to the world? Find out through exhaustive examination including on-location experiments!
ドラマスペシャル 永遠の0
The story of Saeki Kentaro, who continues to fail the National Bar Examinations and lose sight of the goal of his life, and his old sister Keiko, who is a freelance writer looking up their grandfather Miyabe who died in the Pacific War as a Kamikaze pilot. Miyabe had an astute ability as a pilot of fighter planes, but he was extraordinarily afraid of death. His two grandchildren started wondering why he applied for the Kamikaze corps. Revealing Miyabe’s unexpected title of “genius yet coward”, they unveil a surprising fact which has been sealed for over 60 years.


Nov 09, 2018
Renowned entertainers and car lovers grasp the wheel and compete with their battle cars in a variety of never before seen challenges! They face off in life-threatening duels designed to test their speed, courage, and above all, their grit! Put the pedal to the metal! Burn! Destroy! Crash into! This is a new show of the "Dangertainment variety (danger + entertainment)".
Gaki no Tsukai Ne Pas Rire Batsu Game
Downtown no Gaki no Tsukai ya Arahende!! (ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!!?), parfois abrégée Gaki no Tsukai ou Gaki Tsuka, est une émission de télévision humoristique japonaise (owarai) créée et présentée par le duo Downtown depuis le 3 octobre 1989. Le programme est diffusé sur Nippon TV et continue à ce jour : Gaki no Tsukai fête son 1 000e épisode le 18 avril 2010. Le challenge No Laughing (Ne Pas Rire) consiste à mettre nos protagonistes dans des situations les plus farfelues les unes que les autres, il est formèlement interdit de rire sous peine de punition.