Aleksandr Timontayev

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Море студёное
Several commercial fishermen were attacked by sea pirates and were forced to spend more than one year on a desert island. Many considered them dead - but almost all of them managed to survive ...
En gagnant mon pain

En gagnant mon pain

Sep 12, 1939
Début des années 1880. Aliocha est devenu garçon de courses chez son oncle, le dessinateur Sergeev. Il a treize ans et il est avide de connaissances. Il compense la dureté de son existence laborieuse en lisant la nuit, en cachette…


Apr 25, 1930
A Chuvash washerwoman named Taisa joined the ranks of the revolutionaries against the White Guards during the civil war.
Две встречи

Две встречи

Feb 29, 1932
The secret police agent finds that factory director wife is counterrevolutionary but dies from the heart attack. The director reads the diary of an agent and turns his wife to police.
Dans la grande ville

Dans la grande ville

Apr 01, 1927
Deux garçons de la campagne s'installent à Moscou. L'un devient un ouvrier du bâtiment qui rêve d'être un inventeur, l'autre devient un poète décadent.
Сын полка

Сын полка

Oct 16, 1946
During the war years, russian soldiers pick up an orphaned boy. He refuses to go to the rear and becomes a scout, and then remains with the artillery battery. When the calculation of the battery dies in battle with the German tanks that have broken through, Vanya is sent to the Suvorov School, whose students participate in a military parade on Red Square.
Thomas Gordéiev

Thomas Gordéiev

Nov 14, 1959
Thomas Gordéiev est le fils d’un riche bourgeois tsariste. Il jouit de tous les privilèges de sa condition mais supporte mal le spectacle de la misère sociale. Il tombe amoureux d’une femme mariée, rompt avec elle lorsqu’il découvre sa frivolité et se livre à la débauche. À la mort de son père, il prend la direction d’un important commerce de grains. Mais il ne s’occupe pas de ses affaires. Il ne s’intéresse qu’aux relations humaines. Son milieu, qui méprise les non-conformistes, le rejette. Il choisit de rompre avec ses pairs pour vivre avec les déshérités.
Le Père Frimas

Le Père Frimas

Mar 24, 1965
Une belle histoire hivernale tirée de contes russes où se croisent les personnages traditionnels du folklore slave . La belle et gentille Nastienka est chassée de sa maison par sa méchante marâtre. Mais elle sera hébergée et récompensée de sa bonté par Morozko. L’amour, l’amitié, la paresse, l’égoïsme… autant de thèmes universels évoqués dans ce film.
Вихри враждебные
About the first years of the formation of Soviet power, about the life and work of Feliks Dzerzhinsky in 1918-1925. The film covers the most important episodes of his biography. In July 1918, as a result of a revolt of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, the German ambassador Mirbach was killed. Feliks Dzerzhinsky alone goes to the headquarters of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Anarchists, he manages to persuade ordinary soldiers and sailors, participants in the rebellion, who are now cracking down on their leaders. In 1921, Dzerzhinsky was aimed at combating homelessness, as a result of which, by 1925, former homeless children, having completed their studies, were sent to the construction of Yugostal, the largest industrial plant in Ukraine.
Это начиналось так...
A Moscow group of Komsomol members arrives on the virgin lands, in the Kazakh steppes, and immediately faces bureaucracy and carelessness. Someone flees the state farm for more reliable earnings, and someone simply does not want to work. But a new energetic director appears — and real life begins...


Oct 26, 1926
During the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution, a Red cavalry officer is warned by a staffer from headquarters about his dangerous attraction to the female leader of a band of Cossacks, a violent woman who is aroused by killing.