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La mirada obliqua

La mirada obliqua

Jan 01, 2001
Adventures of a family persecuted in time of war. Fear, uncontrolled violence and family and ideological affiliations will play a transcendental role in the resolution of the conflict.
The Communion Girl

The Communion Girl

Feb 09, 2023
Espagne, fin des années 1980. Sara, nouvelle arrivante, essaie de s'intégrer aux autres adolescents d’une petite ville soudée de la province de Tarragone. Si seulement elle ressemblait plus à sa meilleure amie extravertie, Rebe. Un soir, elles sortent en boîte de nuit. En rentrant chez elles, elles tombent sur une petite fille tenant une poupée, habillée pour sa première communion. Le cauchemar commence maintenant...


Aug 31, 2018
Une croisière de luxe, deux escrocs professionnels et un désastre amoureux. Lucas et Clayderman se consacrent à tromper les touristes des luxueuses croisières internationales. Pendant de nombreuses années, ils ont travaillé côte à côte à escroquer les gens pendant leurs vacances paradisiaques. Cependant, la rivalité pour l'amour de Veronica va les conduire à se séparer. Lucas s'est attribué les navires de la Méditerranée et Clayderman ceux de l'Atlantique. Mais un jour, une affaire vraiment tentante conduit Lucas sur un bateau de croisière de son ex-partenaire. Le bateau exotique de Barcelone à Cancun passera par Casablanca, Tenerife, le Brésil et la jungle du Yucatan. Et ça promet de devenir un duel de titans avec une arnaque étrange !
El triunfo

El triunfo

Apr 28, 2006
Barcelona, 1980s: in a tough urban neighbourhood inhabited by survivors and ruled by ex-legionnaires Gandhi, Fontán and Andrade - who are fighting a war for control of the streets - Nen and his friends Palito, Topo and Tostao dream of making it big in the world of rumba. But Nen discovers why his father, El Guacho - of whom all Nen has left is the memory of his brilliance as a rumba singer - disappeared many years earlier. He learns how the relationship between his mother, Chata, and Ghandi, leader of the neighbourhood, was connected to his father's disappearance, and so Nen is forced to balance his own desire for vengeance with his longing to triumph.
Llibre de família

Llibre de família

Oct 10, 2005
Virtu and Ramon have tried to get children for a long time without success and Virtu begins to get tired of all the gynecological tests she is forced to go through. Finally, when it turns out that Ramon is sterile, Virtu suggests that they adopt, but Ramon wants a son of his own flesh and blood. As if the situation was not strained enough, Ramon's father appears after several years in prison and once again wants to become part of Ramon's life.
TV Movie
Asunto interno

Asunto interno

Dec 20, 1996
In the early 70s, a rather backwards young soldier with serious family problems finds himself stationed in a small village in Spain's Levante. Secretly in love with a young village girl, Pere slips into her room one night. When he is discovered, the soldier reacts with spontaneous violence, creating an embarrassing problem for the military that the brass decide to handle--expeditiously-- as "an internal affair."
Pollos sin cabeza

Pollos sin cabeza

Apr 28, 2023
In a recognizable world of madness, the world of elite soccer, young footballers become rich and famous overnight with little idea of how to manage it, and cheeky people try to make a living out of it.
La que se avecina

La que se avecina

Dec 23, 2024
La que se avecina is a Spanish television comedy created by Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Daniel Deorador. The TV-series focusing around the inhabitants of Mirador de Montepinar, a fictional building located on the outskirts of a big city. Both its storylines and cast are heavily based on Aquí no hay quien viva, which ended when Telecinco bought Miramón Mendi, the series production company. The episodes debuted on the Telecinco network, and were later rerun by the same network as well as cable/satellite channels FactoríaDeFicción and Paramount Comedy. The series debuted in 22 April 2007 and became popular thanks to its funny characters, witty script, use of catchphrases and capacity to integrate and poke fun at contemporary issues; the program presents a caustic satire of many of the 'types' found in Spanish society. The name of the show involves wordplay, as "vecina" is the Spanish word for neighbour.