Amit Goswami

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The Way of the Psychonaut
The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and psychedelic psychotherapy pioneer. Stan’s quest for knowledge and insights into the healing power of non-ordinary states of consciousness, influenced the discipline of psychology and profoundly changed many individual lives. One of those transformed by Stan is filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais. The documentary utilizes Susan’s personal existential crisis as a gateway to Grof’s impact, from the micro to the macro.
The Quantum Activist

The Quantum Activist

Aug 25, 2009
Il y a une révolution en cours dans la science. Un véritable changement de paradigme. Alors que la science dominante reste matérialiste, un nombre substantiel de scientifiques soutiennent et développent un paradigme basé sur la primauté de la conscience. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., un pionnier de cette nouvelle perspective révolutionnaire au sein de la science, partage avec nous sa vision du potentiel illimité de la conscience en tant que fondement de tout être, et comment cette révélation peut réellement nous aider à vivre mieux. The Quantum Activist raconte l'histoire d'un homme qui nous met au défi de repenser nos notions mêmes de l'existence et de la réalité, avec une force et une ampleur jamais ressenties depuis Einstein. Ce film comble le fossé entre Dieu et la Science. Le travail de Goswami, avec une précision étonnante et sans s'écarter des rigueurs de la mécanique quantique, révèle l'unité globale inhérente aux grandes religions et traditions mystiques du monde.
Sociedade do Medo

Sociedade do Medo

Oct 06, 2022
This documentary is the last feature film of the "Trilogy of Catharsis" - a documentary series by filmmaker Adriana L. Dutra. This film leads us to reflect on the way in which fear dominates humanity and how the system takes advantage of this feeling to manipulate the masses, exploring the appropriate aspects in each environment to achieve its goal.
El Secreto del Doctor Grinberg
In the early nineties, Dr. Jacobo Grinberg’s career was blooming and he gained lots of international credit as a researcher in the fields of telepathy and neurophysiology at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. When Dr. Grinberg mysteriously disappears in 1994, the police find no trace of him. The only thing that is clear, is that all his research material, including his computers, disappeared along with him.
Tajemství smrti

Tajemství smrti

Oct 31, 2024
This feature-length documentary embarks on an adventurous journey to questions about death and the fear associated with it. Through Jaroslav Dušek's acting guide, he explores how we can use and control people's behavior through fear of death. The film looks at various cultural approaches to the topic of death, including those that do not perceive death as a scarecrow. Modern science, like traditional wisdom, offers alternative perspectives on death that can change our understanding of life. Through the personal stories of people who have overcome their fear of death, the film shows us that our approach to death can affect the quality of our lives.