Elaine Partnow

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Marigold Man

Marigold Man

Oct 01, 1970
Harry and his roommate, George, live in a shabby Hollywood apartment, existing languidly off the final payments of their unemployment insurance. Despite a 6-month lag in their rent payments and Harry's bad relations with his neighbor, their landlady does not evict them because she loves Harry, who spends his hours daydreaming about planting a 100-yard-wide row of marigolds from Los Angeles to New York for the betterment of mankind.
She's In Portland

She's In Portland

Jan 16, 2020
Deux amis d'université, maintenant dans la trentaine, admirent la vie de chacun et se sentent pris au piège de la leur. Wes, lié à une carrière exigeante et à des responsabilités familiales, prolonge un voyage de travail pour entraîner son ami artiste découragé Luke à la recherche de « celle qui lui a échappé ».


Dec 21, 1976
A travers le destin de quatre jeunes gens, évocation de l'histoire du Nickelodeon, l’ancêtre du cinéma.
La Cible

La Cible

Aug 15, 1968
Une ancienne vedette du cinéma d'horreur, Byron Orlok, annonce son intention d'abandonner les écrans parce qu'à côté de la violence aveugle qui fait la une des journeaux, ses films ont l'air de Grand-Guignol suranné. Mais, cédant aux pressions de ses producteurs, il accepte d'apparaître une dernière fois en public pour présenter l'un de ses film dans un "drive-in". Pendant ce temps-là, un jeune homme bien comme il faut, Bobby Thompson, est pris soudain de folie furieuse, cet amateur d'armes à feu tire sur sa femme, sa mère et un jeune commis de l'épicerie voisine. Après ce triple meurtre, Thompson s'enfuit en voiture, avec tout son arsenal...
The Search for Secret Santa
Cub reporter Sofia thinks she's found a Christmas story that will save her career when she discovers a long-lost, undelivered Secret Santa gift addressed from B. to Claire.
TV Movie
Poor Albert and Little Annie
Albert tried to kill his rich snobby mother once. Then he was institutionalized. Now he's escaped. Albert is after his mother again. And he will torture and kill anything that lays in the way...
It's Not a Date

It's Not a Date

Aug 16, 2014
IT'S NOT A DATE tells the story of Carly and Milo, a couple in their twenties on their first date. Although "It's not a date" but more of a casual meet at a local club; it begins as a classic girl meets boy saga with casual conversation that escalates to a night of passion. It evolves, NOT into a romantic partnership or a parting nod, to "bad chemistry" but instead with Carly. Frustrated with a life full of bad dates and believing that Milo is the worse of them she takes Milo on a detour into insanity so extreme he wishes "It's not a date."
Meurtre à Noël

Meurtre à Noël

Dec 02, 2022
Diana est à la tête d'une entreprise florissante à San Francisco. Alors que les affaires vont bon train durant la saison des fêtes, sa tante est retrouvée morte chez elle, vraisemblablement victime d'une chute dans l'escalier. Mais Diana n'y croit pas. Elle se rend dans la ville de sa tante et commence à mener sa propre enquête pour déterminer s'il s'agit ou non d'un accident...
San Andreas, alerte séisme
Une sismologue prédit qu'un séisme d'une magnitude de 12,7 va toucher la Californie mais personne ne la prend au sérieux. Elle tente de mettre sa famille à l'abri avant que le tremblement de terre ne touche Los Angeles, mais le temps est compté...


Jul 03, 2015
Josh Fosse is a 20-something guy whose life is going nowhere. His girl left him, his rent is late, and he lacks a real job. He is trying to make it as an app reviewer online and decides to review a self-help app called i-Lived for fun. He signs on and immediately his life turns around. He meets the girl of his dreams and he gets a job offer he can't refuse. Convinced it's him and not the app, he signs out... and loses everything. He signs on again but this time the terms are different, the app is asking him to do things that are out of his moral comfort zone, but which are essential to becoming the success the app tells him he can be.


Feb 23, 2017
When a homeless young musician moves into a sailboat with a feisty elderly widow, the two must overcome their differences and haunting pasts to unlock each other's dreams.
Delivering Christmas

Delivering Christmas

Dec 03, 2017
When a young girl tries to write a letter to Santa, she confesses to the mailman that she can't think of what to ask for after her Grandma passed away and her mother has been really sad. Without family to spend the holiday with, the mailman decides that for the next twelve days, he will deliver surprise gifts to the mom to remind her of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Terror in the Jungle

Terror in the Jungle

Nov 01, 1968
Little boy Henry Clayton Jr. survives a plane crash in the untamed Amazon jungle. However, he's discovered by a tribe of vicious savages who plan on sacrificing him. Meanwhile, Henry's father ventures into the jungle to find the missing lad before it's too late.
Le père Noël a volé notre chien
Lors d'une veille de Noël enneigée et froide, le Père Noël vole accidentellement le chien de la famille. Ainsi commence un voyage épique à travers les douze jours de Noël alors que la famille s'aventure au pôle Nord pour récupérer son chien bien-aimé.


Oct 06, 2018
Après la mort de la "tante noire", la famille hésite à accepter les restes incinérés de leurs proches. Mais quand ils sont frappés par une série d'événements mystérieux et surnaturels, ils doivent passer par l'enfer pour se débarrasser une fois pour toute de l'esprit en colère de la tante.


Jun 24, 2020
David Bennett, a struggling OCD scientist with father issues, has a life-altering encounter with a UFO and winds up falling for Jordan Waters, a quirky and mysterious female artist who, unbeknownst to him, turns out to be an alien who's being hunted by Ray Watts, a determined conspiracy theorist.
Science Fiction
Alone Wolf

Alone Wolf

Feb 12, 2020
After witnessing a woman's boyfriend commit murder outside his home, Jonathan, a man who lives so alone that he hasn't left his house in two years, is drawn out into the dangerous world to save her.
Danny Collins

Danny Collins

Mar 19, 2015
Une rock-star vieillissante ne souhaite pas changer ses habitudes de vie, jusqu'à ce que son agent lui fasse ouvrir une lettre gardée secrète pendant 40 ans, écrite de la main de John Lennon, le célèbre membre des Beatles. Suite à cette découverte inattendue, Danny Collins va chercher à redécouvrir sa famille et à trouver l'amour.
Window Dressing

Window Dressing

Jun 25, 2019
Danielle gets a new job working for Clara at her clothing store. Danielle is asked to go to the storage room and is locked in the room with what she thinks are mannequins. She soon realizes all too late, that they are something else.


Dec 15, 2016
A down-on-his-luck man discovers that his new apartment is inhabited by a self-absorbed ghost.
On s'fait la valise, docteur ?
Howard Bannister, un jeune chercheur quelque peu rigide, vient à San Francisco concourir pour une bourse en musicologie. À son hôtel, il rencontre une jeune femme qui, semant le désordre partout où elle passe, risque de bouleverser sa vie. Autour d'eux, une course à la valise se joue, qui va réunir une foule de personnages, pour une foule de quiproquos.


Jan 26, 2020
Four broke and single geeks hire a life coach to turn their lives around just weeks before they face hundreds of successful former classmates at their high school reunion.


May 25, 2018
Des années après avoir mis enceinte une petite amie, Vince rencontre Michael, leur fils, un ado extravagant, et apprend la paternité au rythme de chansons culte.
My Crazy Ex

My Crazy Ex

Oct 04, 2017
Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one partner’s behavior goes from romantic… to excessive… and then to the extreme. Each episode follows the intrepid souls who venture out in search of love, but end up in a desperate search for escape.