Lou Strenger

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Horst Lichter - Keine Zeit für Arschlöcher
Based on the bestselling biography: Entertainer Horst Lichter has barely had time to relax on his holiday when his mother calls him. In her own dry way, she tells him that she has been diagnosed with cancer and that things are not going well for her. Immediately Horst returns to his hometown with his wife Nada. Returning home brings back childhood memories - of a loving father and a mother who held the reins firmly in difficult situations. Horst tries his best to support his mother Margret - he organises doctor's appointments and tries to provide a little variety into her daily life, even though the relationship between mother and son has been strained for a long time: he counters his mother's edgy, frosty manner as he had learned to do when he was young. He emphasises the positive side of any situation and is always ready to respond with a snappy retort. When Margret learns how serious her illness really is, Horst begins to rethink his own life as well.


Jun 30, 2022
Beau parleur à l’aise en toutes circonstances, Julius s’invente en permanence une vie.
Le pré du mal

Le pré du mal

May 24, 2022
Chrissimo and Luisa are driving to his parents. During a break in a wonderful flower field, Luisa doubts the young relationship and the journey becomes a disaster. Who is overly sensitive? Is someone overreacting? And why the hell Baudelaire?
Das richtige Leben

Das richtige Leben

May 07, 2015
A border region village between the Czech Republic and Germany tells the love story of TOMMY (19) from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and JULIA (18) coming from a wealthy family. Julia is getting unexpectedly pregnant. Against their parents opinion Julia and Tommy want to build a future with the child. Money is a big issue for Tommy who works as a baker's student. Tommy is offered a risky deal - drug smuggling. The young relationship is put to the test.
Wer ohne Schuld ist

Wer ohne Schuld ist

Jul 02, 2024
After a night of drinking, Paul wakes up with a severe hangover and can’t remember what happened. His T-shirt is covered in blood, and a body has been found — that of his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. Did Paul kill him in a drunken stupor? Inspector Anita Wild investigates, even though she’d rather avoid the village where she grew up.


Oct 22, 2020
After an exhausting rainy day, a young woman is struggling with her growingly overwhelming feelings. Initially, she has difficulties allowing her tears and fights actively against them. She desperately tries to keep out the rain, which more and more vehemently makes its way into her apartment. Yet as soon as she learns to accept and appreciate the rain, she also makes peace with crying.


Jan 18, 2021
Luka veut partir, de préférence pour toujours. Le soir de son bal de fin d'études, elle a l'intention d’annoncer sa décision à ses meilleures amies Aleks, Freya et Tasnim. Mais un acte de violence imprévu bouscule ses plans et met leur amitié à l’épreuve...
Le Prix de la Paix

Le Prix de la Paix

Nov 11, 2020
A travers une histoire de famille, la série se penche sur un pan important de l'histoire suisse, peu connu du public. C'est aussi le portrait d'une génération qui a joué un rôle majeur dans la mise en place des bases de la Suisse d'aujourd'hui. Une histoire sur la volonté de changement de cette génération et sur la façon dont elle a perdu son innocence dans le processus.


Mar 22, 2019
Un passionnant diptyque consacré au grand homme du théâtre allemand Bertolt Brecht, avec Tom Schilling dans le rôle-titre. Des prémices de sa vocation à l’avènement du nazisme, en passant par le succès énorme de "L'opéra de quat'sous" (1928), ce premier épisode se concentre notamment sur sa vie amoureuse.


Nov 30, 2022
Almost half a century ago, a young woman dared to speak out publicly with pointed theses on gender roles or abortion laws. The reactions were violent.


Jan 29, 2025
Les films policiers créés avec humour sont joués dans la Frise orientale et ses environs.