Joanna Neary

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Jun 22, 2008
A pilot for a sketch show by Adam Buxton, featuring belligerent megastar Famous Guy, British cinema's greatest advocate Ken Korda, a poorly subtitled edition of Songs of Praise and a home-made music video for Spoon.
Les Suffragettes

Les Suffragettes

Oct 16, 2015
Au début du siècle dernier, en Angleterre, des femmes de toutes conditions décident de se battre pour obtenir le droit de vote. Face à leurs revendications, les réactions du gouvernement sont de plus en plus brutales et les obligent à entrer dans la clandestinité pour une lutte de plus en plus radicale. Puisque les manifestations pacifiques n’ont rien donné, celles que l’on appelle les suffragettes finissent par avoir recours à la violence pour se faire entendre. Dans ce combat pour l’égalité, elles sont prêtes à tout risquer: leur travail, leur maison, leurs enfants, et même leur vie. Maud est l’une de ces femmes. Jeune, mariée, mère, elle va se jeter dans le tourbillon d’une histoire que plus rien n’arrêtera…


Sep 24, 2015
Ian Hedge is a very ordinary man who sees himself as a secret super hero with a mission to protect the distressed and vulnerable. Single and living in a rented room with his sour-tempered landlady Mrs Wardle, Ian works 'undercover' as a council worker and spends the days walking the streets of the city in a high viz jacket holding a trundle wheel, with his costume ready to go in his backpack.
Keeping Rosy

Keeping Rosy

Jun 08, 2014
Une femme devient furieuse après avoir été ignorée pour une promotion à son travail.


Jun 17, 2020
À Londres, un homme se lance dans une série de crimes au cours d'une journée...
Romance & Adventure

Romance & Adventure

Jan 11, 2013
In Romance and Adventure, Darren is Josie’s best friend. Josie is Darren’s flatmate. Approaching 30, Josie is desperate to travel, to escape, to do something big. Darren is happy having his meals cooked by someone other than his mum. Together they drink Buckfast and wander the streets, wondering why their friends are becoming old and boring, with houses and marriages and kitchens to retile. Together they make fun of squares and make up games, it’s them against the world, or so Josie hopes. How much can you rely on a friend who doesn’t want to grow up?
Coma Girl

Coma Girl

Sep 09, 2011
An upbeat 30 minute single camera comedy which follows a group of female friends united by a shared history but divided by almost everything else. Most friends meet for dinner, or at the pub, but for these four old school friends their monthly get together is in the unsettling surroundings of an intensive care unit. Siobhan is a failing TV presenter, Sarah is a rather reluctant mother of three, Pip is a pseudo bohemian and Lucy, well Lucy is in a coma. After the initial shock, the three old school friends soon realise that Lucy is in dire need of help, if only they could provide it. As Lucy becomes more aware of what is going on around her, we delve into unexpected and funny moments from her subconscious.
TV Movie
Les heures sombres

Les heures sombres

Nov 22, 2017
En mai 1940, Winston Churchill devient Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni, en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa détermination à combattre les Allemands sera décisive pour la suite des événements. Sa nomination au poste de premier ministre britannique fut un grand hasard, bien qu'il ait reçu de vives critiques sur sa politique anti-Hitler; ses discours, qui firent la une des journaux de l'époque, résonnent jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Johnny Vegas: Who's Ready for Ice Cream?
Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?
Journal d'une ado hors norme
En 1996, Rachel, surnommée Rae, une adolescente en surpoids et manquant de confiance en elle, sort de l'hôpital psychiatrique où elle a passé quatre mois. Sa mère lui confie bientôt qu'elle héberge son petit ami, un Tunisien en situation irrégulière. Peu après, Rae retrouve ses amis, non sans appréhension à cause de sa fragilité psychologique.


Jun 30, 2011
Sitcom about a small-time dope dealer and his strange collection of acquaintances.


Dec 21, 2007
Angelo's is a sitcom created for Five and Paramount Comedy by Bwark Productions. It follows the ups and downs of everyday life in a central London greasy spoon café.
So Awkward

So Awkward

Oct 22, 2020
A sitcom about three very academically bright, but socially awkward 13 year old girls, trying to make sense of life, boys and fitting in. While other girls their age are going to parties, netball practice and sleepovers, Lily, Martha and Jas are busy with chess club, homework and Friday nights in watching documentaries.
How Not to Live Your Life
Célibataire d'une vingtaine d'années, Don hérite à la mort de sa grand-mère d'une belle maison dans laquelle il s'installe aussitôt. Viré de son boulot, il décide de louer une chambre à une belle jeune femme pour payer ses dettes...