Jack Irwin

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Vainqueur du destin

Vainqueur du destin

Jul 14, 1942
Ce film autobiographique retrace la carrière du joueur de baseball Lou Gehrig. Enfant, Lou Gehrig rêve de devenir champion de baseball ; ses parents, eux, rêvent de faire de leur fils un ingénieur. La grand-mère de Lou travaille comme cuisinière de l'université Columbia et le fait admettre à l'université. Lou travaille comme serveur au restaurant universitaire. Remarqué pour ses dons de sportif, Lou devient membre du club mais se heurte à l'hostilité de certains membres, des snobinards imbus d'eux-mêmes. Le journaliste sportif Sam Blake le recommande au Yankees de New York ; la santé de sa mère nécessitant une intervention chirurgicale coûteuse, Gehrig abandonne ses études et signe un contrat avec les Yankees afin de pouvoir disposer de la somme nécessaire. Sa mère croit de son côté qu'il étudie toujours à l'université mais finit bientôt par s'apercevoir que son fils joue au baseball professionnel...
Gun Cargo

Gun Cargo

Oct 05, 1949
A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television.
Gun Cargo

Gun Cargo

Oct 05, 1949
A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television.
Gun Cargo

Gun Cargo

Oct 05, 1949
A Maritime Board of Inquiry investigates the loss of the merchant ship, the Black Rover . Its captain, Jim Parker, offers the following testimony on his own behalf: Jim is recommended by Fred Winthrop to his father, owner of the Winthrop Shipping Line, to command the Black Rover after its captain and crew refuse to make the voyage. Jim, who has just received his captain's papers, agrees, unaware that Winthrop is illegally running a cargo of contraband weapons. The film has never had a theatrical release. Production began in 1930 under the title "Contraband," stopped when the producers ran out of money, then began again under the title "Contraband Cargo." Production soon stopped again and was not resumed until 1939, when new footage was shot and footage from HELL HARBOR (1930) was edited in. The film was still deemed not suitable for theatrical distribution, and it was not until 1949 that it was finally released... for late night airing on television.
Les chroniques de Spiderwick
Adaptée des romans éponymes, elle raconte les aventures de la famille Grace (les jumeaux, Jared et Simon, leur sœur, Mallory, et leur mère, Helen) quand elle emménage dans la maison ancestrale, à l’abandon, et le mystère qui plane sur l’arrière-arrière-oncle. Celui-ci avait découvert l’existence d’un monde parallèle, alternativement féerique… et un peu inquiétant.
Action & Adventure