Maude Fealy

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Dec 25, 1947
Anthony John est l'un des comédiens les plus réputés de Broadway, à l'aise aussi bien dans la comédie que dans le drame. Mais lorsque son agent lui propose de monter Othello, Tony se montre réticent. Il sait que ses rôles ont tendance à influencer sa vie privée: c'est d'ailleurs ce qui a causé l'échec de son mariage avec Brita, sa partenaire attitrée. Cependant, poussé par le désir de briller dans un rôle difficile, Tony finit par se laisser convaincre. Avec Brita en Desdémone, le spectacle triomphe brillamment, mais bientôt le comédien se sent dominé par la jalousie meurtrière d'Othello...
Pacific Express

Pacific Express

May 05, 1939
Deux compagnies rivales ne ménagent pas leurs forces pour la construction, peu avant 1870, de la ligne de chemin de fer qui reliera New York a la cote Ouest.


May 04, 1944
Durant ses vacances en Italie, Paula Alquist rencontre un pianiste charmant, Gregory Anton, qui la séduit. Ils se marient et Gregory propose à Paula d'aller vivre à Londres dans la demeure que la tante de Paula, mystérieusement assassinée, lui a léguée. Le couple vit heureux, mais peu à peu Paula est en proie a d'étranges hallucinations tandis que son mari devient froid et lointain. Entre-temps, un détective de Scotland Yard, amoureux de Paula, réexamine le dossier du meurtre obscur de la vieille dame.
Emergency Squad

Emergency Squad

Jan 05, 1940
Betty Bryant is an ambitious newspaper reporter in love with Dan Barton, a member of a big-city Emergency Squad who are trained to deal with riots, cave-in, explosions, fires and other emergencies where lives are at stake. Slade Wiley, an unscrupulous tunnel builder, finds that his low bid on the Newford Tunnel project is causing him to lose a lot of money, and has underworld leader Nick Burton set off blasts to frighten the stockholders into selling their shares at a low price so he can buy up the stock. Betty is investigating the deal when Wiley and Burton take her on a "tour trip" to the tunnel.
King Rene’s Daughter
This elaborate and well-staged silent version of Hertz' play is exceedingly well produced for 1913: it starts off by introducing the actors by name and role, then showing them in double exposure in street clothes and in costumes. The production values are also elaborate and the look of the set designs reminds one of the elaborate backdrops that Melies used in his shots.


Aug 31, 1913
A French woman has to marry a Russian to preserve the reputation of her society mother. However she is in love with someone else.
Laugh and Get Rich

Laugh and Get Rich

Mar 27, 1931
An inept inventor and his stoic wife believe an oil well investment has paid off and that they've become wealthy overnight.
The American Consul

The American Consul

Feb 02, 1917
Country lawyer Abel Manning is very passionate about his political party. Through the force of his oratory, he helps elect James Kitwell to the U.S. Senate. Kitwell has promised to reward Manning an important post. No job is forthcoming until a scheme is offered to the unscrupulous Kitwell by Pedro Gonzales. Gonzales plans a revolution in Mexico and needs a corruptible American consul.
Smashing the Vice Trust
In a meeting with the leaders of his vice syndicate, gangster boss James "Lucky" Lombardo complains that his profits are down. He demands that his henchmen get new, younger and prettier girls for his bordellos.
Les Dix Commandements

Les Dix Commandements

Oct 05, 1956
Évocation de la vie de Moïse sauvé à sa naissance par la propre fille du pharaon qui avait décidé de mettre à mort tous les nouveaux-nés hébreux de peur que les fils d'Israël ne deviennent plus nombreux que les Égyptiens. Cecil B. de Mille avait déjà tourné une version des Dix Commandements en 1923. Il récidive trente ans plus tard pour une version démesurée, sept mois de tournage, cent mille accessoires, des chameaux venus d'Australie, des lotus cueillis en Guinée britannique...
Race Suicide

Race Suicide

Jan 01, 1938
A District Attorney decides to go after a doctor who is targeting young women and talking them into having illegal abortions.
East Lynne

East Lynne

Jan 26, 1912
Based on the novel of the same name by Mrs. Henry Wood (Ellen Wood).
The Legend of Provence
A foundling is raised in a convent and becomes a nun there, until she falls in love with a wounded soldier under her care. When she leaves the convent, a statue of the Virgin Mary comes to life and assumes the girl's appearance to carry on her work.
The Unfaithful

The Unfaithful

Jul 01, 1947
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Bulldog Drummond en péril
Drummond's wedding with Phyllis is interrupted when the inspector guarding their gifts is killed. He tries to trace the killers and uncovers the mystery of diamond counterfeiters.
David Copperfield

David Copperfield

Oct 17, 1911
Thanhouser Company three-reel silent film based on Charles Dickens’s story of an English lad's tribulation-filled journey to adulthood, Thanhouser released the three films over the course of three weeks beginning on October 17, 1911, one 1,000 foot reel per week.