Barbara Schroth

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Andreas Dresen : Cinéaste du réel
Originaire d'Allemagne de l'Est, Andreas Dresen a signé près de vingt longs métrages, en observateur sensible de la vie et de ses difficultés ainsi que de l'histoire de son pays. Portrait d'un passionné méconnu en France, mais champion du cinéma d'auteur outre-Rhin.
Kreuzfahrt ins Glück

Kreuzfahrt ins Glück

Jan 01, 2024
A picturesque journey on the waves of love and life. Each episode embarks on a tantalizing cruise, intertwining the stories of newlyweds beginning their matrimonial journey and the ship's crew navigating their own personal tribulations. As breathtaking locations unfurl in the backdrop, heartwarming encounters and serendipitous moments greet the passengers. However, it's not all smooth sailing—each voyage confronts its fair share of tempests, from past heartbreaks resurfacing to unexpected on-board mishaps. Yet, amidst the ebb and flow of emotions, the series consistently delivers an uplifting message: love and understanding can steer any ship to safe harbor. A truly heartwarming watch.