Amy Argyle

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Oct 31, 2022
After a catastrophic incident occurs at the Mars Research Station, an astronaut finds herself drifting off into deep space.
Hard Love

Hard Love

Oct 15, 2011
A break-up between a couple leads them to having a garage sale, only to find out that the two have more skeletons in the closet than they do junk.
Blood Effects

Blood Effects

May 21, 2013
"Blood Effects" a mockumentary by film maker Kris Black, is a cross between "Paranormal Activity" and Christopher Guest's "Best in Show". Presented as a "movie-within-a-movie", veteran Bruce Reisman produced Black's scathing satire of Hollywood horror movies, where reality ties itself up with fantasy, and the results are both humorous and horrifying.
Chocolate - Director's Cut
Follow Eve (Piercey Dalton), a housewife and mother who unexpectedly becomes homeless in downtown Los Angeles. The film sparks conversations surrounding the harsh realities faced by those living on the streets, challenging common misconceptions of mental health struggles as mere drug abuse or laziness. "Chocolate" also sheds light and awareness on early-onset Alzheimer's, which is often overlooked by society. Thiago Dadalt's director's cut invites you to delve deeper into the homeless experience and get lost alongside Eve without a clue of what's unfolding. 'Chocolate' is a cinematic journey that surprises and amazes
Scream at the Devil

Scream at the Devil

Oct 30, 2015
A beautiful, schizophrenic, woman is pushed over the edge by her husbands illicit affairs. When her hallucinations become reality, the Devil comes to take his due. Is Miriam insane or has the Devil come to collect on her promise?
Little Dead Rotting Hood
Dans le comté de Doral, la vieille miss Winfield s'est suicidée, Samantha a disparu et les loups ont décidé de tuer des gens. Ce n'est pas encore aujourd'hui que le shérif Eric Balfour pourra poser un RTT.
A Green Story

A Green Story

May 24, 2013
Van Vlahakis left Greece five decades ago with 22 dollars in his pocket. He arrived in the US hoping for a better future for him and his family. Eftichios as is his Greek name not only managed to live the American dream for himself, but also created Earth Friendly Products, a US giant for environmentally friendly cleaning products. His story is not only about transforming his life but also the lives of the ones around him as the owner and CEO of Earth Friendly Products. The story centers on the modern day Vlahakis, who is diagnosed with cancer and given only few months to live. During this time, he reflects on his early life as an immigrant during the 1950's and ultimately decides to push himself to the limit by closing one final business deal that will concretize his company's success, even if it means taking on a large corporation that is trying to take over his company.
Frank & Lola

Frank & Lola

Dec 09, 2016
Frank, un chef cuisinier, essaye de s'en sortir tant bien que mal à Las Vegas. Un soir de Halloween, il rencontre Lola, une jeune femme qui vient d'arriver en ville avec l'espoir de devenir créatrice de mode. Malgré leur grande différence d'âge, l'amour est au rendez-vous, jusqu'au jour où Frank découvre les liaisons troubles de Lola avec d'autres hommes, notamment un riche entrepreneur au charme certain et un mystérieux auteur suédois vivant à Paris. Obsédé par sa jalousie, Frank décide de se rendre à Paris...


Feb 23, 2012
Après avoir travaillé toute la nuit, Jill Parrish rentre chez elle et découvre que sa soeur Molly a été enlevée. Elle-même s'étant sortie d'un kidnapping un an plus tôt, Jill est convaincue que le même tueur en série est revenu s'en prendre à sa sœur. La police refuse de la croire et personne ne lui apportera d'aide. Redoutant que Molly n'ait plus que quelques heures à vivre, Jill se lance dans sa propre traque.


Jan 09, 2018
Après avoir découvert une anomalie spatiale, des scientifiques transplantent le cerveau d'astronautes humains dans des corps synthétiques et les envoient à travers le trou de ver.
Science Fiction
Moon Creek Cemetery

Moon Creek Cemetery

Oct 31, 2017
In the 1830's emigrants from Salem, Massachusetts fled their satanic legacy and came to settle in LaSalle County,Illinois. They brought along with them some of their more unpleasant, unsavory past. There were plain wars between settlers and Indians and whites put together a massacre and mass buried them in what became the cemetery. The Moon family were the curators of the plots. Local legend began after such things as farmers being woken up in the middle of the night with loud crashes coming from the cemetery, and then investigating and seeing all the tombstones knocked over. And then there were the murders.
The Paddy Lincoln Gang
The Paddy Lincoln Gang are a rock band with everything - as well as total immersion in sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. But their charismatic lead singer holds a dark secret from his past, a secret that is about to explode.
The Lears

The Lears

Apr 22, 2017
A modern take on William Shakespeare's King Lear.
Parker's Anchor

Parker's Anchor

Oct 27, 2017
Krystal Parker's life fell apart when she discovered she couldn't have children. Everything she knew was gone, - but Letting Go Is Just The Beginning.
I Love You

I Love You

Nov 06, 2019
When an ambitious young man takes a big gamble on a sure deal, he gets sucked into L.A.'s party lifestyle, bringing pain and ruin to those closest to him. A retelling of the Biblical parable of the prodigal son.
Battle Creek

Battle Creek

May 24, 2015
Dans le commissariat sous-équipé de Battle Creek dans le Michigan, le détective Russ Agnew n'a pas bonne réputation. On dit qu'il est méchant, insensible. Personne ne veut faire équipe avec lui. Personne jusqu'à ce que Milton Chamberlain, un agent du FBI qui vient tout juste de débarquer pour prêter main forte à l'équipe de bras cassés, le choisisse, lui, comme partenaire. Leurs visions très différentes de la vie ne vont pas faciliter leur entente, mais leur complémentarité ne peut qu'être un atout pour nettoyer efficacement les rues de la petite ville...


Mar 02, 2025
1923 explore l'aube du XXème siècle et suit une autre génération de Dutton, alors que les épidémies, la sécheresse, la fin de la prohibition et la Grande Dépression s'abattent sur l'Ouest américain.


Nov 21, 2024
Du service d'appels d'urgences 911 aux pompiers, secouristes ou policiers, tous ces intervenants sont constamment sous pression, confrontés quotidiennement à des situations stupéfiantes, effrayantes, et parfois même choquantes. S'ils ont pour mission de voler au secours des personnes en danger, ces héros de l'ombre doivent aussi trouver le temps de résoudre les problèmes de leurs propres vies...