Dirk Wayne Summers

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Autant en emporte le vent
En Géorgie, en 1861, Scarlett O'Hara est une jeune femme fière et volontaire de la haute société sudiste. Courtisée par tous les bons partis du pays, elle n'a d'yeux que pour Ashley Wilkes malgré ses fiançailles avec sa douce et timide cousine, Melanie Hamilton. Scarlett est pourtant bien décidée à le faire changer d'avis, mais à la réception des Douze Chênes c'est du cynique Rhett Butler qu'elle retient l'attention…
L'aigle du désert

L'aigle du désert

Aug 05, 1950
La belle princesse Schéhérazade est en route pour Téhéran où elle doit épouser, pour raison d'Etat, un ignoble tyran. En chemin, elle est enlevée par Omar, véritable Robin du désert et prétendant au trône...
Survival of Spaceship Earth
Earth's environmental crisis--brought about by uncontrolled technological progress--is endangering life on a global scale. At the core of the threats to the planet - wars, overpopulation, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources - is the inadequacy of the nation state to come to terms with the surmounting problems of twentieth century living. What is urgently needed is the kind of international cooperation where nation states relinquish part of their sovereignty to a world body entrusted with the management of mankind's future.
Survival of Spaceship Earth
Earth's environmental crisis--brought about by uncontrolled technological progress--is endangering life on a global scale. At the core of the threats to the planet - wars, overpopulation, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources - is the inadequacy of the nation state to come to terms with the surmounting problems of twentieth century living. What is urgently needed is the kind of international cooperation where nation states relinquish part of their sovereignty to a world body entrusted with the management of mankind's future.
Survival of Spaceship Earth
Earth's environmental crisis--brought about by uncontrolled technological progress--is endangering life on a global scale. At the core of the threats to the planet - wars, overpopulation, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources - is the inadequacy of the nation state to come to terms with the surmounting problems of twentieth century living. What is urgently needed is the kind of international cooperation where nation states relinquish part of their sovereignty to a world body entrusted with the management of mankind's future.
I cinque della vendetta
Jim Latimore's ranch is a thorn in the side of the ruthless Gonzales brothers and his marriage to their cousin Rosaria rankles even more. Bandit chief El Matanza is hired to rid them of Latimore and his baby son is taken to be raised as a Gonzales. Three years later five of Latimore's friends arrive to reclaim the boy, replace Rosaria in her home and avenge their murdered compadre.