Nilam Farooq

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Toi, lui, elle et nous
À l'issue d'un échange de partenaires durant quatre semaines, deux couples se retrouvent dans une maison de bord de mer isolée et réalisent que rien n'est plus comme avant. Tout à coup, leurs sentiments sont mis à l'épreuve, leurs choix de vie et leurs attentes ébranlés. Qui aime qui ? Et l'amour suffira-t-il ?
Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft
On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...


Aug 24, 2023
Moving from the city to the countryside, 11-year-old Anni has a tough time settling in – until she encounters Wild Heart, an untamed horse, to whom she feels an almost magical connection. But soon after, their bond is put at risk, as some ruthless horse thieves are targeting Wild Heart’s herd.
Early Birds

Early Birds

Oct 12, 2023
Témoin malgré elle d'un deal de drogue qui a mal tourné, une femme s'enfuit avec une partenaire improbable. Les deux devront échapper aux flics, aux dealers et à leurs propres démons.
Manta Manta - Zwoter Teil
When a former racer faces the prospect of his car repair shop and go-kart track being foreclosed, he comes up with a daring plan: to win the prize for the big race on the Bilster Berg. He has one month to turn his old Opel into a rocket from the old days, but his ex-wife suddenly enters his life with a request to take care of their son.


Sep 01, 2022
It's summer and very hot in Germany's only open-air swimming pool for women. There, women bathe topless, in a bikini, bathing suit or burkini. Each follows different rules. This always leads to friction, which the overwhelmed lifeguard is not quite able to control. When a group of completely veiled women enthusiastically discovers the women's bath for themselves, rags literally fly: Who owns the bath and who makes the rules? Who owns the female body? And when is a woman a woman at all? The lifeguard resigns, exasperated. But when a man of all people is hired as the successor as lifeguard, the situation escalates in unpredictable directions.
791 km

791 km

Dec 14, 2023
5 people of different personalities have to take a taxi from Munich to Hamburg, as the train service is canceled. The strangers discover that every one of them has their own cross to bear, but to overcome trouble they have to work together as a group.


Sep 11, 2025
An absurd comedy about a couple whose perfect façade is becoming more and more cracked. Olli and Anja are a happy couple – but then Anja gets pregnant and her body releases hormones that turn her into a different person for a few weeks. A stressful person. Anja’s mood swings make Olli despair. Nine months later she goes into labour. On the way to the hospital, Anja accidentally meets Olli’s lover. And from then on, everything that can go wrong does go wrong.
Home Sweet Home - Wo das Böse wohnt
When pregnant Maria starts readying her fiancé’s family estate for bed and breakfast guests, something isn’t right; the power seems to be on the blink and strange noises become all too common. Determined to find the truth, Maria soon begins to realise that darker secrets than she could imagine are lurking in this house, and her soon-to-be-family’s past.
Die Briefe meiner Mutter
One day before her 18th birthday, Laura Hellmer finds out by chance that her mother Katharina, a renowned political journalist, has lied to her for years: Laura's father was not a Spanish war photographer who died before she was born, but probably lives and is in Chile. Without further ado, Laura sets off for South America to find her true father. While she is in Santiago following in the footsteps of her mother, who once reported on the victims of the Pinochet dictatorship, Katharina travels to her daughter.
TV Movie


Sep 14, 2023
A divorce lawyer and a couples therapist, both completely different, must, as witnesses, save their best friends' wedding at all costs.
Verpiss Dich, Schneewittchen
In his dreams Sammy is a rock star. But in reality he works and cleans in his brother Momo's hammam. Suddenly, a music label gives him the chance to become famous in a casting show. On one condition: The solo musician must form a band. So Sammy, his sister Jessi, the old temporary masseur Wolle and fat Mahmut quickly become the group "Hamam Hardrock". The audience celebrates the original newcomers but label boss Thomaschewsky wants to prevent the multicultural rockers' triumphant advance by any means necessary.
My Blind Date with Life
Saliya, un jeune homme brillant devenu presque aveugle dans son adolescence, garde cette cécité secrète et décroche un stage dans l’un des plus prestigieux hôtel de Munich. Mais toute sa stratégie mise en place menace de s’effondrer lorsqu’il tombe amoureux de Laura.
Fear challenge

Fear challenge

Feb 22, 2018
À Heilstätten, un sanctuaire lointain et sombre près de Berlin, un groupe de YouTubers accède illégalement au bloc chirurgical inquiétant pour un défi de 24 heures qui, selon eux, deviendra viral. Ils apprennent trop tôt qu'ils ne sont pas seuls et qu'ils ne sont pas les bienvenus.
L'Épée flamboyante

L'Épée flamboyante

Oct 27, 2016
Ben, Jonas, Özzi, Leo et Sophie, une bande d’adolescents inséparables, partent en sortie scolaire avec leur classe de terminale pour visiter la cathédrale de Hildesheim, petite cité allemande de Saxe. Alors que les lycéens se trouvent à l’intérieur de l’édifice, une explosion retentit. Les membres d’une secte pratiquant des rituels d’immortalité séquestrent les adolescents, qui doivent être sacrifiés le soir même, à l’occasion de l’éclipse. Seuls les cinq amis parviennent à s’échapper, mais alors qu’ils tentent de sauver leurs camarades, le petit groupe se fracture : quel lien relie Jonas à la secte ? Peuvent-ils encore lui faire confiance ? Malgré tout, le quintette va se serrer les coudes et se lancer dans une véritable course contre la montre pour interrompre à temps la funeste cérémonie…
Rate Your Date

Rate Your Date

Mar 07, 2019
Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...


Feb 14, 2019
It's double trouble when fate and an ill-executed diamond robbery throw Mel and Franny together in a race and chase against time.


Oct 28, 2020
With his uncouth manner, Professor Pohl doesn’t enjoy the best reputation at the university where he works. To make matters worse, he makes a racist remark when student Naima arrives late for his lecture. Unfortunately for him, a video of his verbal outburst spreads like wildfire on the Internet, and the university’s president, Lambrecht, is called to deal with the incident. But Pohl is not dismissed. Instead, he is put to the task of helping Naima prepare for an important debating competition. The lecturer and the student could not be more different, yet they are thrown together to work as a team.
8 Zeugen

8 Zeugen

Mar 25, 2021
Lorsqu'une fillette de 10 ans est kidnappée au musée d'histoire naturelle, la police interroge huit témoins clés pour découvrir la vérité et retrouver l'enfant avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Schlag den Star

Schlag den Star

Jan 11, 2025
A recurring LIVE prime-time show featuring two stars (celebs) who must beat each other at various mini-games, such as; mind games, sports and tactile games. The winner gets 100000 Euros after roughly 4 hours.
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
Joko and Klaas are teaming up against ProSieben. In this game show, the duo must duel against various team-ProSieben celebrities to gain an advantage in the final round. If Joko & Klaas emerge victorious, they can do whatever they want the following day for 15 minutes at 8:15pm, during prime time. If they lose the finale, their channel can decide on an adequate punishment - funny, embarrassing, or annoying.
Kommissar Stolberg

Kommissar Stolberg

Mar 02, 2013
Stolberg is a German detective television series, starring chief inspector Martin Stolberg. The series is more serious and less flashy than other contemporary German detective series.
Danni Lowinski

Danni Lowinski

Sep 15, 2014
Danni Lowinski is a former hairdresser who has graduated in law. When she does not get a job at a law firm, she starts to give legal advice from the basement of a shopping mall.
The Signal

The Signal

Mar 07, 2024
La disparition d'une astronaute plonge les membres de sa famille dans une quête effrénée de réponses. Mais plus ils progressent, plus la menace qui pèse sur eux, et le monde, grandit.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Das Duell um die Welt

Das Duell um die Welt

Jan 18, 2025
Joko gegen Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt is a German reality series, broadcast on the German television network ProSieben on prime time. In English the show is called Joko vs. Klaas – The Battle for the World . It is a show that pins its two stars against one another in a series of challenges all over the globe. Hosts Joachim ‘Joko’ Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf give each other a series of outrageous and tough challenges in countries all over the world; they know where they’re going but have no idea what they will have to do until they get there. It is a travel game show and reality series where each host tries to push the other to their limits in an attempt to be crowned the “world champion” by taking on all the obstacles and coming out on top as the one who has won the battle for world domination.
Where's Wanda?

Where's Wanda?

Nov 13, 2024
Suite à la disparition de leur fille, les Klatt décident de prendre les choses en main et élaborent un plan insensé : espionner le voisinage. Les apprentis espions vont mettre au jour une kyrielle de secrets stupéfiants.
Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben
Joko and Klaas are teaming up against ProSieben. In this game show, the duo must duel against various team-ProSieben celebrities to gain an advantage in the final round. If Joko & Klaas emerge victorious, they can do whatever they want the following day for 15 minutes at 8:15pm, during prime time. If they lose the finale, their channel can decide on an adequate punishment - funny, embarrassing, or annoying.