Attilio Bolzoni

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La Mafia non è più quella di una volta
Palerme, Sicile, Italie, 2017. Vingt-cinq ans après les assassinats des juges antimafia Giovanni Falcone (23 mai 1992) et Paolo Borsellino (19 juillet 1992), et à l'occasion des hommages rendus à la mémoire des deux héros, la photographe Letizia Battaglia, chroniqueuse de leur lutte titanesque, critique l'opportunisme de personnages louches comme l'homme d'affaires Ciccio Mira, qui profitent de la commémoration des deux tragédies.
Morcego Negro

Morcego Negro

Apr 02, 2023
A biography of Paulo César Farias, better known as PC Farias. PC was treasurer of former President Fernando Collor de Mello and was directly involved in the process that culminated in Collor's impeachment, deeply shaking the recently restored Brazilian democracy. The film features the participation of dozens of people who knew and lived with Farias, abundant documentation and exclusive archive material, which reveals the intricacies of Brazilian politics, focusing especially on the relationships between capital, ideology, power and organized crime.
Magma - Mattarella, il delitto perfetto
Through distinguished testimonies, Magma - Matteotti, the Perfect Crime reconstructs a tumultuous period in our country's history, still shrouded in unresolved shadows. Starting from the murder of Christian Democrat politician Piersanti Mattarella, President of the Sicilian Region and brother of our current President, Sergio Mattarella—still without a culprit after 45 years—the film investigates the dark plots, the Red Brigades, rogue intelligence services, Gladio, and everything that simmered in the magma (chosen as a powerful symbol and narrative counterpoint) behind the violent deaths of Honorable Aldo Moro, magistrate and university professor Vittorio Bachelet (with firsthand testimony from Rosy Bindi, his assistant and direct witness to the attack), and the massacre at Bologna station—all events that occurred within the span of two years.
Paolo Borsellino

Paolo Borsellino

Nov 08, 2004
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
Il Giudice e il Boss

Il Giudice e il Boss

Jan 01, 1970
The story of a judge against the mafia, Cesare Terranova. The first magistrate to have sensed the dangers of organized crime and to have instructed the first trials against Mafia bosses, when the word mafia was still spoken in a whisper. Terranova was killed on September 25, 1979 with his collaborator, Marshal Lenin Mancuso.

Nov 29, 2007

« Corleone » (parfois appelé également en français par son titre original Il capo dei capi) raconte la vraie histoire du chef de la cosa nostra Salvatore « Toto » Riina, qui était connu par ses ennemis comme « la bête » et soupçonné d’avoir tué des centaines de personnes. Cette série fait vivre sa longue et sanglante ascension dans la mafia, de son enfance à Corleone, jusqu’à la guerre violente qu’il a mené dans les années 1980 et 90 à la fois contre les gangs rivaux et les forces de l’ordre.