The cinematic origin story of William Banks' real journey to Car World – a planet in an alternate universe ruled by Worms who want to have sex with him.
Annabel, a young woman who risks being ostracized from an insular New York clique led by her socialite best friend when she falls for charming photographer Theo. Grappling with the sudden loss of her father, Annabel finds herself torn between the comfortable opulence of her upper crust circle and the vibrant ambitions of the artists downtown. As Theo introduces her to unexplored sides of the city and of herself, how far will Annabel push out of her gilded cage?
Worried about their father being laid off, two resourceful teenage girls hatch a plan to win the prize money of a junior golf tournament at a prestigious Hamptons country club. But once they encounter the quirky, wealthy patrons at the club, they are thrust on an adventure of mistaken identity, love and finding friendship in the most unlikely of people.
Worried about their father being laid off, two resourceful teenage girls hatch a plan to win the prize money of a junior golf tournament at a prestigious Hamptons country club. But once they encounter the quirky, wealthy patrons at the club, they are thrust on an adventure of mistaken identity, love and finding friendship in the most unlikely of people.
Worried about their father being laid off, two resourceful teenage girls hatch a plan to win the prize money of a junior golf tournament at a prestigious Hamptons country club. But once they encounter the quirky, wealthy patrons at the club, they are thrust on an adventure of mistaken identity, love and finding friendship in the most unlikely of people.
Annabel, a young woman who risks being ostracized from an insular New York clique led by her socialite best friend when she falls for charming photographer Theo. Grappling with the sudden loss of her father, Annabel finds herself torn between the comfortable opulence of her upper crust circle and the vibrant ambitions of the artists downtown. As Theo introduces her to unexplored sides of the city and of herself, how far will Annabel push out of her gilded cage?
Annabel, a young woman who risks being ostracized from an insular New York clique led by her socialite best friend when she falls for charming photographer Theo. Grappling with the sudden loss of her father, Annabel finds herself torn between the comfortable opulence of her upper crust circle and the vibrant ambitions of the artists downtown. As Theo introduces her to unexplored sides of the city and of herself, how far will Annabel push out of her gilded cage?
Annabel, a young woman who risks being ostracized from an insular New York clique led by her socialite best friend when she falls for charming photographer Theo. Grappling with the sudden loss of her father, Annabel finds herself torn between the comfortable opulence of her upper crust circle and the vibrant ambitions of the artists downtown. As Theo introduces her to unexplored sides of the city and of herself, how far will Annabel push out of her gilded cage?
Les inspecteurs qui font partie de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) du service de police de la ville de New York (NYPD) enquêtent sur des crimes de nature sexuelle. Alors que les autres émissions de la franchise de "La loi et l'ordre" se sont largement concentrées sur les cas de meurtres, les inspecteurs de la division des Crimes sexuels (SVU) ont souvent affaire à des crimes, tel le viol, auquel la victime survit et elle aide les autorités lors de l'enquête.
Une mère de famille du New Jersey, fraîchement célibataire, décide de mentir sur son âge afin de se donner plus de chances de retrouver du travail. Avec un peu de chance, et de maquillage, elle réussit à paraître vingt ans plus jeune...
A dark satire of reality shows, their production and surrounding culture. Six people representing various reality show stereotypes including a married older contest winner are put in a house designed around having as much sex as possible.