Jaime Bello

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Jan 01, 1999
A nightclub manager with financial problems accepts an offer to seduce another man's wife for money, and soon finds himself entwined in a web of double-crossing con artists.
12 horas

12 horas

Jan 01, 2001
A night in the life of a cab driver in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Lo que le pasó a Santiago
Santiago, a retired accountant, casually meets Angelina during one of his daily walks in Old San Juan. They soon become friends, even though she refuses to give out any personal information.
El clown

El clown

Nov 10, 2006
A young clown decides to abandon the small-town circus he works for in order to try and make it in a big city.
Dios los cría 2

Dios los cría 2

May 05, 2004
Three stories ("Lo mismo de otra manera", "Félix", and "Te tengo una sorpresa") that delve deeply into issues such as human solidarity, infidelity, and social conflicts in contemporary Puerto Rico.
Las vacas con gafas

Las vacas con gafas

Sep 11, 2014
Marcelino is an eccentric, introverted painter and art professor who, approaching his sunset years, learns he has a disease that could render him blind at any moment. As he begins to put his emotional affairs in order, including his strained relationship with his daughter, he must face the inevitable.


Sep 27, 1999
At the dawn of the new milennium, allied nations computer systems could collapse because of the year 2000 (Y2K) bug and be reprogrammed by corrupt Federal Agents via the internet. After the murder of an agent of the "Special Espionage Corruption Task Operational Resource" (S.E.C.T.O.R. 4), an intense investigation begins to identify the killer, but unexpectedly the spies of S.E.C.T.O.R. 4 discover that the murderers are part of a conspiracy against national information systems, putting in danger national security near the imminent arrival of the year 2000.
L'orage sous le soleil
Après le meurtre de son père, un riche général, une jeune femme se découvre trois autres sœurs cachées. Ensemble, elles enquêtent pour retrouver l'assassin. A Miami, aux Etats-Unis, une figure de la ville, le général Parker, vient d'être assassiné sous les yeux de sa fille, Kelly, et de son garde du corps impuissant. Ils soupçonnent un individu véreux, dénommé Packard, d'avoir commandité cet assassinat afin de mettre la main sur la fortune du personnage. Une fois chez le notaire, pour le testament, quelle n'est pas la surprise de Kelly lorsqu'elle se retrouve avec trois superbes jeunes femmes, qui ne sont autres que ses sœurs, nées de mariages différents ! Stupéfaites, elles décident alors d'unir leurs efforts pour démasquer le coupable. Mais quelqu'un souhaite les faire disparaître...


Jun 28, 2002
Sara Rodríguez faces a mid-life crisis, succumbing to the media clamor for a youthful appearance with everything from collagen to breast enhancements, as she faces her menopause. What she really needs is her workaholic husband's attention. After turning the world upside, Sara finds the solution where she least expects it.
Chona, la puerca asesina
A mad scientist invents a formula to control Puerto Rico. A little pig named Chona drinks water from a pond contaminated with the formula and grows to gigantic proportions, chasing and killing people.
La otra mafia

La otra mafia

Apr 04, 2003
Five prominent politicians are celebrating the bachelor party of one of them, but an accident occurs and a person dies. Now everyone is involved.
Una historia común

Una historia común

Dec 17, 2004
The daily life of a couple in a coastal town in Puerto Rico changes upon the arrival of an old friend whom they believed had perished in Vietnam. At the same time, a writer moves into the town and upsets everyone’s routine.


Aug 16, 2007
The film follows the actions of a corrupt police captain, the title-character Ángel Lugo. Lugo is responsible for the wrongful imprisonment of Mariano Farías and the murder of his pregnant wife. After 15 years in a federal prison, Farías is still determined to prove his innocence.
Un poema en el exilio

Un poema en el exilio

Dec 06, 2012
The unpublished correspondence between the great musician Pau Casals, and the Catalan poet Joan Alavedra, and the accounts given by experts, will tell the story behind the creation of The Manger, a musical composition born of a poem by the same title, which became a message for world peace.


Feb 05, 2004
Presents three barrio stories: "La familia del Camello" about a public residential basketball coach and his dilemmas, "El baila'o de Julia y Berto" about two neighbors trying to rediscover love in their maturity, and "El rumbón de Fepe" about a man who has to choose between his barrio and the woman he loves.


Oct 13, 2004
Quelques semaines après la disparition mystérieuse de son mari, Maureen rentre de croisière avec le très beau Brit Oliver Vance. Son fils Scott est accablé. Il ne peut toujours pas croire que son père, un athlète de renommée internationale, ait pu se noyer lors de cette même croisière. Quand Maureen et Oliver annoncent qu'ils veulent se marier, le monde de Scott s'effondre. La fille d'Oliver, la très jolie Kelly partage elle aussi le désarroi de Scott et expose une théorie bien personnelle : il est possible qu'Oliver et Maureen se connaissent depuis longtemps et qu'ils aient comploté la mort du père de Scott. Les deux jeunes gens mènent alors leur propre enquête et ne tardent pas à tomber amoureux. Mais tandis qu'ils sont unis par la même conviction, les secrets révélés par l'enquête finissent pas convaincre Scott qu'il ne peut faire confiance à personne.