Mark Carlisle

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Feb 02, 2012
The final night’s work approaches for the staff of an insane asylum. A minimal crew of security and researchers remain to ensure the patients behave as expected before their transfers to a maximum security prison. Struggling with memories of abandonment, Dr. Helen Kingford finds herself on the brink of quitting her job as a psychologist. Following his forced retirement, the hospital's head of security decides on a destabilizing course of action leading to chaos and destruction within the asylum. In the confusion, all of the dangerous patients escape their padded cells. Confused, Dr. Kingford awakens finding herself tied up in the hospital morgue. Not knowing who to trust, she finds herself running from everyone in an attempt to survive.
Bad Girl

Bad Girl

Jul 14, 1992
A young single mother has to convince the authorities that she is a fit parent.
To Fire You Come at Last
In rural 17th-century England, a group of men gather to carry a coffin on the long walk to the local graveyard for burial. Much ancient folklore and superstition surround the pathway to the church, and several of the party are afraid to walk it after dark. Squire Marlow, the grieving father of the dead man, promises to double their wages if they agree to make the mysterious journey full of unexpected revelations.


Sep 24, 2011
Prosopanosia: 'A two faced story' Alfred finds his best friend Julia dead in her apartment and looks the perpetrator right in the eyes. He is unable to identify him, because of his extremely rare condition known as face blindness, or Prosopagnosia. Helpless and confused Alfred has to endure a long interrogation at the police office. He turns out to be the obvious suspect in this horrible homicide. While Alfred tries to convince the inspector of his innocence and menacing illness their both bound to discover a shocking truth.
Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf

Nov 16, 2017
Red Dwarf est un vaisseau terrien minier de 8kms de long, qui circule en orbite autour de Saturne. A bord, officiers et miniers cohabitent tant bien que mal. Dave Lister vit à bord et possède un chat bien que cela soit strictement interdit. Découvert, il est enfermé dans un caisson cryogénique pour faute... A son réveil, le vaisseau est totalement vide. L'ordinateur de bord, prénommé Holly, lui explique que tout le monde est mort il y a trois millions d'années à cause d'une fuite radioactive. Pour lui tenir compagnie, Holly ressuscite Arnold Rimmer sous la forme d'un hologramme. Ce dernier, ex-compagnon de chambre de Dave n'est autre que son supérieur direct mais aussi son pire ennemi. Par la suite, Dave découvre Cat, un humanoïde qui est également le descendant direct de son chat. Sa race a évolué en fondant au passage une religion dont les dogmes sont issus de ce que Dave avait autrefois dit à son chat ! Dave, Cat, Arnold et Holly font alors route en direction de la Terre afin de savoir ce qu'elle est devenue pendant tout ce temps.
The Crown

The Crown

Dec 14, 2023
Cette série dramatique retrace les rivalités politiques, intrigues et événements qui ont marqué le règne de la reine Élisabeth II et la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.