Tricia Leigh Fisher

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C.H.U.D. 2

C.H.U.D. 2

May 05, 1989
Des étudiants se rendent dans la morgue d'un hôpital pour subtiliser un cadavre pour leur cours de science. Problème : il ne s'agit pas d'un cadavre ordinaire, mais d'un mort-vivant cannibale, fruit d'un programme militaire ultra-secret. Bud, le CHUD, s'enfuit : tous ceux qu'il attaque se transforment à leur tour
La Petite Star

La Petite Star

Feb 04, 1994
Alors que sa femme a été condamnée à une peine de prison, un acteur de seconde zone tente de s'imposer à Hollywood avec sa fille, une petite peste.
These Old Broads

These Old Broads

Feb 12, 2001
Network television executive Gavin hopes to reunite celebrated Hollywood stars Piper Grayson, Kate Westbourne, and Addie Holden in a TV special after their 1960s movie musical Boy Crazy is re-released. Though the three women share the same agent, Gavin's seemingly insurmountable obstacle is that they all cannot stand each other.
TV Movie
Men Seeking Women

Men Seeking Women

Mar 08, 1997
Three best friends mess up their already flagging love lives with an ill-fated bet. They each put two thousand dollars in a bank account, with the winner being the one who can not only get a girlfriend, but also live with her for three months. Nick decides to hoodwink his two friends by faking a relationship with an old girlfriend from college, while Al proceeds to embark on a series of the worst dates imaginable, and Les finds himself getting deeply involved with an alluring but mysterious woman who may or may not be married to a mobster. Hilarious antics lead to an unexpected outcome guaranteed to surprise.
Pretty Smart

Pretty Smart

Mar 13, 1987
In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the pictures, she rallies the other girls and gets revenge.
Hostile Intentions

Hostile Intentions

Jan 01, 1995
A weekend of fun becomes a fight for survival when three American women land in a Mexican jail. After being sexually molested by the guards, they attempt to escape with the help of a fellow prisoner.
Arizona Dream

Arizona Dream

Jan 06, 1993
Installé à New York après la mort de ses parents, Axel Blackmar mène une vie heureuse, recensant les poissons pour le compte du département de la pêche et de la chasse. Mais son oncle Leo, vendeur de voitures en Arizona sur le point de se remarier, le rappelle pour lui servir de témoin et, espère-t-il, de repreneur. Sur place, Axel va se retrouver balloté entre ses propres rêves, ceux de deux femmes, ceux de son oncle.
Hollywood Chaos

Hollywood Chaos

Jan 01, 1989
A farm girl from Iowa moves to Hollywood to pursue her dreams in show business. She joins a major production chorus line, but chaos ensues when all the major actors drop out and are replaced by look-alikes.
Stick, le justicier de Miami
Après être sorti de prison, le voleur de voitures Ernest "Stick" Stickley est témoin du meurtre de son amie Rainy lors d'un trafic de drogue. Pour éviter d'être tué par les mêmes personnes, qui travaillent pour le mafieux Chucky, Stick se fait embaucher comme chauffeur par le millionnaire Barry Braham et se fait discret. Alors qu'il s'habitue à sa nouvelle routine, Stick fait la cour à Kyle McClaren, le conseiller financier de Barry, mais il doit se défendre lorsque les hommes de Chucky s'en prennent à lui.
Elles craquent toutes sauf une
Jack apprend en meme temps que son divorce est prononce et que l'un de ses ex-flirts est en ville. En cherchant de qui il peut bien s'agir, il plonge dans ses souvenirs, a l'epoque des annees cinquante. Il se souvient du lycee, des sorties, du sport, et surtout des filles, avec lesquelles il eprouvait bien du mal a se retrouver en tete a tete...
Strange Voices

Strange Voices

Oct 19, 1987
A family begins to fall apart when their eldest daughter is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Quoi de neuf docteur ?
Le psychiatre Jason Seaver décide d'installer son cabinet chez lui, tandis que son épouse, Maggie, reprend son métier de journaliste. Il lui faut donc s'occuper de leurs trois enfants...
'Til Death

'Til Death

Jun 20, 2010
Une comédie sur les triomphes et les tribulations du mariage et de l'amitié selon des perspectives très différentes. Il s'agit des choses drôles - et parfois agaçantes - qui se passent entre maris, femmes, parents, enfants, voisins et amis, jour après jour. La série se concentre sur Eddie et Joy Stark, un couple marié depuis 23 ans et résidant à Philadelphie, en Pennsylvanie.
7 à la maison

7 à la maison

May 13, 2007
Le révérend Eric Camden et sa femme Annie passent chaque instant à s'occuper de leur sept enfants. Mais c'est sans compter leurs amis, petits amis et plus tard, époux qui défilent constamment dans le foyer des Camden.
Brotherly Love

Brotherly Love

May 18, 1997
Brotherly Love is an American sitcom that ran from September 16, 1995 to April 1, 1996, on NBC, and then moved to The WB, where it aired from September 15, 1996 until May 18, 1997. The series was created by Jonathan Schmock and Jim Vallely, and produced by Witt/Thomas Productions in association with Touchstone Television and Walt Disney Television. The primary focus of the series is on the relationship of three brothers, played by Joey Lawrence, Matthew Lawrence and Andrew Lawrence.
The Huntress

The Huntress

Sep 09, 2001
The Huntress is an American TV series that appeared on the USA Network over subsequent summers of the 2000 and 2001 television seasons. It was inspired by a book about the real bounty hunter, Dottie Thorson, and is also a belated sequel to the 1980 Steve McQueen film, The Hunter.
Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
Can you tell the difference between fact and fiction? Several stories of strange, mysterious and incredible occurrences are chronicled during each episode. It is up to the viewer to decide which stories actually happened and which were completely fabricated by the show’s writers. The answer is revealed by Jonathan Frakes at the conclusion of each episode.
Rizzoli & Isles : autopsie d'un meurtre
Jane Rizzoli, une enquêtrice de Boston, fait équipe avec le médecin légiste Maura Isles pour résoudre des crimes. Jane est une flic à forte personnalité, qui ne s’en laisse pas compter par ses collègues masculins, ni par ses supérieurs. Ce qu’elle demande est d’être respectée en tant que femme, mais surtout en tant que femme-flic qui est compétente dans son boulot. Maura a toujours été fascinée par les explications rationnelles et les possibilités qu’offrait la science. Élève douée, voire brillante, bien qu’un peu introvertie, elle considère la mort comme une chose qui relève uniquement de la physique et non de la mystique. Le tandem est assez clairement défini. À Rizzoli, l’action. À Isles, la réflexion.


Nov 21, 2024
Du service d'appels d'urgences 911 aux pompiers, secouristes ou policiers, tous ces intervenants sont constamment sous pression, confrontés quotidiennement à des situations stupéfiantes, effrayantes, et parfois même choquantes. S'ils ont pour mission de voler au secours des personnes en danger, ces héros de l'ombre doivent aussi trouver le temps de résoudre les problèmes de leurs propres vies...


Jul 22, 1998
Ellen is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role of Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, was a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties. The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being the first one in which the main character came out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode. The series' theme song, "So Called Friend" is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag was that each episode had a distinct opening credits sequence, resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.


Jul 22, 1998
Ellen is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994 to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role of Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, was a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties. The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being the first one in which the main character came out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode. The series' theme song, "So Called Friend" is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag was that each episode had a distinct opening credits sequence, resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.