Kristina Varga

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May 19, 1998
La passion dévorante de l'une des plus belle femme et en même temps l'histoire de sexe chaud interprété magistralement par Venere Bianca.
Dirty Dirty Debutantes 10
Inari, Wendy, Amber, Jade and Kriztina have a few things in common and that's just a few videos under their belt, making them prime for Dirty Dirty #10. Jake Steed and Ed Powers give them the royal treatment. It may not be their first time, but it's their best! Enjoy!
Infidèle et jalouse

Infidèle et jalouse

Jan 01, 1997
Frileusement pelotonnée dans son fauteuil, une femme âgée, au visage fané et aux cheveux grisonnants, médite sur les circonstances qui l'ont amenée à passer de longues années en prison. Quoique jeune mariée, la belle Erika, très portée sur les plaisirs du sexe, n'hésitait pas, pour se satisfaire entre deux masturbations, à faire appel à n'importe quelle virilité à sa portée : jeune et bel étalon domestique, baroudeurs en cavale à la propreté douteuse, etc. Mais lorsque, rentrant à l'improviste, elle avait surpris son mari arrachant des hurlements de plaisir à une blonde inconnue, c'est la jalousie qui l'avait submergée. S'armant d'un pistolet, elle avait mis une fin définitive aux étreintes des deux infortunés...
Maxed Out 6

Maxed Out 6

Jan 01, 1997
You want filthy, dirty, nasty fucking? Max Hardcore has finally lost his mind, and he's taking out his madness on unsuspecting girls too slutty to even care as Max abuses them beyond belief, and films the whole degrading treatment! For Max, the only reason for their existence is to serve as fuckholes for his most perverted and extreme sex acts!
Olympus: Rifugio degli dei
The Greek Gods are notorious for their sexual appetites and free-love attitudes. We find a present-day couple that has stumbled onto a statue of Venus. They say magic words they once heard and then, the Gods showed them what Olympus was really about! As Greek gods go about the most pleasurable thing in the Olympus, a couple err through a medieval cloister and - after a brief and passionate gust of love-making - stumble upon the statue of Venus: the very statue by the hands of the immortal sculptor Pygmalion, who had made the Goddess come to life!! The girl does not believe in fairy tales and walks off. As the guy awakens the statue using a complex ancient Greek incantation (which he conveniently knows by heart), he is 'visited' by the Goddess and then abducted to Olympus.
Rocco e i magnifici 2

Rocco e i magnifici 2

Jan 01, 1999
Rocco Sifreddi leads a cast of international sex stars as they continue the wild west story of Outlaws. They're a ruthless gang of sex-crazed desperadoes. With guns an cocks blazing, they save the town from a terrible fate. Eternally grateful, the women of the town throw themselves at their mercy and show the desperadoes how the West was really won.
Rocco et les sex mercenaires
De passage dans une petite ville au nord du Rio Grande, Rocky, un cow-boy, est aimablement prié par les pensionnaires d'une maison close de les protéger des ardeurs d'un Mexicain, Pedrito, qui a la mauvaise habitude de ne jamais payer ses fréquentes visites. Rocky recrute quelques mercenaires et attend Pedrito le pied ferme...
As Aventuras sexuals de Ulysses
This new story of Ulysses and the sex-filled affairs while he was away has everything to tantalize the senses. From hot sex with nymphs in the fields, to Greek Gods seducing women and hot orgies in the throne rooms, the world of Ulysses is seductive and enchanting. The gorgeous babes provide plenty of scenery and love to please their viewers and themselves.
Sodoma e Gomorra

Sodoma e Gomorra

Jan 01, 1997
In the two legendary cities of Sodom and Gamorra they were known for their deviant sexual behavior. With "Hot Orgies", "Three Somes" and women having sex with other women. God was angered by the sexual freedom and pagan beliefs. They did not heed the warnings and disobeyed God, so the Cities were Destroyed.
The Fugitive 2

The Fugitive 2

Sep 01, 1997
Carla manages to escape Patrick's trap and runs back to Frank's arms. They decide to flee Sydney and cross the Australian outback to meet up with Johnny, a lifelong friend, certain that they will be safe and sound in his home. But little do they know that Patrick has followed them, and despite having picked up a luscious hitch-hiker, nothing can stand in the way of his obsession with destroying his wife and her lover!
3+1 Three Guys on One Girl
Just one man is not enough for these girls: They need 3 to be satisfied! Enjoy a selection of the hottest scenes with the sexiest girls of Private and the raunchiest action around!
Les travaux sexuels d'Hercule
Hercule est revenu de ses douze travaux, point du tout harassé. Il s'amuse à démontrer à quelques servantes peu farouches l'étendue de sa vigueur puis décide de collectionner les défis les plus titanesques que le beau sexe voudra bien lui jeter à la tête...