Jamal Lababsi

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دوار العفاريت - dawar al afarit
لقاسم، رجل متقاعد يقضي أيامه بين المسجد و المقهى و لعبة الكرات الحديدية هذا األخير يمضي جل وقته مع صديقه عمر و يقرر الحصول على رخصة السياقة و اقتناء سيارة مستعملة. تتغير حياة هذا الرجل الهادئة فجأة بعد ذلك، حين يكتشف بأن سيارته الجديدة هي سيارة مسروقة. هذا الخطأ لبسيط الذي لبسيط الذي يمكن أن يقع فيه أي شخص سيكلفه ثمناً باهظا ، ألنه سيقوده إلى سلسلة من المغامرات الخطيرة التي عليه أن يواجهها لوحده.----------------Belkacem est un homme à la retraite qui passe ses journées entre la mosquée, le café et le jeu de boules un jour il décide d’obtenir un permis de conduire et d'acheter une voiture d’occasion. L'existence paisible du vieil homme va brusquement changer après cet achat. Il découvre après quelque temps que sa nouvelle voiture est une voiture volée. Cette erreur qui peut arriver à n'importe qui va lui coûter très cher, car elle va l'entraîner dans une série d’aventures dangereuses qu’il va devoir affronter tout seul
نهار زوين

نهار زوين

Nov 19, 2016
la journée horrible, terrible, désagréable, insurmontable, de Daoud qui doit traverser Casablanca un jour de Zemzem, de prière de pluie et de grève de taxi alors que sa propre voiture est coincée dans le garage...
مول الإحصاء

مول الإحصاء

Nov 17, 2017
Lotfi, a census enumerator (counting demographics) or at least that's what he claims. Visits a neighborhood full of nutcases to interview and "count" them but everything quickly turns into a huge mess in a hilarious comedic frame full of twists about the Moroccan society..


Jun 15, 2007
Once upon a time, lived by the ocean, Fatima and Messaoud, a newly wedded couple. Fatima thanked the heavens everyday for having given her a kind and honest husband. The fisherman, Messaoud dreamed of a better future, far beyond the horizon. But, leaving meant paying a heavy tribute to the smuggler: betraying the woman he loved...


Jan 01, 2007
Rhimou, a poor young girl, inherits a big fortune that changes the course of her life.
جوع كلبك

جوع كلبك

Sep 10, 2015
On the last day of Ramadan, a hastily assembled crew of technicians waits in a shabby Morocco television studio for the arrival of an important personality, expecting to film what their director Rita promises will be the interview of their lifetime.
أصدقاء من كندا
Adil and Sanae, two young Moroccans studying in Canada, they live a love story that makes them hasten to return home for marriage. However, Sanaa's affluent family does not agree with this relationship, which it considers to be a bit hasty, especially since the fiancé is descended from a poor assets, but marriage is still done. After the wedding Adel returns to Canada shortly before his visa expires, while Sanaa and her Canadian friend Louise, they stayed for another week. On the day trip from Casablanca airport, customs officers find their wedding videos filled with cocaine. Inspector Shukri is driving a thorough investigation to find out the source of cocaine to arrive finally at surprising results
الطريق إلى طنجة
Moroccan film tells the story of four men at the age of sixty, living in the retirement home in Marrakech : Issa, Seddik, Ahmed and Taher. One day they decided to go on a trip to Tangier, on the way they fall into many problems.
Né quelque part

Né quelque part

Jun 19, 2013
Lorsque son père tombe malade, Farid est envoyé en Algérie, où il doit sauver la maison familiale de la démolition. Le jeune homme, qui n'a jamais mis les pieds dans son pays d'origine, y rencontre sa famille. Mais un matin, son cousin disparaît avec ses papiers. Farid est alors bloqué en Algérie...
كبرو ومبغاوش يخويو الدار
The film deals in a comic form with many social problems prevalent in Moroccan society, such as unemployment, immigration and begging, through the story of a father who could not get rid of the burden of his four children after failing to depend on themselves despite their old age, while unemployed children are forced to seek any solution, even if they are not correct, such as begging, fraud and drug use, in search of escape from their uncompromising father, who was a former boxer, and who does not hesitate to taunt them when he can.
The Last Rehearsal

The Last Rehearsal

Jan 01, 1970
A play director prepares to train a troupe on Jean Genet’s The Maids, however, tensions escalate after he starts taking antidepressants and battling his own demons ahead of the play’s scheduled performance in front of a producer and a cultural manager from the French embassy.