Vlasta Žehrová

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Kulový blesk

Kulový blesk

Aug 10, 1979
A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.
Vrchní, prchni

Vrchní, prchni

Jan 09, 1981
A comedy concerning a down on his luck bookshop owner with a penchant for women who decides to make some money by pretending to be a waiter and collecting cash from unsuspecting diners.
Oběti: Karambol

Oběti: Karambol

Jan 25, 2009
Jitka Schneiderová and Jiří Langmajer as husband and wife. He is a very busy lawyer, she is a housewife. A seemingly happy, modern, childless family. Until a car crash enters their lives, a traffic accident that took place somewhere far away near Pilsen...
Vive les Fantômes

Vive les Fantômes

Nov 11, 1977
En Tchécoslovaquie, des enfants décident de restaurer leur terrain de jeux favori : un château en ruine hanté. Ils s'attirent l'animosité d'un villageois qui le voudrait pour son propre compte, et l'amitié des fantômes du lieu.
Andílek na nervy

Andílek na nervy

Jun 18, 2015
A teen blogger must go from downtown to a small town when an unfortunate event forces her to live with the biological father she's never met.
Žralok v hlavě

Žralok v hlavě

Jun 01, 2004
Shark in the Head unfolds into a stunning cinematic powerhouse that combines comedy and drama for a touching story about how we influence the people we meet while being profoundly affected ourselves by the colors they bring to our own lives.
Dobrý den město

Dobrý den město

Dec 31, 1976
The town is waking up. The bus driver Josef Král is saying goodbye to his wife Vera who is in a state of advanced pregnancy. At the rolling mill, the master craftsman Mares is preparing for retirement, which is now only two days away. Elderly Simon who grows and sells vegetables at the market has problems with his wife. Their little home has to give way to a new development but the wife Simonka refuses to move out. The chairman of the workers' council has troubles with the miner Adam, who has started drinking. He doesn't know that Adam is getting divorced and fears he may lose his young son to his wife.


Jan 03, 1987
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in the world outside. There little Tom Thumb meets the Wind Mother, Forest Mother and a little old man on his way. Each of them gives him a chore to do that earns him a gift with magical power, which comes in handy when he has to defeat Scrooges, Lop-Eared Man and the Devil himself. While traveling in the world and looking for happiness, he realises he misses his grandmother and little sister...


Jun 14, 2013
Vyprávěj je český televizní retroseriál vyráběný v koprodukci České televize a společnosti Dramedy Productions. Natáčení začalo v roce 2009 a první díl s názvem Od začátku byl uveden na programu ČT1 v pondělí 31. srpna 2009. Seriál je uváděn v týdenní periodicitě a stopáž každého dílu je cca 52 minut. Děj se odehrává v Československu a je zasazen do skutečných historických událostí, které ovlivňují příběhy jednotlivých postav. Dobovou atmosféru autoři navozují ukázkami z dobových Československých filmových týdeníků s původními komentáři, případně novým historizujícím komentářem, který namluvil Vladimír Fišer. Příběh je doprovázen hlasem vypravěče, který propůjčil herec Vojtěch Kotek a poté Matěj Hádek. Scénáře vznikají pod vedením scenáristy Rudolfa Merknera.