Tamara Yatsenko

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Любов і блогери
The town of Kahaplyk will soon have a full "haplyk" (aka "hook"): elections again, a corrupt mayor again, the same thing again ... Five Instagram stars are coming to fix the "mayor's reputation". They will be waiting for adventures "for the whole head", a real conspiracy and, of course, a story of true love!
Неустановленное лицо
У них - одна внешность, но разные характеры. Им выпала искусительная возможность поменяться местами, то есть "вкусить" чужую жизнь. Но не всегда получается так, как надеешься. И невинная игра может окончиться трагично. Чье же оно - лицо смерти?
За двумя зайцами
Tonya Korovyak dreams of being a superstar. Dreams of fame, fans, applause and a white limousine became her obsession. If at one time ambitious girl mastered the basics of noble manners at the guest house, now to achieve this goal Tonya's going to go to study on "Factory of stars." Her father Korovyak - the owner of a large supermarket chain - he is crazy about the "creative ideas" of his little daughter, that will not tell about the aunt.
Народний Малахій
Based on the play of the same name by Mykola Kulish. The film is set in the 1920s and tells of a brief period of "introduction" of the Ukrainian language (Ukrainization). This is the story of one crazy person living in the same crazy world.
Мина Мазайло
The action takes place during the time of Ukrainization, at the end of the 1920s. Kharkiv employee Myna Mazaylo decides to change his ukrainian surname to the russian Mazenin, as he considers it more solid.
Іван та кобила
Ivan is a simple, good-hearted man who wakes up in his apartment and notices a mare named Kasia just outside his window. Being a kind soul, he keeps her and takes her around the city. What is that mare capable of, and where do you find a shelter for her? Kasia becomes a problem for Ivan and the subject of all kinds of speculation. But unlike everyday problems, you can easily get rid of it by letting go of the reins.
Украдене щастя
Anna and Michailo grow up together, attracted to each other since their earliest days. When Anna's father dies, her brothers force her into marriage with the mean farmer Mikola. After years of absence, Michailo comes home, to get her back.


Aug 30, 2018
Dans le Donbass, région de l'est de l'Ukraine, une guerre hybride mêle conflit armé ouvert, crimes et saccages perpétrés par des gangs séparatistes. Dans le Donbass, la guerre s'appelle la paix, la propagande est érigée en vérité et la haine prétend être l'amour. Un périple à travers le Donbass, c’est un enchainement d’aventures folles, dans lesquelles le grotesque et le tragique se mêlent comme la vie et la mort. Ce n’est pas un conte sur une région, un pays ou un système politique mais sur un monde perdu dans l’après-vérité et les fausses identités. Cela concerne chacun d’entre nous.


Apr 07, 1992
A lonely man works as a model for students studying fine arts. He meets his love in the person of a young student at the end of his life.
Небо в горошек
The young and enterprising Muscovite Claudia, having accumulated decent capital, leaves the capital forever and goes to the Russian outback in order to establish civilization there. She starts by opening a casino in a small urban village. Provincial residents greet the Moscow guest coldly, with distrust and apprehension. And those who have been deprived of income by the opening of the gambling house enter into an open struggle with Claudia. But the woman finds the strength to withstand, despite the machinations of enemies and failures in her personal life.