Андрей Шимко

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De vilains petits canards
Le scénario de ce film est inspiré d’un récit des frères Strougatski où il s’agit d’une ville fantôme avec un internat pour enfants surdoués avec pour professeurs des êtres bizarres surnommés « aquatiques », ressemblant à des mutants ou à des extraterrestres. Le climat dans cette ville change tout le temps et sans raison apparente. On dirait un déluge total. Des commissions différentes y viennent étudier ce phénomène. Parmi les enfants de cet internat se trouve la fille de l’écrivain Victor Banev qui entreprend ses recherches visant à mettre au clair le destin de tous ces enfants et le sort de l’humanité qui en dépend directement.
Science Fiction


Jul 06, 2004
An eccentric comedy. Love and money have always inspired people to feats, long wanderings and even crimes. It has always been almost impossible to stop such madmen. And what will happen this time — no one knows yet. Only one thing is known — it will happen in Lopukhi, in an ordinary Russian village with ordinary Russian citizens.
Небесный суд
Lawyers Andrew and Benjamin are friends who share a lot, but their work puts them on opposite sides. Their trials do not occur in this life but in the afterlife. They are members of the Sky Court deciding where a human soul should go after death- Heaven or Hell. Unexpectedly in one case personal interests of Andrew interfere: the man who made the proposal to his widow is on trial.


Aug 08, 2017
After the death of the mother of twelve Kohl sent to an orphanage. Valentine is taking him from there. This lonely old woman is his dear aunt, with whom he had never been acquainted. Kohl is waiting for his older brother to come after him after his release from prison, and they will return home together.
Варварины свадьбы
Varvara was born in Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century. And the first wedding she saw was her mother’s wedding. Years passed, the girl grew, matured, the world around changed ... Her generation had to go through many trials - revolution, military communism, NEP, war ... At the weddings that Varvara had a chance to visit, every era and love story was captured in snapshots a life.
Служба доставки
A messenger of the special delivery service does their usual job: delivers orders to people's houses. It'd be an ordinary story, if it wasn't for the deliveries themselves- these are sheer emotions. Any person can send real joy or love or any flashbacks to their addressee - messenger will deliver everything at one's command. But will one feel better?
5 недель

5 недель

Sep 13, 2021
Sergei, always hanging out on business trips, dreams of being on a "desert island" with his beloved Masha. A pandemic that suddenly hit the world gives him this chance by locking his lovers at home in quarantine. “In a cage,” lovers, having gone through five stages of accepting the inevitable, are forced to get to know each other anew and accept themselves and the world around as it is. And everything would be fine if not for the invasion of aliens.
Любовь Советского Союза
The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.


Oct 31, 2013
1938, Soviet Russia. There were two of them, both strong and courageous. But one fateful day, Igor Petrov, the commander of a Red Army unit, is compelled to exchange ID papers with a satecracker known as Ash. The incident leads both men to start their lives completely anew. For the following ten years, Petrov and Ash will live their lives in the fear of discovery. They will commit acts of bravery and insidious crimes in the name of the other so that the thiet becomes a hero, while the commander turns into a violent outlaw. The only thing they have in common is a tragic, painful love for the same woman. For ten years they will each encounter death and destruction before fate brings them together once more. There will be two of them again - strong and courageous, ready to fight for their love.. with the knowledge that retribution awaits them.
War & Politics
Тайны следствия
In the center of the plot is a senior investigator named Masha Shvetsova and her male colleagues. The plot is the most vital, but, like in “Streets of Broken Lanterns,” it is seasoned with a fair amount of humor - otherwise, how can the audience (and the heroes) endure countless morgues, identifications and other “cute” charms of the investigative routine?
Action & Adventure