Victoria Malektorovych

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Усім привіт

Усім привіт

Jan 01, 2000
The life of two friends has changed when a spy father who left his family many years ago came to one of them for help, and a girl from a parallel world came to the second. And all of this happened on the threshold of the twenty-first century.
Мой принц

Мой принц

Jun 29, 2006
Alla is a successful business lady. She has everything that creates an external impression of well-being: a huge Villa, a snow-white yacht, luxury cars and a more than wealthy companion-lover. However, all this does not make Alla happy, because in life she lacks the most important thing — love.
Ботинки из америки
Isaac Berg is the only Jew in a small town who miraculously survived during the german occupation. The old man is haunted by one idea - he decided to raise the gravestones with which the nazis paved the road and take them to where his loved ones were killed.
Излечить страх
Year 1917. Young doctor Valentin Voyno-Yasenetskyj with his wife and four children moved to Tashkent, beset by civil war and intervention. Voyno-Yasenetskyj became head physician in the city hospital. He not only saves hundreds of patients every day, operating under the bullets of the permanent street battles, fighting for his life and life of his beloved wife, dying of TB. In the midst of persecution, he as alone with four children on the outskirts of the former empire, so he decides to become a priest. And since then, he never altered neither scalpel, nor cross, he goes with them through all their hard exiles and arduous life, treating both: body and soul.
Женские слёзы
Maxim and Svetlana 15 years together. He is a successful television journalist, she leads the heading "Women's Tears" in a popular women's magazine. One day, Maxim, preparing a report on influential politics, meets a young girl named Elena and unexpectedly passionately falls in love with her. Elena responds to Maxim in return, not suspecting that he is married. Sveta accidentally meets Elena, who, as it turns out in a couple of minutes, turns out to be ... her husband’s mistress. Both understand that Maxim deceived them. Maxim is not ready to choose between a devoted wife and a charming lover. Finally, women make a decision for him ...
Люблю 9 марта
Катя - успешная писательница, выпускающая одну за другой книги по психологии семейных отношений. В предвкушении романтического ужина с мужем Алексеем, Катя находит дома бархатную коробочку с кольцом, которое, скорее всего, вечером преподнесет ей любимый. Но это не единственный сюрприз, который ожидает ее в этот праздничный день. Утром, зайдя в магазин, Катя сталкивается с Мишей, своей институтской любовью. Двадцать лет назад они расстались по глупости и упрямству, как это бывает в юности...
Le cœur à l'écoute

Le cœur à l'écoute

Oct 31, 2002
Une petite et paisible bourgade située au bord de la mer, dans l’État du Maine. C'est à cet endroit que vit Jimmy Keating, patron du petit restaurant familial, «le Lobsterville», menacé de faillite par un concurrent aux pratiques peu loyales, Willis Randecker, propriétaire du «Blue Moon Dance Hotel». Jimmy a deux filles. La première, Cass, est mariée à un marin-pêcheur, Billy, avec qui elle a trois enfants, TJ, Belinda et Josie, âgés de quatre à quinze ans. Un jour, Nora, la seconde fille de Jimmy, annonce à toute la famille qu'elle a l'intention d'épouser Willis. Une mauvaise nouvelle n'arrivant jamais seule, c'est Billy qui est bientôt porté disparu en mer...
Мужчина для жизни
Жизнь Юлии – патологической неудачницы и старой девы, протекает тихо и размеренно. Но только до тех пор, пока в нее не вмешивается Женька, тринадцатилетняя Юлина племянница. Решив устроить тетино будущее, та размещает в газете брачное объявление: "нужен мужчина для жизни..." Единственным возможным, с точки зрения Женьки, кандидатом на счастье с "синим чулком" оказывается жесткий и грубоватый Глеб. Правда, "настоящий мужик", вовсе не собирается под венец. Да и Юлин номер набрал по ошибке. В довершении ко всему, умудрился впутать и тетю, и племянницу в опасную игру, главный приз в которой – чужой контейнер с настоящими брильянтами...


Nov 13, 2000
In 1950, long after the world has finished fighting World War II, a fight continues behind the newly drawn Iron Curtain: as the Ukrainians keep fighting both Nazi and Soviet abuses, General Roman Shukhevych (Hryhoriy Hladiy) is forced by brutal circumstances and his own sense of honor and duty to lead this effort as an underground war. As portrayed by the film, Shukhevych is a genteel family man who is also a complex character (revolted by ethnic discrimination, a music lover and a military genius) that with his charisma fuels his countrymen with desire for freedom. In the end, Shukhevych's efforts are unable to defeat the Soviets despite paying for his resistance with his life, but they re-enforce Ukrainian patriotism as an underground force until Ukraine finally recovers its freedom from Soviet tyranny.
Сьомий маршрут
The film takes place in Kiev during the day. Daniel Pritulyak is serving foreigners as guide, who invents a route for the Americans on the life of an obscure but talented poet Danila Pritulyak.
Blood of War

Blood of War

Oct 16, 2012
Octobre 1941, face à la barbarie nazie, le gouvernement soviétique ordonne de faire cacher en lieux sûrs les plus importantes pièces du patrimoine du pays. Un groupe de chercheurs est engagé afin de rapporter au Kremlin un objet que Staline tient absolument à avoir. Hitler a vent de la véhémence avec laquelle Staline veut récupérer la pièce et va déployer une véritable armée afin de stopper le groupe de chercheurs...
Toni Erdmann

Toni Erdmann

Jul 14, 2016
Lorsque Winfried, 65 ans, rend une visite surprise à sa fille Ines, 37 ans, en Roumanie, il pense que cette dernière a perdu le sens de l'humour et décide de l'aider à le retrouver, en multipliant les farces.
Острів любові
The series consists of ten films based on love and erotic works of Ukrainian literature from the middle of the 19th century to the present day. The films explore love as a multidimensional phenomenon. This is a kind of retrospective slice of the history of society, culture, and art. There are changes in the attitude towards a woman, mother, lover.
Police Action

Police Action

Oct 29, 2024
Le travail d'enquêtes souvent rythmé de la police de navigation viennoise, intervenant sur le Danube et ses affluents.
Универ. Новая общага
The hostel number 3, in which the heroes lived, is being demolished, and three guys (Michael, Anton and Kuzya) are relocated to a new hostel. In the new building they are settled in block number 510 with the girls Christina, Yana and Masha. Kuzya begins to date Masha, and Anton dates Christina. Later Kuzya leaves for Agapovka, the botanist Valentin is settled instead.