Wyn Bowen Harries

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Gadael Lenin

Gadael Lenin

Jun 03, 1994
Seven teenagers and three teachers from a Welsh school visit Russia in a bid to rediscover themselves. On the overnight sleeper service to St Petersburg the students get separated from the teachers, which allows the students ample scope for rediscovery.
Le Sang des Templiers

Le Sang des Templiers

Mar 03, 2011
En 1215, le roi d’Angleterre, Jean, a été contraint de signer la Magna Carta, un document qui assure la liberté du peuple et constitue désormais la base du droit commun en Angleterre. Furieux d’y avoir été forcé, il lève une armée de mercenaires et commence à piller le pays pour reprendre le pouvoir. Il est sur le point d’atteindre Londres et de remporter la victoire, mais un dernier obstacle se dresse encore sur sa route : le château de Rochester. De part et d’autre de la muraille, les deux camps sont prêts à tout pour l’emporter et l’heure de l’affrontement approche...
Y Mapiwr

Y Mapiwr

Sep 09, 1995
Shot entirely in Welsh, Endaf Emlyn's wry and gentle film captures the magic and innocence of a young boy's imaginative world as he grapples with demons that haunt his family life. Set against the wild, windswept backdrop of the Welsh coast, The Making of Maps charts Griff's journey into adolescence and his attempts to cope with the strife with in his own family. Pulled in different directions by his philandering father, reclusive mother and unloved sister, he tries to learn the secret that eats away at the fabric of his family life. His mother ran a dance academy, but during a picnic the school's star pupil, the beautiful, ethereal Alis, vanished. Afterward, Griff's mother took to her bed, fearful of leaving her darkened room. Griff's way of dealing with his life is to draw maps outlining his own attempts to comprehend a situation that everyone seems to want to forget. -Piers Handling