Виталий Дорошенко

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Просвітлої дороги свічка чорна. Пам'яті Василя Стуса
Documentary trilogy about the thorny path of the famous Ukrainian poet, translator, political prisoner Vasyl Stus. Filmed in 1989-1992, it describes the life of the poet, the story of the destruction of the dissident by the Soviet authorities, highlights his influence on Ukrainian society during life and after his death, records the testimony of witnesses, films the liquidated Kuchino camp, in which Stus was imprisoned, the reburial of Stus, Lytvyn and Tykhy in 1989. Consists of three parts: «Come back to me, my memory» (Верни до мене, пам’яте моя), «In the white cold the sun of Ukraine» (У білій стужі сонце України), «Crucified on a black cross» (Розіп’ятий на чорному хресті).
La Boucle d'Orion

La Boucle d'Orion

Dec 01, 1980
Un phénomène étrange a été remarqué à la périphérie de notre système solaire qui s'approche rapidement de la Terre. Cela s'appelle «Boucle d'Orion». Un vaisseau spatial avec un équipage de personnes et d'androïdes identiques à eux est envoyé pour intercepter l'anomalie. Mais des événements étranges commencent à se produire lorsque le vaisseau spatial s'approche de la boucle mystérieuse...
Science Fiction
Ні пуху, ні пера!
The film is based on the story "Hunter's Smiles" by writer Ostap Vishnya. Once a year, it would seem, normal, even very respectable people are turning into children who have received a long-awaited toy, or to some kind of "barons of münchhausen". Famous singers, famous surgeons, pensioners, peaceful accountants - all fall into childhood: they store up with waders, dry gunpowder, clean hunting rifles. And from their conversations trembling takes: one tells how he hunted immediately after two bears, the second "sewers" he put like rabbits, the third one shot ten ducks "shot" ... This all means that the hunting season has come!


Oct 26, 1968
The Great Patriotic War. 1945 year. There are fights for the city on the Danube. The river is mined by the Germans, and this fetters the action of our troops. In addition, a city with a million people was left without food. And downstream are Soviet food barges. The command instructs the reconnaissance group a difficult and dangerous operation — to obtain from the enemy a map of the mined sections of the river, which requires penetrating into the city captured by the Germans.
Зозуля з дипломом
USSR of 70th years of the twentieth century. Maxim Zozulya is graduating from school and trying to find his place in life. Everything was pretty evenly before Natalia has won Maxim’s heart. Her character and appearance has attracted protagonist. However, to achieve reciprocity, Maxim will have to pass many difficult situations.