Norman Rodway

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Forbidden Passion: The Oscar Wilde Movie
As in earlier Oscar Wilde biopics, this version preoccupies itself with the homosexuality scandal involving Lord Alfred Douglas and his lordship's political powerful father, the Marquis of Queensbury. Arrested for corrupting Lord Douglas' morals, Wilde spends a debilitating five years in Reading Gaol, emerging a shattered shell of his former self


Dec 22, 1965
L’Angleterre au début du 15ème siècle. Henry Bolingbroke, devenu le roi Henry IV après le meurtre de Richard II, est attristé par la conduite de son fils Harry, qui, plutôt que de penser aux affaires du royaume, passe son temps à boire et à s’amuser en compagnie du truculent Falstaff. Quand une rébellion menace la légitimité d’Henry IV, Harry décide de regagner la confiance de son père en montrant sa valeur au combat. Mais pour devenir roi, Harry devra aussi sacrifier ses amitiés d’antan, à commencer par celle de Falstaff…


Jun 20, 1984
La biographie du physicien et dissident russe Andrei Sakharov se concentre sur ses premiers actes dans son mouvement pour les droits civiques jusqu'à ce qu'il reçoive le prix Nobel de la paix. Les actions de Sakharov lui ont d'abord fait perdre un poste important au sein du parti, puis la moitié de son salaire, pour finalement être complètement licencié et exilé à Gorky, une ville industrielle. Lorsque le prix Nobel lui est décerné, il se voit refuser le voyage pour le recevoir. Sa femme a pu s'y rendre. Sakharov a entamé une longue grève de la faim pour protester contre la façon dont son pays traite sa population.
A Man on Her Back

A Man on Her Back

Jan 12, 1966
John is an aspiring composer and pianist at a club and Mary is a single girl that he meets there. When friendship turns to romance, John has to contend with Colin, a charming ladies' man who turns to Mary in times of trouble.
TV Movie
The Girl Who Loved Robots
Night club girl Victory Ducann is found murdered, the main suspect is an astronaut, but police are prevented from approaching him as he is due to fly off to the Moon.
TV Movie
La valse des souvenirs
Découvrez la vie de Corrie ten Boom et de sa famille pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, lors de l'occupation nazie en Hollande. Au péril de leur vie, cette famille est devenue un instrument de Dieu dans la résistance hollandaise, cachant des Juifs dans leur maison. Mais lorsque emprisonnés eux-mêmes dans des camps de concentration, ils n'ont plus que leur foi à quoi s'accrocher.
I'll Never Forget What's'isname
Advertising golden boy Andrew Quint is fed up with his fabulously successful life. In very dramatic fashion, he quits his job to return to writing for a small literary magazine. He wants to leave his former life behind, going as far as saying good-bye to his wife and mistresses. He finds, however, that it's not so easy to escape the past.
The Quare Fellow

The Quare Fellow

Oct 02, 1962
Thomas Crimmins is a new warder, or guard, in an Irish prison. He is young, naive, and idealistic, determined to serve his country by his part in meting out justice to criminals. His superior, Regan, however, realizes that even prisoners are human beings, and Regan is sick of the eye-for-an-eye attitude that leads the state to execute condemned men, or "quare fellows." Crimmins begins to see that not all is black and white in his new world, and when he becomes involved with Kathleen, the wife of one of the condemned men, his attitude begins to change. When new evidence arises to suggest that Kathleen's husband may not deserve his fate, Crimmins is torn between his duty and his humanity.
The Critic

The Critic

Aug 28, 1982
Mr. Puff, a foppish, would-be playwright-critic, invites his literary-minded associates to see a production of his horrendous and nonsensical spectacular, The Spanish Armada, confident that he has written a great play.


Aug 26, 1982
Les militants de la Voix du Peuple, un groupe antinucléaire, organise une manifestation. Malgré le service d'ordre, un manifestant est abattu. En fait cet homme était un agent de la CIA. Infiltré dans l'organisation, il était sur le point de révéler que la Voix du Peuple préparait un attentat propre à bouleverser l'opinion. Peter Skellen, officier du Secret Air Service, remplace le défunt. Pour noyauter le mouvement, il devient l'amant d'une des responsables, Frankie...
La Nuit des alligators
Dans un studio luxueux, Bruce et sa maîtresse Barbara abritent leurs amours clandestines. Surviennent deux faux employés du gaz, Tom et Dick. Bruce est ligoté, Barbara enivrée. La peur s'installe.
Mother Night

Mother Night

Nov 01, 1996
Un espion américain, infiltré derrière les lignes ennemies durant la 2nde Guerre Mondiale, se retrouve à endosser le rôle d'un propagandiste nazi, un rôle dont il ne pourra jamais se débarrasser, étant dans l'incapacité de révéler son véritable rôle durant la guerre.
Blasphemy at the Old Bailey
In 1977 the Old Bailey saw the start of the first trial for blasphemy in this country for over half a century. Begun by Mary Whitehouse against the homosexual newspaper Gay News, it ended in a conviction, heavy fines and a suspended prison sentence for the editor. An appeal is pending. Was this prosecution an attack on free speech? Or was it a necessary defence of the principle that, even in a permissive society, some things must remain sacred? This dramatised documentary reconstructs the crucial moments of this historic trial, and explores the issues it raises. Peter France questions the people on both sides, including Mary Whitehouse and Denis Lemon, Editor, Gay News, about their actions and reactions during the case.
Danton's Death

Danton's Death

Apr 23, 1978
Danton's Death is arguably the most dramatic and penetrating study of revolution ever written. Georg Büchner concentrates on that moment in 1794 when the Reign of Terror, already well established, spills over into a total blood-bath. The play, adapted by director Alan Clarke and Stuart Griffiths, both highly imaginative and closely documentary, shows how the great hero of the early phase of the Revolution, Danton, sickened by the excesses of the guillotine, which he helped to create, wants to call a halt. But Robespierre and Saint-Just, leaders of the Jacobins, with a ferocious puritanical zeal, spur on 'the wild horses of the Revolution'.
The Story of David

The Story of David

Apr 08, 1976
The "David and Goliath" legend is presented as credibly as possible, while David's later disastrous romance with Bathsheba is handled with taste and decorum. Also in the cast are Anthony Quayle as King Saul, and Terence Hardiman as Bathsheba's unfortunate warrior husband Uriah.
The War That Never Ends
The Peloponnesian Wars (Athens versus Sparta for twenty-seven years) told in the format of news broadcast-like monologues by Theucydides, Plato, and others.
Timon of Athens

Timon of Athens

Apr 16, 1981
Timon loves to give parties and objects to friends, but when he cannot pay his creditors, his "friends" refuse to help him, and he becomes a misanthropic hermit.
Coming Through

Coming Through

Dec 27, 1985
While researching the work of author D.H. Lawrence (Kenneth Branagh), Kate (Alison Steadman) begins a romance with a fellow academic, and learns about Lawrence's love affair with the married aristocrat Frieda Von Richthofen (Helen Mirren) in this made-for-television drama. As Lawrence and Von Richthofen fall deeper into their forbidden relationship, Kate grows more familiar with Lawrence's work, such as the sensuous Lady Chatterly's Lover.
Secouez la main du diable
En 1921 à Dublin, l'IRA lutte contre les «Black & Tans», forces spéciales britanniques qui se livrent à des mesures sévères. L'étudiant en médecine irlando-américain Kerry O'Shea espère rester à l'écart, mais sauver un ami blessé le met hors la loi, et inexorablement attiré dans l'organisation rebelle ... sous son ancien professeur Sean Lenihan, qui a "serré la main du diable" et commencé à penser au combat comme une fin en soi. Des complications surviennent lorsque Kerry tombe amoureux d'un bel otage anglais, et que les Britanniques offrent un traité de paix qui ne suffit pas à satisfaire Lenihan.
A Pattern of Roses

A Pattern of Roses

Dec 29, 1983
While his parents are renovating a cottage in an English village, teenager Tim and his friend Rebecca uncover information about the mysterious death of a 15-year-old boy who lived in the house decades prior, and as they dig deeper, Tim begins to find events from the past being mirrored in his own life.
Johnny Nobody

Johnny Nobody

Oct 01, 1961
When the atheistic ranting of Irish-American author James Mulcahy upsets the inhabitants of the Irish village to which he has retired, a mob threatens him. But moments after he has dared God to strike him dead, a stranger appears and does so. The man, dubbed "Johnny Nobody" by the press, claims no knowledge of Mulcahy or even of himself. He asks the help of the village priest, Father Carey, in his upcoming trial for Mulcahy's murder. While the amnesiac Johnny goes to trial, Father Carey mulls questions of belief raised by the case. And then, the good father learns a little more about Johnny Nobody...
This Other Eden

This Other Eden

Jan 01, 1959
A small town plans to erect a monument in memory of an IRA rebel killed during the 1920s. The son of the English Colonel who killed the rebel objects to this.
Vicious Circle

Vicious Circle

Feb 09, 1999
Criminal Martin Cahill gets in trouble when a major robbery succeeds. He aims for more trouble when he tries to do a large art robbery


Nov 07, 1986
Canton 1839: Dirk Struan, vieux pirate, s'est converti à une profession toute aussi dangereuse mais plus lucrative: la contrebande d'opium. Il est Tai-Pan, le chef suprême de la Noble Maison, la plus puissante société commerciale d'Extrême-Orient. Mais la Chine réprime sévèrement le trafic de drogue. Dirk Struan s'établit alors à Hong-Kong où quelques années plus tard arrive son plus puissant ennemi, le capitaine Brock qui s'est jure de lui ravir son titre.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: The Phantom Train of Doom
In the tenth film in the series, in November 1916, Indiana Jones and Remy Baudouin have managed to get a transfer from the European trenches to the plains of Africa. On arrival they both receive a promotion to the rank of lieutenant in the Belgian Army. When they take the wrong train they end up in Moshi. Desperate to join their unit in Lake Victoria, the two men bump into the 25th Royal Fusiliers, a unit of cranky old men led by Indy's old acquaintance Frederick Selous. Indy's passing knowledge of trains and fluent German comes in handy for the Fusiliers, who are about to go on a mission to find and destroy a Phantom Train that carries an enormous German artillery gun.
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Plagues are ravaging Thebes, and the blind fortune-teller Tieresias tells Oedipus, the King, that the gods are unhappy. The murder of the former king has gone unavenged, and Oedipus sets out to find the killer.
Baby Blues

Baby Blues

Dec 06, 1973
Lavinia has been yearning and trying for ten years to conceive, and finally gives birth to a live baby. However, she finds that things are not as she dreamed and envisaged, and she suffers from depression after the birth,beginning to have dangerous feelings of love towards her child.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
When Pericles discovers the dread answer to Antioch's riddle, he flees for his life straight into famine, shipwreck, love, fatherhood, and another shipwreck; he loses his wife and daughter, and doesn't find them again until the story moves us through resurrection, attempted murder, pirates, prostitution, and divine revelation.
King Lear

King Lear

Sep 19, 1982
King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.
County Kilburn

County Kilburn

Aug 17, 2000
Along the kilometre stretch of Kilburn High road in London, there are twenty-eight pubs: that's one every thirty-six metres. Populated predominantly by the Irish, this area has come to be known as County Kilburn. Here we witness the loves, lives and laughs of a disparate group of dreamers, losers and ever-hopefuls.
The Empty Mirror

The Empty Mirror

Apr 09, 1996
Adolf Hitler faces himself and must come to terms with his infamous career in an imaginary post-war subterranean bunker where he reviews historical films, dictates his memoirs and encounters Eva Braun, Josef Goebbels, Hermann Göring and Sigmund Freud.
See You at the Pillar

See You at the Pillar

Jan 01, 1967
A short film about Dublin City using a mixture of contemporary footage, folk music and quotations from past residents, Shaw, Wilde and Behan etc. Narrated in a "conversation" by Anthony Quayle and Norman Rodway.
King of the Wind

King of the Wind

May 25, 1990
In 1727, an Arab colt is born with the signs of the wheat ear and the white spot on his heel: evil and good. And thus begins the life of Sham. He is a gift to the King of France, through a series of adventures with his faithful stable boy, Agba, he becomes the Godolphin Arabian, the founder of one of the greatest thoroughbred racing lines of all time.
The Falklands Factor

The Falklands Factor

Apr 26, 1983
Is there nothing new under the sun? 1770. The South Atlantic. A fleet sets sail from Buenos Aires to expel the British forces and reconquer the Falkland Islands. A major international crisis explodes. What follows may sound strangely familiar, but is firmly based on the historical record and the actual speeches and writings of the time.
Murder in Eden

Murder in Eden

Apr 07, 1961
Max Varnel’s British mystery thriller. After discovering a famous painting is a forgery, a noted art critic is killed by a hit-and-run driver. Starring Ray McAnally, Catherine Feller and Yvonne Buckingham.
As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By

Dec 30, 2005
Two lovers are reunited after decades apart following a mutual misunderstanding.


May 22, 1976
Cette série est une anthologie d'histoires dans le registre de l’horreur, sur des thèmes très divers comme la sorcellerie, la maladie mentale, la possession, la télépathie...
Jeeves and Wooster

Jeeves and Wooster

Jun 20, 1993
Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy-drama series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. It aired on the ITV network from 1990 to 1993, starring Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a young gentleman with a "distinctive blend of airy nonchalance and refined gormlessness", and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. Wooster is a bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are extricated from all manner of societal misadventures by the indispensable valet, Jeeves. The stories are set in the United Kingdom and the United States in the 1930s.
Poigne de fer et séduction
Cette série met en scène les aventures de trois détectives internationaux (un Anglais, une Italienne et un Français) appartenant à une organisation appelée The Protectors. Leur mission : traquer le crime aux quatre coins du monde...
Action & Adventure
Inspecteur Morse

Inspecteur Morse

Jan 20, 1993
L'inspecteur Morse est un policier bien particulier de la ville d'Oxford. Amateur de bière et amoureux des mots, il entretient des relations plutôt tendues avec ses supérieurs. Mais avec son adjoint, l'inspecteur Lewis, ils résolvent toutes les enquêtes qui leurs sont confiées.
The Sweeney

The Sweeney

Dec 28, 1978
Jack Regan, an unethical officer of the Flying Squad, uses unorthodox methods to pursue criminals with the help of his partner, George Carter.
Action & Adventure
Rumpole of the Bailey

Rumpole of the Bailey

Dec 03, 1992
Rumpole of the Bailey is a British television series created and written by the British writer and barrister John Mortimer. It stars Leo McKern as Horace Rumpole, an aging London barrister who defends any and all clients, and has been spun off into a series of short stories, novels, and radio programmes.
BBC Play of the Month

BBC Play of the Month

Sep 12, 1983
Play of the Month is a BBC television anthology series featuring productions of classic and contemporary stage plays which were usually broadcast on BBC1. Each production featured a different work, often using prominent British stage actors in the leading roles. The series was transmitted from October 1965 to September 1983; the producer most associated with the Play of the Month was Cedric Messina. Some of the 121 episodes are missing from the archives, having been junked in the 1960s and 1970s. Unless stated otherwise, the indication that the play is "lost" is taken from the website page as of 25 May 2013.
BBC Television Shakespeare
La BBC Television Shakespeare est une série d'adaptations télévisées britanniques des pièces de théâtre de William Shakespeare. Elle a été créée par Cedric Messina et produite par la BBC Television. Elle a été diffusée au Royaume-Uni du 3 décembre 1978 au 27 avril 1985 et s'est étendue sur sept saisons. Le développement de la série a commencé en 1975 lorsque Messina a remarqué que le château de Glamis serait un lieu parfait pour une adaptation de la pièce de Shakespeare "Comme il vous plaira". De retour à Londres, il a imaginé une série entière consacrée exclusivement aux œuvres dramatiques de Shakespeare. Après avoir rencontré de nombreux problèmes pour produire la série, Messina a finalement présenté l'idée aux responsables de la BBC et la série a été approuvée. Dans l'ensemble, la série a reçu des critiques généralement négatives de la part des critiques.
Oxbridge Blues

Oxbridge Blues

Dec 19, 1984
An anthology series of seven linked plays about the lives of people connected with the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Playing Shakespeare

Playing Shakespeare

Sep 23, 1984
John Barton holds a master class in how to play Shakespeare, using members of the RSC doing scenes, sonnets, and commentary as prime examples.
The Lakes

The Lakes

Mar 14, 1999
Compelling BBC1 drama series embracing sex, death and Catholic guilt, set in a small community in the Lake District. The first four-part series centred on newcomer Danny Kavanagh; the second 10-part series featured other characters in the community.
Miss Marple

Miss Marple

Feb 08, 1987
Cette série met en scène les enquêtes de Miss Marple, la célèbre héroïne d'Agatha Christie.


Feb 08, 1984
Sitcom set in the seaside town of Cocklesea where Arthur Dumpton is trying to revive the glory days.
Play for Today

Play for Today

Aug 28, 1984
Play for Today is a British television anthology drama series, produced by the BBC and transmitted on BBC1 from 1970 to 1984. During the run, more than three hundred programmes, featuring original television plays, and adaptations of stage plays and novels, were transmitted. The individual episodes were between fifty and a hundred minutes in duration.
Reilly: Ace of Spies

Reilly: Ace of Spies

Nov 16, 1983
Reilly, Ace of Spies is a 1983 television miniseries dramatizing the life of Sidney Reilly, a Russian Jew who became one of the greatest spies ever to work for the British. Among his exploits, in the early 20th century, were the infiltration of the German General Staff in 1917 and a near-overthrow of the Bolsheviks in 1918. His reputation with women was as legendary as his genius for espionage.


Aug 28, 1978


Frank Ross returns from an eight-year prison sentence for a robbery that was thwarted because somebody 'grassed' the gang. Nobody knows who put the finger on him, but Ross is determined to find out and seeks revenge on those who betrayed him. Little by little, Ross pieces together the trail that leads to a dramatic conclusion.