Sandrine Brodeur-Desrosiers

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Ruby pleine de marde

Ruby pleine de marde

Oct 06, 2016
Lors d’un souper de Noël, Denis se rend dans l’entourage de son amoureux Carl, une famille foncièrement catholique qui ignore tout de leur relation. S’ensuit un duel psychologique entre Denis et Ruby, la nièce de Carl, une enfant de six ans gâtée pourrie aux allures de princesse.
Bail Bail

Bail Bail

Jul 26, 2024
As they are signing their new lease, two longtime roommates realize that their new landlord is going to evict them illegally. They decide to fight to keep their apartment. Humor, violence, western, kung fu… in the middle of the holly season!
Et au pire, on se mariera
Et au pire, on se mariera, c’est l’histoire d’Aïcha, de ceux qui l’aiment, de cet amour qui dévore et qui détruit. Seule avec sa mère Isabelle, Aïcha ne pardonne pas à celle-ci d’avoir mis à la porte son beau-père algérien qu’elle adorait. Elle espère toujours qu’il reviendra la chercher. Lorsqu’elle rencontre Baz, un gars qui a le double de son âge, c’est le coup de foudre, le vrai, le fort, celui qui fait mal. Lui ne veut qu’aider cette jeune fille qui semble perdue mais elle désire bien plus de lui et elle est prête à tout pour l’obtenir. Suivre Aïcha, c’est entrer dans un labyrinthe pour s’y perdre autant qu’elle...
La Passion d'Augustine
Simone Beaulieu, devenue Mère Augustine, dirige avec succès un petit couvent sur le bord du Richelieu. Passionnée, résiliente, Mère Augustine met toute son énergie et son talent de musicienne au service de ses élèves. Lorsque sa nièce Alice lui est confiée, c’est non seulement une nouvelle pianiste prodige qui fait son entrée, mais aussi une jeune femme dont les aspirations sont au diapason de l’époque et qui rappelle à Mère Augustine un passé qu’elle avait cru mis de côté définitivement. L’école, malgré sa petite taille, est un joyau musical qui rafle tous les grands prix de piano. Les murs respirent la musique. Matin, midi et soir, du grand couloir à l’escalier principal, résonne un flot de gammes, d’arpèges, de valses de Chopin et d’inventions de Bach. Et, à défaut de prier, on chante!… Mais lorsque le gouvernement du Québec instaure un système d’éducation public au milieu des années soixante, l’avenir de Mère Augustine et de ses Sœurs est menacé.
La leçon de musique

La leçon de musique

Jan 01, 2021
Seb, mariachi musician by night and guitar teacher by day, is by all accounts, a failed artist. Like a ghost wandering through his own life, Seb follows outside expectations and comically drifts further away from his dream of becoming a songwriter.
Pas d’chicane dans ma cabane!
Seb, mariachi musician by night and guitar teacher by day, is by all accounts, a failed artist. Like a ghost wandering through his own life, Seb follows outside expectations and comically drifts further away from his dream of becoming a songwriter.
Pas d’chicane dans ma cabane!
Seb, mariachi musician by night and guitar teacher by day, is by all accounts, a failed artist. Like a ghost wandering through his own life, Seb follows outside expectations and comically drifts further away from his dream of becoming a songwriter.


Sep 11, 2021
Heart-broken following a break-up, Martine receives the unexpected visit of her mother, Monique. Too engrossed in her own sadness, Martine doesn’t notice right away that her mother is hiding something but, progressively, a bad feeling starts to take hold of her. During this short stay, these two very different women will have one last chance of getting closer to one another before they run out of time.
T'es pas game

T'es pas game

Aug 02, 2014
Heart-broken following a break-up, Martine receives the unexpected visit of her mother, Monique. Too engrossed in her own sadness, Martine doesn’t notice right away that her mother is hiding something but, progressively, a bad feeling starts to take hold of her. During this short stay, these two very different women will have one last chance of getting closer to one another before they run out of time.
Bail Bail

Bail Bail

Jul 26, 2024
As they are signing their new lease, two longtime roommates realize that their new landlord is going to evict them illegally. They decide to fight to keep their apartment. Humor, violence, western, kung fu… in the middle of the holly season!
Bail Bail

Bail Bail

Jul 26, 2024
As they are signing their new lease, two longtime roommates realize that their new landlord is going to evict them illegally. They decide to fight to keep their apartment. Humor, violence, western, kung fu… in the middle of the holly season!
Larguer les amarres

Larguer les amarres

Nov 08, 2016
Simon has to leave the island on which he lives to go to boarding school. One day he plays with his sister and finds a beached little wooden boat. Through his attempts to repair it he will accept, or not, to cast off.
Larguer les amarres

Larguer les amarres

Nov 08, 2016
Simon has to leave the island on which he lives to go to boarding school. One day he plays with his sister and finds a beached little wooden boat. Through his attempts to repair it he will accept, or not, to cast off.
Juste moi et toi

Juste moi et toi

Feb 11, 2019
Simon has to leave the island on which he lives to go to boarding school. One day he plays with his sister and finds a beached little wooden boat. Through his attempts to repair it he will accept, or not, to cast off.