John Hockenberry

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War Against the Weak

War Against the Weak

Jan 24, 2009
War Against the Weak is the untold story of American Eugenics, a movement that attempted to breed a Nordic master race through the elimination of the “unfit'. Based on the best selling book; "War against the weak : eugenics and America's campaign to create a master race" by Edwin Black.
Sexy Therapy

Sexy Therapy

May 16, 2014
A Brooklyn, Nathan Fisher, 35 ans, est un écrivain en panne d'inspiration. Lassée de le voir incapable d'achever son roman, sa petite-amie, femme ambitieuse sur le point d'éditer son premier livre, le quitte. Nathan apprend alors que son père est victime d'un accident cérébral, il décide de rendre visite à ses parents en Floride...
Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement
"Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement" questions commonly held beliefs about disability and normalcy by exploring technologies that promise to change our bodies and mind forever. Told primarily through the perspectives of five people with disabilities, a scientist, journalist, community organizer, bionics engineer and exoskeleton test pilot, FIXED takes a close look at the implications of emerging human enhancement technologies for the future of humanity.
Science Fiction