Mike Gray

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Jan 17, 2014
Alors que l'élection de la fille la plus populaire du lycée bat son plein, les candidates font l'impossible pour s'attirer les faveurs de Tanner, dont elles entendent faire leur Gay Best Friend, l'attribut indispensable pour être à la mode.


Aug 02, 1996
Alors qu'il est sur le point de communiquer au monde entier un procédé révolutionnaire libérant le potentiel énergétique de l'eau, le docteur Barkley est assassiné à Chicago par un mystérieux commando qui s'empare de sa machine et supprime toute trace de ses recherches en faisant sauter son laboratoire. Aperçu sur les lieux au moment de l'explosion, le jeune technicien Eddie Kasalivich est soupçonné du meurtre du docteur. Incapable de prouver son innocence, il choisit la fuite, entraînant avec lui sa jeune collègue.
Science Fiction
The Urban Crisis and the New Militants: Module 7 - Cicero March
For a generation of young activists, the reality of war, imperialism, racism and the growing fragility of democratic liberalism was too much to handle. Force became a means to wrestle with this tension. As the discourse of a “country torn” finds its way into mainstream political analyses (for many the deep divisions in this country are not a new political reality), we should reflect on the writings of political dissidents and radicals. We should recognize the diversity of political analysis that is very much alive. The histories of armed struggle, if taken seriously, provide us with a means to think more critically about the center, and complicate its claims of moral and political right.
Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Who Bombed Judi Bari?

Mar 02, 2012
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.
Sale temps pour un flic
Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney were falsely arrested for car-bombing themselves on May 24, 1990 while on an Earth First! musical organizing tour for Redwood Summer. They sued the FBI for violations of the First Amendment, claiming the FBI knew they were innocent but arrested them to try to silence them. Having survived the bomb but now stricken by cancer, Judi Bari, a leader of the movement to save California's old growth redwoods, gives her on-camera, deathbed testimony about the attempt on her life and her colorful organizing history with the radical environmental movement Earth First.
The Murder of Fred Hampton
Fred Hampton was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party. This film depicts his brutal murder by the Chicago police and its subsequent investigation, but also documents his activities in organizing the Chapter, his public speeches, and the programs he founded for children during the last eighteen months of his life.
The Murder of Fred Hampton
Fred Hampton was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party. This film depicts his brutal murder by the Chicago police and its subsequent investigation, but also documents his activities in organizing the Chapter, his public speeches, and the programs he founded for children during the last eighteen months of his life.
The Urban Crisis and the New Militants: Module 7 - Cicero March
For a generation of young activists, the reality of war, imperialism, racism and the growing fragility of democratic liberalism was too much to handle. Force became a means to wrestle with this tension. As the discourse of a “country torn” finds its way into mainstream political analyses (for many the deep divisions in this country are not a new political reality), we should reflect on the writings of political dissidents and radicals. We should recognize the diversity of political analysis that is very much alive. The histories of armed struggle, if taken seriously, provide us with a means to think more critically about the center, and complicate its claims of moral and political right.

May 23, 1994

Cette série raconte les aventures, au XXIVe siècle, du vaisseau USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), commandé par un capitaine d'origine française, Jean-Luc Picard, et de son équipage.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy