Jody McCrea

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Beach Blanket Bingo

Beach Blanket Bingo

Apr 14, 1965
Dans le quatrième des films à succès de Frankie et Annette sur la plage, un gang de motards dirigé par Eric Von Zipper kidnappe la star de la chanson Sugar Kane dirigée par Bullets, qui engage les surfeurs de parachutisme Steve et Bonnie de Big Drop pour un coup publicitaire. Avec le gang habituel d'enfants et une sirène nommée Lorelei.
Pajama Party

Pajama Party

Nov 11, 1964
Un adolescent martien envoyé pour préparer une invasion tombe amoureux d'une fille de la Terre.
Cry Blood Apache

Cry Blood Apache

Sep 01, 1970
Racontant l'histoire de sa jeunesse en flashback, un ancien prospecteur (Joel McCrea, avec des séquences de flashback mettant en vedette son fils Jody) explique son massacre brutal d'une tribu d'Indiens. La seule survivante (Marie Gahua) accepte de le conduire vers une mine d'or secrète.
La guerre des anges

La guerre des anges

Nov 22, 1967
Les Ames Noires, une bande de motards aux blousons de cuir au sinistre emblème de tête de mort, sillonnent les routes...
The Wrecking Crew

The Wrecking Crew

Mar 11, 2008
A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew." a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such legendary recording artists as Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, and Bing Crosby.
Major Dundee

Major Dundee

Mar 15, 1965
Durant les derniers mois de la guerre de Sécession, des Indiens Apaches commandés par Sierra Charriba, attaquent un poste de cavalerie du Nouveau-Mexique et massacrent ses occupants, puis se dirigent vers le Mexique en emmenant les enfants. Le Major Dundee, commandant du Fort Benlin, qui sert de camp d'internement pour les prisonniers sudistes, décide de rattraper et d'anéantir la bande de Charriba. Manquant d'hommes, il est contraint d'enrôler des volontaires de tous acabits ainsi que des Sudistes, dont le chef est Benjamin Tyreen. Les deux hommes se connaissent de longue date et se détestent.Tyreen accepte d'aider Dundee en assurant le commandement des Sudistes. Mais une fois la mission terminée, il tuera Dundee, tel est son serment. La petite troupe entre au Mexique. La tension augmente (présence de soldats noirs) et le commandement de Dundee est mis à rude épreuve...
Commando Bikini

Commando Bikini

Mar 26, 1963
Le film se déroule à bord d'un sous-marin américain dans le Pacifique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le commandant du sous-marin reçoit l'ordre d'arrêter une équipe de démolition sous-marine dirigée par le lieutenant Hayes, dont la mission est de localiser et de détruire un sous-marin américain dans un lagon au large de Bikini Atoll. système à bord.
The First Texan

The First Texan

Jun 29, 1956
After arriving in Texas to escape a scandal back east, lawyer Sam Houston just wants to hang out his shingle, keep a low profile, and stay out of any political intrigue. However, when President Jackson personally orders him to lead the fight for Texan independence, he overcomes his reluctance to become involved and leads his compatriots to a string of victories over the Mexican army.
Johnny Moccasin

Johnny Moccasin

Jun 06, 1956
Johnny Moccasin a white teenage boy is raised by an Indian tribe after his parents are killed in a wagon train massacre.
Furie sur le Nouveau Mexique
Ted, chef d'une bande de jeunes voyous, apprend que son père, le célèbre tireur Clint Mac Coy, est revenu dans sa ville natale, poursuivi par Dawson et ses tueurs. Or, Ted hait son père. Il lui en veut de l'avoir abandonné, lui et sa mère qu'il ne connaît d'ailleurs pas, mais à laquelle il voue un amour filial exclusif .....
Condamné à être pendu
Bill Stone est un notable d'une petite ville du Kansas, sur laquelle il exerce un pouvoir sans limites. Ses affaires prospèrent, jusqu'au jour où Peter, son fils, abat au cours d'un duel un homme dont il convoitait l'épouse. Le juge Rogers, par ailleurs ami de Bill, est désigné pour présider le tribunal chargé de prononcer la sentence. Mais alors que Stone est persuadé que l'affaire va pouvoir se régler grâce aux différents moyens de corruption dont il n'hésite pas à faire usage, il se heurte à un mur d'intégrité. En effet, Rogers n'est pas homme à se laisser acheter, et il est impitoyable vis-à-vis des duellistes...
Le Shérif félon

Le Shérif félon

Mar 31, 1962
Un cow-boy arrive dans une petite ville dirigée d'une main de fer par un shérif corrompu. Il s'implique avec une jolie jeune fille de la ville et des habitants qui tentent d'évincer le shérif, entraînant un vol, un meurtre et sa poursuite par un groupe vengeur.
Young Guns of Texas

Young Guns of Texas

Nov 30, 1962
A man searching for a stolen army payroll is joined by several men after the reward money. One of the pursuers, after killing a ranch foreman, elopes with the ranchers' daughter. Enraged at the shooting of his foreman and convinced that his daughter was kidnapped, the rancher leads a posse after his daughter. When Apaches attack the thieves and their pursuers, the rancher's posse is forced to side with his daughter's new husband and his friends.
Lady Street Fighter

Lady Street Fighter

Jan 01, 1977
Exotic Eastern European beauty, Linda Allen, flies in to Los Angeles to track down the evil mobsters who tortured and murdered her sister. Meanwhile, the mobsters are trying to find a tape with information that would be incriminating to them. Linda's investigation deals with a pimp who may be the murderer she is after, and a helpful FBI agent who may not be the crime hunter he pretends to be. Cunning and deadly she is, but will she be up to the tangled web of corruption, violence, and death she falls into?
Muscle Beach Party

Muscle Beach Party

Mar 25, 1964
Local beach-goers find that their beach has been taken over by a businessman training a stable of body builders.
Trooper Hook

Trooper Hook

Jul 12, 1957
When Apache chief Nanchez is captured by the cavalry, his white squaw and infant son are returned to civilization by Sergeant Hook, but Nanchez escapes custody and attempts to re-claim his son.
La Sanglante Embuscade
Un agent de la Wells Fargo enquête sur une série de cambriolages en prenant le poste de shérif adjoint dans une ville frontalière de l'Arizona.
Bikini Beach

Bikini Beach

Jul 22, 1964
A millionaire sets out to prove his theory that his pet chimpanzee is as intelligent as the teenagers who hang out on the local beach, where he is intending to build a retirement home.
Naked Gun

Naked Gun

Nov 01, 1956
Don Pablo Salazar steals a fortune in jewels from an Indian tribe and an Aztec medicine man puts a curse on the jewels until they are returned. Years later, an American insurance man promises to deliver the Salazar fortune to the rightful heir...
Force of Impulse

Force of Impulse

Nov 01, 1961
A high-school football player is in love with a beautiful blonde classmate from a very wealthy family. He doesn't have the money to take her out, so in his desperation he robs his own father's grocery store. Things go downhill from there.
Beach Party

Beach Party

Aug 07, 1963
Anthropology Professor Robert Orwell Sutwell and his secretary Marianne are studying the sex habits of teenagers. The surfing teens led by Frankie and Dee Dee don't have much sex but they sing, battle the motorcycle rats and mice led by Eric Von Zipper and dance to Dick Dale and the Del Tones.
November Children

November Children

Sep 20, 1972
After their candidates win control of a farming community in an election, fruit-pickers start getting harassed by the local law enforcement officials.
Sioux Nation

Sioux Nation

Jan 01, 1970
Joel McCrea stars in this unreleased Western from 1970.
Scream Free!

Scream Free!

Oct 15, 1969
A man flees with his girlfriend from a love-in and motorcycles to Mexico with drug smugglers.


Jan 01, 1967


Western set story of cowpoke Sam who spends the hottest Fourth of July in the history of Brewster County dealing with the problems and people of the area.
Un Jeu risqué

Un Jeu risqué

Jul 03, 1955
A Wichita, une petite ville du Texas, Wyatt Earp est engagé comme marshal pour mettre fin aux agissements de la bande de Wallace. Lorsqu'il interdit tout port d'armes en ville, il se heurte aux notables qui refusent cette injonction, et bientôt Earp doit faire face aux convoyeurs qui le défient en portant leurs armes.
Escadrille Lafayette

Escadrille Lafayette

Feb 28, 1958
Par rébellion contre son père, le jeune Thad Walker mène une vie dissolue, Un jour, il vole une voiture et renverse un cycliste. Pour échapper à la justice, il s'engage dans la Légion Étrangère et se retrouve dans l'Escadrille Lafayette sous les ordres d'un sergent instructeur autoritaire et borné, bien décidé à le mater. Giflé par le sergent, Thad l'assomme d'un coup de poing. Jeté en prison, ses camarades s'arrangent pour le faire évader. À Paris, Thad retrouve Renée Beaulieu, qui travaille comme hôtesse dans une maison close. Par amour, elle abandonne son métier pour celui, plus honorable, d'employée du métro. Malgré la barrière des langues et la nécessité pour Thad de rester dans la clandestinité, les deux jeunes gens vivent une période de bonheur relatif…
Studio One

Studio One

Sep 29, 1958
An American radio–television anthology series, created in 1947 by Canadian director Fletcher Markle, who came to CBS from the CBC. Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. The episodes were often abridged remakes of movies from years gone by and many future well-known television and movie actors appeared in the productions.
Guestward, Ho!

Guestward, Ho!

Sep 21, 1961
Guestward, Ho! is an American situation comedy which aired on the ABC network in the 1960-1961 television season, based on the 1956 book of the same title by Patrick Dennis, author of Auntie Mame.
Wichita Town

Wichita Town

Apr 06, 1960
Wichita Town is a half-hour western television series starring Joel McCrea, Jody McCrea, Carlos Romero, and George Neise that aired on NBC from September 30, 1959, until April 6, 1960. Joel McCrea played Marshal Mike Dunbar, in charge of keeping the peace the booming cowtown of Wichita, Kansas. His deputies were Ben Matheson, played by McCrea's real life son, Jody, and Rico Rodriquez, portrayed by Carlos Romero. Making occasional appearances were the town doctor, Nat Wyndham, the blacksmith, Aeneas MacLinahan, and the bartender in the local saloon, Joe Kingston, played in six episodes by Robert Foulk. The model for shows such as these had already been laid out by other western programs such as Gunsmoke, Lawman, and The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp, so Wichita Town may not have been unique in its plotting and structure. The two most unusual features about the series were the presence of Joel McCrea, a favorite of Western movie audiences for his performance in such films as Union Pacific, Buffalo Bill, and Ramrod, and the fact that his real life son was in Wichita Town, but did not play his son. Wichita Town was produced by Mirisch Company and Joel McCrea's Production company for Four Star Television and aired for a single season.
Vacation Playhouse

Vacation Playhouse

Aug 21, 1967
The concept of the series was the showing of unaired and unsold television pilots that did not make the television lineup for CBS. The show was successful during its first few seasons due to the fact that the show's concept, airing unsold and unaired television pilots, was a popular concept in the 1960s. But during its last two seasons on the air, the series did find some trouble due to the fact that the series were running out of pilots to air and, in their 4th season, they began airing repeats from the three seasons prior. During its 1966 summer run, the series aired eights new pilots and two repeats and during its last year airing five new pilots and four repeats.