Hubert Burton

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Nov 04, 2022
1953. Londres panse encore ses plaies après la seconde guerre mondiale. Mr. Williams, fonctionnaire chevronné, est un rouage impuissant dans le système administratif de la ville qui doit se reconstruire. Il mène une vie morne et sans intérêt, mais tout change lorsqu’on lui diagnostique une maladie grave qui l’oblige à faire le point sur son existence. Rejetant son quotidien banal et routinier, Mr. Williams va alors se dépasser et enfin vivre pleinement sa vie.
Into the Night

Into the Night

Dec 05, 2021
On Saturday 19 December 1981, the Penlee lifeboat ‘Solomon Browne’, was launched in hurricane conditions to go to the aid of the coaster ‘Union Star’ which was being swept towards the southern coast of Cornwall. What followed ranks not only with the greatest acts of courage in the history of the RNLI, but with any human achievement.
UKIP: The First 100 Days
UKIP: The First 100 Days is a 2015 mockumentary which was broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom on 16 February 2015, and in the run-up to the May 2015 general election. It tells the fictional story of how the country would be run if the UK Independence Party (UKIP), a Eurosceptic party, were to win the election and its leader Nigel Farage become Prime Minister. The programme is filmed in the style of a fly-on-the-wall documentary that follows UKIP's first female Asian MP as she struggles with the party's stance on immigration amid mounting public discontent with its hardline policies. The role of Deepa Kaur, who is elected to serve as MP for the Romford constituency, is played by Priyanga Burford.
Une Belle rencontre

Une Belle rencontre

Feb 19, 2017
Une équipe de tournage tente de réaliser un film afin de booster le moral des troupes durant le Blitz (bombardements subis par Londres durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale).
National Theatre Live: The Deep Blue Sea
A flat in Ladbroke Grove, West London. 1952. When Hester Collyer is found by her neighbours in the aftermath of a failed suicide attempt, the story of her tempestuous affair with a former RAF pilot and the breakdown of her marriage to a High Court judge begins to emerge. With it comes a portrait of need, loneliness and long-repressed passion. Behind the fragile veneer of post-war civility burns a brutal sense of loss and longing.
The Last Post

The Last Post

Nov 05, 2017
Aden, 1965. Une unité de l'armée britannique combat l'insurrection du Yémen au Moyen Orient.
The Outcast

The Outcast

Jul 19, 2015
Set in post-war Britain, ten year-old Lewis Aldridge is grief-stricken as he struggles to cope with the death of his beloved mother. Left under the care of his emotionally distant father Gilbert, whom he barely knows and who quickly remarries, Lewis is forced to bury his feelings.
Dans l'ombre des Tudors
1520. Si Henry VIII meurt sans héritier mâle, l'Angleterre pourrait voir son royaume détruit par la guerre civile. Thomas Cromwell, fils d'un forgeron brutal, est un génie politique, un corrupteur, un tyran et un charmeur. Dans son ascension au pouvoir, il a su briser tous les codes d'une société rigide et est prêt à continuer sur la voie de la destruction. S'opposant au Parlement, à l'ordre politique établi et à la papauté, il est prêt à remodeler l'Angleterre à sa manière et aux désirs de Henry VIII.