Amanda Ward

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Legion of the Dead

Legion of the Dead

Aug 09, 2005
When the mummified remains of an evil Egyptian queen are brought back to life, she resurrects an army of living dead to help fulfill the prophecy that promises her all the powers of the Underworld.
Van Helsing 2: Dracula contre les Vampires
Après avoir vaincu Dracula, Van Helsing se voit accorder l'immortalité par l'Eglise dans le but de poursuivre et d'éliminer les vampires de la surface de la Terre. Sa chasse le conduit à travers le temps, sur tous les continents pour mener une lutte sanglante contre des tueurs et une armée de démons dirigés par Sebastian, le Vampire qui a pris la seule femme que Van Helsing ait jamais aimé...


Jan 30, 2007
In a modern retelling of Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932), "Freakshow" tells the story of a group of criminals who chose to hide out by working security at a traveling circus. At first, they plot with an insider to steal the ticket sales, but the wily Lucy has bigger plans. She convinces the gang to let her seduce and marry the aging circus owner, Lon, in order to secure the entire circus fortune after he "suffers an accident". "People die all the time," Lucy says. The freaks are on to their scheme, however, and when the youngest of them is caught by the ruthless gang, they show no mercy to ensure her silence. When the circus folk find the child's remains, they swear vengeance, and no one is safe from their fury--least of all, the wily Lucy.
Chasing the White Dragon
Six small town characters are trapped in the nightmare of crystal methamphetamine addiction and each must make the decision to escape the nightmare before their world implodes.
The Box

The Box

Jan 01, 2007
A disgraced former LAPD detective leads a home invasion in search of millions in stolen money. The plan goes awry and homicide detectives seeking answers interrogate the only survivors; a thief and a victim.
Born Bad : un tueur né
Quand une jeune fille rebelle mais de bonne famille tombe amoureuse d'un vagabond et lui propose de venir loger chez elle, elle ne se doute pas qu'elle a ouvert sa porte à un psychopathe...
Celebrity Sex Tape

Celebrity Sex Tape

Feb 02, 2012
A group of college nerds secretly record a washed up celebrity having sex and post the tape on the internet. When the publicity revives the actress's career, every B-list celebrity, reality show reject, and celebutante in Hollywood want to star in the guys next "production."
King of the Lost World
Un avion de ligne s’écrase quelque part en Amazonie et se scinde en deux. Au milieu des débris, les survivants tentent de s’organiser en attendant les secours qui tardent à venir. Ils décident alors de retrouver l’autre moitié de l’avion, en pensant y trouver une radio émetteur. En chemin, certains indices laissent à penser qu’ils ne sont peut-être pas seuls dans la jungle. Les rescapés doivent bientôt composer avec un environnement plus hostile qu’il n’y paraît, un monde mystérieux peuplé d’animaux préhistoriques et d’une tribu sauvage.
Legend of the Sandsquatch
When her grandfather disappears in the desert, Sue (Hilary Schwartz) tries to determine where he was headed. But she soon learns he was secretly tracking a horrific desert beast -- the Sandsquatch -- determined to annihilate the monster that killed his friends. Now Sue joins forces with her buddy Garrett (Josh Cornell) and other pals to find her grandfather before the Sandsquatch does in this bloody spine-chiller.
Halloween Night

Halloween Night

Oct 24, 2006
A horribly burned man escapes from a mental institution and terrorizes teenagers at a party.
The Telling

The Telling

Apr 14, 2009
Dans ce film d'anthologie sur l'horreur, trois filles s'engagent dans la sororité la plus populaire - et la plus cruelle - du campus. Pour leur dernière mission, elles doivent raconter l'histoire la plus effrayante qu'elles connaissent. Ce film contient trois histoires distinctes : celle d'une poupée meurtrière, celle d'une actrice en fin de carrière et de sa rencontre avec une équipe de tournage composée de morts-vivants et, enfin, celle d'une chasse et d'une mise à mort.


Jul 23, 2007
A group of friends driving to Las Vegas to attend a Horror convention decide to stop at a roadside attraction promising the opportunity to find gold. After being told about the ghosts who haunt the Creek, they head into the woods to test their luck disbelieving what has been told. Soon the friends decide to leave, but their car is missing and the roadside attraction is permanently closed. The only thing left to do is venture back into the woods and search for their car or anyone that could help, but after one friend finds hidden gold the ghosts of the Creek begins to stalk the group out of vengeance.
Legend Has It

Legend Has It

Oct 31, 2009
A family of four was brutally slaughtered years in their farmhouse, and the killer was never caught. Now, a young film crew returns to find the bloody truth of the murders. Will they come out alive?
Alien Abduction

Alien Abduction

Jan 01, 2005
After being abducted by extraterrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government-run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed.