Chris Burden

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The Big Wheel

The Big Wheel

Jan 01, 1980
During the 1980 exhibition of Burden's monumental kinetic sculpture The Big Wheel at Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, Burden and Feldman were interviewed by art critic Willoughby Sharp. Burden articulates the process of creating The Big Wheel, a 6,000-pound, spinning cast-iron flywheel that is initially powered by a motorcycle, and discusses its relation to his earlier performance pieces and sculptural works. Addressing his motivations and the meaning of this potentially dangerous mechanical art object, Burden discusses such topics as the role of the artist in the industrial world, "personal insanity and mass insanity," and "man's propensity towards violence."
Velvet Water

Velvet Water

May 07, 1974
May 7th, 1974, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Chris Burden relentlessly dunks his head in a filled-up sink, trying to breath water.


Apr 16, 2016
Chris Burden s’est fait un nom dans les annales de l’histoire de l’art en réalisant des exploits physiques qui laisseront vos mains devant vos yeux. Il pousse les limites de son corps et de son esprit au non de l’art et non de la magie. Une fois, on lui a tiré dessus, puis on l’a électrocuté, enfermé dans un casier pendant cinq jours et crucifié à l’arrière d’une Volkswagen. Et ce n’est que le début de son évolution en tant qu’artiste. Burden a été amené à étendre ses curiosités artistiques en créant des installations et des sculptures, d’un volant auto-tournant, à une installation de lumière antique à l’énergie solaire à l’extérieur du LACMA à Los Angeles. Les réalisateurs plongent profondément dans la vie et le travail follement excentriques de Burden en montrant un mélange de ses performances des années 70, des vidéos personnelles, des enregistrements audio, des interviews franches, couplé à ses pensées compliquées documentées au fil des années.


Nov 19, 1971
November 19, 1971, F Space, Santa Ana, California: “At 7:45 p.m. I was shot in the left arm by a friend”.
Here Is Always Somewhere Else
The life and work of enigmatic Dutch/Californian conceptual artist Bas Jan Ader, who in 1975 disappeared under mysterious circumstances at sea in the smallest boat ever to cross the Atlantic. As seen through the eyes of fellow emigrant filmmaker René Daalder, the picture becomes a sweeping overview of contemporary art films as well as an epic saga of the transformative powers of the ocean.
The TV Commercials 1973–1977
The TV Commercials 1973–1977 (1973–77/2000) is a compilation of four video works—TV Ad (1973), Poem for L.A. (1975), Chris Burden Promo (1976), and Full Financial Disclosure (1977)— that were aired as purchased spots on television between 1973 and 1977. Burden notes: “During the early ’70s I conceived a way to break the omnipotent stranglehold of the airwaves that broadcast television had. The solution was to simply purchase commercial advertising time and have the stations play my tapes along with their other commercials.”
TV Movie
Big Wrench

Big Wrench

Aug 13, 1980
In this narrative performance for video, Burden tells the story of his relationship with a truck named "Big Job." To relate his autobiographical monologue, he sits deadpan before the camera with moving images of the truck behind him. Writes Burden, "During a six-month period, while the artist wrestles with the problem of owning an antique 16,000 lb. freight-truck, Big Job becomes a metaphor for personal insanity. I talk about the 'curse of Big Job,' my foiled plans to transform the truck into a rolling communications command post or a traveling museum, and my difficulty in getting rid of the rig. A true story."
Back to You

Back to You

Jan 01, 1974
Back to You is a piece that attempted to deal with my own myth, the myth of me as the aggressive artist, threatening audiences the evil-kin evil of the art world. The tape begins with the voice of Eliza Bear and the piece actually takes place inside a moving elevator. And around the elevator shaft there were several monitors placed, so that, what you see is exactly what the audience saw at the performance. "Chris Burden has requested a volunteer. Will a volunteer please step up" A volunteer had been selected to participate. The volunteer is being escorted to the elevator. A sign in the elevator is instructing the volunteer to stick push-pins into Chris Burden."
Velvet Water

Velvet Water

May 07, 1974
May 7th, 1974, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Chris Burden relentlessly dunks his head in a filled-up sink, trying to breath water.
The TV Commercials 1973–1977
The TV Commercials 1973–1977 (1973–77/2000) is a compilation of four video works—TV Ad (1973), Poem for L.A. (1975), Chris Burden Promo (1976), and Full Financial Disclosure (1977)— that were aired as purchased spots on television between 1973 and 1977. Burden notes: “During the early ’70s I conceived a way to break the omnipotent stranglehold of the airwaves that broadcast television had. The solution was to simply purchase commercial advertising time and have the stations play my tapes along with their other commercials.”
TV Movie
The TV Commercials 1973–1977
The TV Commercials 1973–1977 (1973–77/2000) is a compilation of four video works—TV Ad (1973), Poem for L.A. (1975), Chris Burden Promo (1976), and Full Financial Disclosure (1977)— that were aired as purchased spots on television between 1973 and 1977. Burden notes: “During the early ’70s I conceived a way to break the omnipotent stranglehold of the airwaves that broadcast television had. The solution was to simply purchase commercial advertising time and have the stations play my tapes along with their other commercials.”
TV Movie