Robair Sims

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Mega Shark vs. Kolossus
L'humanité est menacée d'anéantissement quand un requin géant et son rival `Kolossus' sont accidentellement réveillés. Un combat de titans aura alors lieu et l'humanité toute entière est à leur merci.
Cross Wars

Cross Wars

Feb 11, 2017
Cross, aidé par son équipe d’experts en armes, Riot, War, Shark, Lucia, Ranger, Saint, Blackfire et Nuke vont devoir livrer le plus grand combat de leur vie, contre Gunnar, un viking de mille ans, maudit de vivre pour toujours. L’équipe doit l’arrêter avant qu’il mette fin à l’humanité…


Jan 24, 1994
A brilliant, wheelchair-bound scientist invents a form of exo-skeleton called the Mechanically Augmented Neuro Transmitter Interception System (M.A.N.T.I.S.) that turns him into a superhero and gives him the ability to fight the crime wave that is engulfing his city.
Science Fiction


Aug 19, 2014
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.


Aug 19, 2014
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.
Fast & Furious 4

Fast & Furious 4

Apr 02, 2009
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.
The Underground

The Underground

Oct 28, 1997
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.


Jul 04, 1996
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.
Barbershop 2

Barbershop 2

Jan 20, 2004
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.
Bad Boys

Bad Boys

Apr 07, 1995
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.


May 06, 2005
After his wife is murdered, Innis decides to take the law into his own hands. But as he comes closer to catching the man that killed his wife, Innis discovers the dark side of justice and finds the will to never look back.
My Suicide

My Suicide

Sep 23, 2011
After declaring that he's going to film himself committing suicide for a school project, Archie videotapes his surprising interactions with worried family members, interested classmates, unreliable medical experts and the hottest girl in school.
N.W.A : Straight Outta Compton
After declaring that he's going to film himself committing suicide for a school project, Archie videotapes his surprising interactions with worried family members, interested classmates, unreliable medical experts and the hottest girl in school.
Wild Wild West

Wild Wild West

Jun 30, 1999
After declaring that he's going to film himself committing suicide for a school project, Archie videotapes his surprising interactions with worried family members, interested classmates, unreliable medical experts and the hottest girl in school.
Baby Boy

Baby Boy

Jun 27, 2001
After declaring that he's going to film himself committing suicide for a school project, Archie videotapes his surprising interactions with worried family members, interested classmates, unreliable medical experts and the hottest girl in school.
Personnel et confidentiel
After declaring that he's going to film himself committing suicide for a school project, Archie videotapes his surprising interactions with worried family members, interested classmates, unreliable medical experts and the hottest girl in school.
Last Stop

Last Stop

Jul 01, 2016
After his son is murdered and the law is of no assistance, a father hires a contract killer to avenge his son, but as dark secrets from the past return, no one can be trusted, and the body count rises.
InAPPropriate Comedy

InAPPropriate Comedy

Mar 22, 2013
After his son is murdered and the law is of no assistance, a father hires a contract killer to avenge his son, but as dark secrets from the past return, no one can be trusted, and the body count rises.
Too Old to Die Young

Too Old to Die Young

Jun 10, 2019
Suite à une nuit tragique, la vie de Martin Jones, agent du bureau du Shérif de Los Angeles, vole en éclat. Contraint de prendre part aux activités de dangereux membres du Cartel, d'assassins mafieux et de mystérieux justiciers, et rattrapé par ses péchés du passé, il se perd rapidement dans une odyssée de meurtres surréaliste mêlant mysticisme et vengeance.
Too Old to Die Young

Too Old to Die Young

Aug 14, 2022
À Westworld, un parc d'attractions dernier cri, les visiteurs paient des fortunes pour revivre le frisson de la conquête de l'Ouest. Dolores, Teddy et bien d'autres sont des androïdes à apparence humaine créés pour donner l'illusion et offrir du dépaysement aux clients. Pour ces derniers, Westworld est l'occasion de laisser libre-cours à ses fantasmes. Cet univers bien huilé est mis en péril lorsqu'à la suite d'une mise à jour, quelques robots commencent à adopter des comportements imprévisibles, voire erratiques. En coulisses, l'équipe, qui tire les ficelles de ce monde alternatif, s'inquiète de ces incidents de plus en plus nombreux. Les enjeux du programme Westworld étant énormes, la Direction ne peut se permettre une mauvaise publicité qui ferait fuir ses clients. Que se passe-t-il réellement avec les androïdes ré-encodés ?
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Too Old to Die Young

Too Old to Die Young

May 18, 2002
Vallery Irons, une femme qui a sauvé accidentellement une célébrité, est embauchée par une véritable agence de gardes du corps comme une célèbre figure de proue, alors que ce sont les autres membres de l'agence qui travaillent à résoudre les cas. Ironie du sort, son manque de compétences d'enquêtrice finira par vaincre les antagonistes dans chaque épisode. Les autres membres de l'équipe sont un panel de personnes issues de milieux fort différents : un ancien membre du KGB, CIA, FBI, une spécialiste en informatique, un maître en karaté, un ancien policier et un ancien boxeur de rue.
Action & Adventure
Too Old to Die Young

Too Old to Die Young

May 21, 1992
Travaillant pour la fondation Phoenix, MacGyver est appelé à l'aide dès qu'une situation périlleuse l'exige. Adepte de la non-violence, il n'utilise que son intelligence, sa malice et son couteau suisse pour venir à bout de complots, attentats et autres sinistres projets.